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To Whomsoever it may concern,


There are an inherent assumptions here,

1) A pre-conception regarding death.

2) No belief in rebirth


Reg death, why is it that people always think, the worst thing that can happen

is physical death.

Isnt death so much over-rated thing associated with misery.

Would you roll over the floor crying whole of your life, your clothes get torn.

you wud just change other. Whats the big deal.


If someone want logical explainations to GOD and things in nature, then the

logical explaination is "wud u care for the thoudands of microbes dying every


There is no point in posing on so-called-humanity. It should come from heart.


By far many people would agree, that once in their life-time they would have

felt in a position, where they wud hv preferred physical death. Which implies,

physical death is not all that miserable. Of Course, I am not propogating

suiscide. :) But what i mean to say is valuing quantity of physical life so much

if not acceptable.


I do not mean to say that people's lives are cheap. But hard bitter truth is

that, many people want GOD to be there cos, they want to pass the buck, to place

a blame on, when anything goes wrong.

But same people who achieve things(atleast think they have achieved) will say

its all my own effort.


Actions are effortless, arent they :)


Everything in all of the worlds, including GOD, or rather the perception of his

existance/non-existance, is fine.


Things are the way it is, because they are supposed to be the way they are.

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The whole concept of God, His kindness and his charity, as viewed by

the athiests like the writer, is totally faulty.


God's cruelty or kindness cant be judged or measured by physical

facts. Death etc. may seem to be painful and gruesome to our

physical being, but if they are necessary for bigger episode, then

Nature does not hestitate to inflict pains.


And where it is written that Bhaktas and Gyanis do not die ?

Death, old age sufferings and pains are integral part of human life .

Each soul has to pass through long loops of experiences of

pains,sufferings,deaths,births etc. before entering the realms of



God is Himself undergoing pains and pleasures, ups and downs, tears

and joys through us. If we are in pain it is his pain too.


But some people will not understand this. But GOD is kind to them

too and will take them to truth one day



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