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Jai Sri Sri RadhaKrsna

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Dear Members,please Accept my Humble Obiesances!Hare Krsna!

I have been a Member of this group,Quite awhile,about 2-3 years!Thank you for

this very nice place where Everyone can voice thier Spiritual Paths,Back

home,Back to God,I will Call Him Krsna,or Radha Krsna,But God has Unlimited

Names!As a Fact,God has Unlimited Qualities!His Pastimes are Unlimited,His Paths

are unlimited,As well as His forms and Names! But I think We all Aggree,There is

Just One God,At Least I feel that we all aggree to that!

Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu,Has Said,"To Preach This Hari Nam,We must consider

oursealves ,lower than a Blade of Grass!More

Tolerant than a Tree".I am Trying to do this,And When I dont,I humblely Ask for


I was called a Child,that was nice,and it was said,Those Krsna Devotees Just

Blow thier Horns,and dont contribute ,to this discussion!I myself am always

trying to contribute!There is a misunderstanding in so called Blowing our horns!

I was Taught by my Gurudeava,And Diksa Gurudeava,To deliever this Message of

Chanting Hare Krsna,Hare Krsna,Krsna Krsna,Hare Hare,Hare Rama Hare Rama ,Rama

Rama ,Hare Hare,And Repeating the Pastimes of our Dear Krsna,By the Scrptures

of Srimad Bhagavad Gita,And Srimad Bhagavatam,in a certain way,so it is not

changed,or misunderstood!I was Taught,I should be Just Like a Postman,And

Deliever this Message,Unchanged,Then our Spiritual Life will be successfull!

That is Why I used to send Gita Posts,From the Bhagavad Gita As it is,Without my

own commentery,But with the Purports of My dear Srila

Prabhupada,unchanged,So mabey I could touch Someone's Heart Here,Not just to

Blow My Horn,But to Help the Souls,Searching For Krsna,And Give them a Taste for

the Purity of my Gurudeava's Words!Please Dont misunderstand,That I am Cutting

and Pasting Because it is easy,NO,I am Trying to Give this Message Purely,By

putting My Gurus Words Here,That they may touch Some Members Heart!

Now i was Given this Servace,of Putting Srila Prabhupada's Words on the

Board,By the Great Power of the Internet!I will Not Post His Long Morning

Classes,on the Srimad Bhagavatam,But will Put the Link in of the Page that they

are on,So if Just One Person will go there and Listen,My Heart will be

satisfied,and my Life will be successfull! WE all Know the Shloka in the

Bhagavad Gita,Where Krsna Says,Out of Many Persons,only one may Understand

Him.and Out of Many who Understand Him,Only one may come to Him!I am not saying

the quote Perfectly,But just trying to Explain What Sri Krsna said!Please try to

understand me!Yesterdays Srimad Bhagavatams Class is on this Address ,

http://www.prabhupadavani.org/Bhagavatam/text/007.html If anyone wants to

Listen,And Please Understand That,I am Just Trying to Help the Souls in this Age

of Kali,The Best I can,And I mean No disrespect to anyone,Only Respect For

Everyone who is Elevated to be here,Your Humble Servant,Jaya Kesava Dasa ,and

Please Know this is my inisiated Name,I only Use Krsnajoe as a internet sign-on

Name! Jai Radhe Jai Krsna--Hari Hari Bol












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