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"manisha" <bhangra_rapper

"SRI RADHA KUTIR" <radhaktr

13 November, 2003 5:21 PM




> shri radha kutirji


> Thank you so much for forwarding my post on "mumukshu" tattwa. That was kind

of you!


> radhakutirji, i am visiting india on dec 3rd and may go to sivananda ashram in



> could you post this on my behalf! for some reason, my messages are not geyying



> __________________________




> Dear dr.nachiketa , You state All women have the energy of Ad-shakti. This

additional energy is given to a woman (rather all females), to mother the

future. Even if some women misuse(?) those energies, they remain shaktis. Yes,

this is true of many women they misuse their "shakthi" in whatever way they can

but as you rightly said , they are still "shaktis" - even the great mother

goddess has both "gora" and "sowmya" rupas . In her "sowmya" rupa, she is a boon

giver - vara dayini ! in her gora rupa, she is also a "disciplinarian"!

dr.nachketa , you conclude your post with these powerful words ... nother thing

if we start looking at all women like Shakti, Mother Durga will show us the

love hidden behind all faces and we will be able to see the eternal energy

working through them.Dr.,nachiketa - i would like to share with you a story from

caitanya caritamrita ...Here is a nice story from Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita.

After leaving his home, Haridasa Thakura stayed for some time

> in the forest of Benapola. Haridasa Thakura constructed a cottage in a

solitary forest. There he planted a tulasi plant, and in front of the tulasi he

would chant the holy name of the Lord 300,000 times daily. He chanted throughout

the entire day and night. For his bodily maintenance he would go to a brahmana's

house and beg some food. He was spiritually so influential that all the

neighboring people worshiped him. A landholder named Ramachandra Khan was the

zamindar of that district. He was envious of Vaisnavas and was therefore a great

atheist. Unable to tolerate that such respect was being offered to Haridasa

Thakura, Ramachandra Khan planned in various ways to dishonor him. By no means

could he find any fault in the character of Haridasa Thakura. Therefore he

called for local prostitutes and began a plan to discredit His Holiness.

Ramachandra Khan said to the prostitutes, "There is a mendicant named Haridasa

Thakura. All of you devise a way to deviate him from his vows of

> austerity." Among the prostitutes, one attractive young girl was selected."I

shall attract the mind of Haridasa Thakura," she promised, "within three days."

Ramachandra Khan said to the prostitute,"My constable will go with you so that

as soon as he sees you with Haridasa Thakura, immediately he will arrest him and

bring both of you to me." The prostitute replied,"First let me have union with

him once; then the second time I shall take your constable with me to arrest

him." At night the prostitute, after dressing herself most attractively, went to

the cottage of Haridasa Thakura with great jubilation. After offering obeisances

to the tulasi plant, she went to the door of Haridasa Thakura, offered him

obeisances and stood there. Exposing part of her body to his view, she sat down

on the threshold of the door and spoke to him in very sweet words. "My dear

Thakura, O great preacher, great devotee, you are so beautifully built, and your

youth is just beginning. Who is the woman who

> could control her mind after seeing you? I am eager to be united with you. My

mind is greedy for this. If I don't obtain you, I shall not be able to keep my

body and soul together." Haridasa Thakura replied,"I shall accept you without

fall, but you will have to wait until I have finished chanting my regular rounds

on my beads. Until that time, please sit and listen to the chanting of the holy

name. As soon as I am finished, I shall fulfill your desire." Hearing this, the

prostitute remained sitting there while Haridasa Thakura chanted on his beads

until the light of morning appeared. When she saw that it was morning, the

prostitute stood up and left. Coming before Ramachandra Khan, she informed him

of all the news. "Today Haridasa Thakura has promised to enjoy with me. Tomorrow

certainly I shall have union with him." The next night, when the prostitute came

again, Haridasa Thakura gave her many assurances. "Last night you were

disappointed. Please excuse my offense. I shall

> certainly accept you. Please sit down and hear the chanting of the Hare Krsna

maha-mantra until my regular chanting is finished. Then your desire will surely

be fulfilled." After offering her obeisances to the tulasi plant and Haridasa

Thakura, she sat down at the door. Hearing Haridasa Thakura chanting the Hare

Krsna mantra, she also chanted,"O my Lord Hari, O my Lord Hari." When the night

came to an end, the prostitute was restless. Seeing this, Haridasa Thakura spoke

to her as follows. "I have vowed to chant ten million names in a month. I have

taken this vow, but now it is nearing its end. I thought that today I would be

able to finish my performance of yajna, my chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra. I

tried my best to chant the holy name all night, but I still did not finish.

Tomorrow I will surely finish, and my vow will be fulfilled. Then it will be

possible for me to enjoy with you in full freedom." The prostitute returned to

Ramachandra Khan and informed him of what had

> happened. The next day she came earlier, at the beginning of the evening, and

stayed with Haridasa Thakura. After offering obeisances to the tulasi plant and

Haridasa Thakura, she sat down on the threshold of the room. Thus she began to

hear Haridasa Thakura's chanting, and she also personally chanted "Hari, Hari,"

the holy name of the Lord. "Today it will be possible for me to finish my

chanting," Haridasa Thakura informed her. "Then I shall satisfy all your

desires." The night ended while Haridasa Thakura was chanting, but by his

association the mind of the prostitute had changed. The prostitute, now

purified, fell at the lotus feet of Haridasa Thakura and confessed that

Ramachandra Khan had appointed her to pollute him. "Because I have taken the

profession of a prostitute," she said, "I have performed unlimited sinful acts.

My lord, be merciful to me. Deliver my fallen soul." Haridasa Thakura replied,

"I know everything about the conspiracy of Ramachandra Khan. He is nothing but

> an ignorant fool. Therefore his activities do not make me feel unhappy. On

the very day Ramachandra Khan was planning his intrigue against me, I would have

left this place immediately, but because you came to me I stayed here for three

days to deliver you." The prostitute said, "Kindly act as my spiritual master.

Instruct me in my duty by which to get relief from material existence." Haridasa

Thakura replied, "Immediately go home and distribute to the brahmanas whatever

property you have. Then come back to this room and stay here forever in Krsna

consciousness. Chant the Hare Krsna mantra continuously and render service to

the tulasi plant by watering her and offering prayers to her. In this way you

will very soon get the opportunity to be sheltered at the lotus feet of Krsna."

After thus instructing the prostitute about the process of chanting the Hare

Krsna mantra, Haridasa Thakura stood up and left, continuously chanting "Hari,

Hari." Thereafter, the prostitute distributed to the

> brahmanas whatever household possessions she had, following the order of her

spiritual master. The prostitute shaved her head clean in accordance with

Vaisnava principles and stayed in that room wearing only one cloth. Following in

the footsteps of her spiritual master, she began chanting the Hare Krsna

maha-mantra 300,000 times a day. She chanted throughout the entire day and

night. She worshiped the tulasi plant, following in the footsteps of her

spiritual master. Instead of eating regularly, she chewed whatever food she

received as alms, and if nothing was supplied she would fast. Thus by eating

frugally and fasting she conquered her senses, and as soon as her senses were

controlled, symptoms of love of Godhead appeared in her person. Thus the

prostitute became a celebrated devotee. She became very advanced in spiritual

life, and many stalwart Vaisnavas would come to see her. Seeing the sublime

character of the prostitute, everyone was astonished. Everyone glorified the


> of Haridasa Thakura and offered him obeisances. from the iskcon archives The

moral of the story is when one is in satsangathi (in the company of a true

devotee of the lord) , even a prostitute gets transformed and becomes a devotee

! also, when a sandalwood tree is cut by an axe, the axe also gets the fragrance

of the sandalwood!




> namashkar!









> D

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SRI RADHA KUTIR <radhaktr wrote:

> I am not aware of the story you are referring to, May be you would like to

narrate it to the group.


> Thanks,

> Hari Om

> radhakutir


> -

> "bhangra_rapper"

> To:

> 12 November, 2003 4:47 PM

> hello!



> > good point on sattwic food

> >

> > but what about the story of kannappa nayanar ?

> >

> > love

> >




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