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Bhagavad-gita As It Is Introduction

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Bhagavad-gita As It Is Introduction


The Last thing said was,"When Lord Krsna delineates the yoga system

to Arjuna, Arjuna says that the practice of this system is not

possible for him."


Introduction Pt 2

arjuna uvaca

yo `yam yogas tvaya proktah samyena madhusudana etasyaham na pasyami

cancalatvat sthitim sthiram


"Arjuna said, 0 Madhusudana, the system of yoga which you have

summarized appears impractical and unendurable to me, for the mind is

restless and unsteady." (Bg. 6.33)

But the Lord says:


yoginam api sarvesam mad -gatenantaratmana

sraddhavan bhajate yo mam sa me yuktatamo matah



"Of all yogis, he who always abides in Me with great faith,

worshiping Me in transcendental loving service, is most intimately

united with Me in yoga, and is the highest of all." (Bg. 6.47) So one

who thinks of the Supreme Lord always is the greatest yogi the

supermost jnani and the greatest devotee at the same time. The Lord

further tells Arjuna that as a ksatriya he cannot give up his

fighting, but if Arjuna fights remembering Krsna then he will he able

to remember Him at the time of death. But one must he completely

surrendered in the transcendental loving service of the Lord.

We work not with our body, actually, but with our mind and intelli­

gence. So if the intelligence and the mind are always engaged in the

thought of the Supreme Lord, then naturally the senses are also

engaged in His service. Superficially, at least, the activities of

the senses remain the same, but the consciousness is changed. The

Bhagavad-gita teaches one how to absorb the mind and intelligence in

the thought of the Lord. Such absorp­tion will enable one to transfer

himself to the kingdom of the Lord. If the mind is engaged in Krsna`s

service, then the senses are automatically engaged in His service.

This is the art, and this is also the secret of Bhagavad-gita total

absorption in the thought of Sri Krsna.

Modern man has struggled very hard to reach the moon, but he has not

tried very hard to elevate himself spiritually. If one has fifty

years of life ahead of him, he should engage that brief time in

cultivating this practice of remembering the Supreme Personality of

Godhead. This practice is the devotional process of:

sravanam kirtanam visnoh smaranam pada-sevanam

arcanam vandanam dasyam sakh yam atma-nivedanam


These nine processes, of which the easiest is sravanam, hearing

Bhagavad­gita from the realized person, will turn one to the thought

of the Supreme Being. This will lead to niscala, remembering the

Supreme Lord, and will enable one, upon leaving the body, to attain a

spiritual body which is just fit for association with the Supreme


The Lord further says:


abh yasa-yoga-yuktena cetasa nanya-gamina

paramam purusam divyam yati parthanucintayan


"By practicing this remembering, without being deviated, thinking

ever of the Supreme Godhead, one is sure to achieve the planet of the

Divine, the Supreme Personality, 0 son of Kunti." (Bg. 8.8)



This is not a very difficult process. However, one must learn it from

an experienced person, from one who is already in the practice. The

mind is always flying to this and that, but one must always practice

concentrating the mind on the form of the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna or

on the sound of His name. The mind is naturally restless, going

hither and thither, but it can rest in the sound vibration of Krsna.

One must thus meditate on paramam purusam, the Supreme Person, and

thus attain Him. The ways and the means for ultimate realization,

ultimate attainment, are stated in the Bhagavad-gita, and the doors

of this knowledge are open for everyone. No one is barred out. All

classes of men can approach the Lord by thinking of Him, for hearing

and thinking of Him is possible for everyone.


HARE KRSNA,SO we are hearing this ,from the Most Experianced ,And

Pure, Devotee of The Lord,Srila Prabhupada! All Glories to His Divine

Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada,Who Has Writen These Words!


To find out More of how This Krsna Consciousness Movement Started

Please look at Krsna Consciousness The Matchless Gift




Please Write, Your Servant ,Jaya Kesava Dasa





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