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"Post 5432


>Why Krishna arranged brutal killing of Kamnsa, Jarasandha, 101

Kauravas, Karan, jayadratha,Dronacharya and million others."


One thing we must remember is that whosoever confronted KRISHNA just before

their death, whether on the battlefield of Kurukshetra or elsewhere, was

immediately given salvation by becoming one with Him. But we have no such power

or authority to give immediate salvation to others. Therefore please let us not

justify our actions taking shelter under Krishna's doings (Lilas). Krishna Lilas

and our actions are totally different and there is no parallel between the two.

This idea of last thought just before death is also confirmed by the Lord in the

Gita, that it is the last thought of the person that determines his or her next

birth. If we have Krishna in the mind before death we are sure to go back to

Him, but to achieve this goal we have to practice to think of Krishna Lilas and

recite the name of the Lord for the remainder of our life time.


To fight evil with violence is only one of the means but there may be other ways

to fight the menace. In the spiritual Sadhana violence has no place either by

body, speech, or mind.


Here I like to interject another topic related to violence. At the time of the

last Muslim Id, someone posted a message justifying the bleeding of animals to

death by slitting their throat and this was allowed to circulate among the

members. It was unfortunate that such a posting should be allowed to appear in

this group because any form of violence goes against the practice of spiritual

Sadhana. I request the moderators that they make sure that such postings are not

allowed to appear in this group.


Coming to the topic of charity, there are a thousand and one charities out there

and one has the freedom to donate to those of one's choice. If one feels that a

certain cause does not conform to one's ideals or one feels uncomfortable

donating, one has the freedom of choice. At the Vaivharic level i.e. day to day

transactions we do what we have to do so long as we make a gradual progress

towards our spiritual objectives by purifying our actions and thoughts and do

not lose sight of the goal. Eventually we have to try to see God in every thing

and being. Salvation or the freedom from the cycles of birth and death is the

ultimate goal of any spiritual Sadhana.


Hari Om




Know the Lord to be the only real thing in the midst of things unreal. Remember

God.Take His name always. Meditate upon Him. Feel His presence everywhere.

Surrender yourself to Him. He will bless you with peace, bliss, plenty,

prosperity and immortality. ----Swami Sivananda


Please visit our Website on Vedanta: http://www.geocities.com/radhakutir


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Wow it is such a lively group. I have read some of the last posts

and tried to find out the subject of discussion.


Please allow me to participate in the discussion by presenting my

views, which may not be quite upto the mark but still relevant.


First of all I am thankful to member Sardarajitsigh ji for asking

such question which would give immense delight to any as his

questions have given us a chance to express our views on certain

subjects which were perhaps earlier not looked into. Please accept

my humble Pranama Ajit singh ji.


Now I will try to give my views to your questions


===> Dowry deaths : It is certainly a bad mark on Indian community

but blaming Hindusim for dowry related crimes is not right. If you

look at the last crime figures of Indian Police, you will find equal

percentage of Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims and even christians were

involved in dowery cases. In south of India these type of cases are

not heard. Dowry problem is not a problem of Hinduism, but of

Northern and Western India. It is a social evil and we must join

together to eradicate this.


===> Untouchability: Again this is a social evil, not a problem of

Hindu religion. The main and authenticated books on which Hinduism

(Sanatan Dharma) is based are Vedas, Upanishdas and finally Geeta

which is a condensed version of Vedas and Upanishdas. There are

thousands of other books, puranas, smiritis etc. But they do not

necessarily present the views of Sanatan Dharma. Caste system is

depicted in Manu-smiriti, a sort of verbal rememberance by Manu, the

Man who started new civilisation after Pralaya (by water). Now

thousands of years ago, one person re-arranged the society purely on

his memories from the last culture, may be faulty. Hinduism has

nothing to do with it, as none of the vedas, upanishdas mention a

word about caste system. Bhagwan Shri Krishna, in Gita has rejected

Caste system. This social evil must be eradicated but Sanatam Dharma

should not be blamed for it. It is like blaming all muslims for 9/11.


===> Sati Prathha: This also has no mention in Vedas and

Upanishadas. But from the time of Rama till date we find some cases

of women dying on the pyre of dead husband. Today it has a legal ban

in India and still sanatam Dharma, which is very old and has been

tainted black by these type of social evils, should not really be

blamed for this.


Women in general have high respect in Sanatan Dharma, and they

are treated as a shadow of Adi-Shakthi. In Tantra women are said to

have extra powers over men( As per Tantra women possess extra half

kalaa called Matri-kalaa which men dont possess). The main cause of

two great wars (Ram-Ravana & Mahabharata) were only to save the

dignity of the women.


===> Charity : charity is an inseparable part of Hinduism. side by

side Hinduism tells us to be brave and not to hestitate to destroy

any negativity, coming in any form to us.


==>Religious & spiritual: Yes they are two different terms. It is

not necessary that every religious person is a spiritual person too.

A spiritual person is the one who lives in spirit not in body. A

spiritual person may not even believe in any religion. A religious

person is no doubt a little lower than a spiritual person, though he

may claim to be higher.



(to continue)

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Dear dr_nachiketa,


On behalf of the other moderators of this club, I extend a very warm

welcome to you. Thank you for sharing your enlightening views with

us. I pray that you continue to throw light on all the topics that we

are discussing. Looking forward to hearing more from you.


Thank you,

Hari Aum !!!

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