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liberal thoughts and objective analisys

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yes , you are right this is the main difference between Vedanta philosophy based

religion and the other book based religions , also some athiests like ......eg:

a soviet astronought (after returning to earth from a space mission)who at a

press conference declared that there is no GOD because he did not see him when

he was up there(space).


Angie <oiokasti wrote:


Hello momooin

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Hi Aditya!


Its really funny that the astronaut made such a claim. I wonder what

made him expect to see god in space, I guess he was disappointed. :)


So that must be the main difference between Vedanta and religion? Its

true. Take the christian religion with its well known saying:

"believe and dont research"!


How should one understand that? ;)


PS: Many would claim that the hinduistic aproach is different, because

hinduism is more of a philosophy than a religion. Do you agree?

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-I bow to the divinity in you all,

Unfortunatly, many followers of the christian faith have over the

centuries, made a bad name for it. In order to delude the minds of

the people, the preachers tell them this is how it is, no if, ands or

buts. Also at the same time the scriptures have lost a lot of their

meaning through translation from Aramaic, to Greek, to Latin. Two

qoutes that will discredit the "believe and dont research" theory

that christians (especially here in the west) preach are, 1. Be still

and know that "I AM"(which is the pure I am conciousness) and

2. "God" told abraham, " Know thyself". Hmmm,I wonder where these

preachers got the idea that they could say "dont research". As far as

Hinduism being more of a philosophy than a religion; whether you call

it religion or philosophy, its a way or idea one chooses to grasp and

live life. Or an attempt of the mind to express the unexpressable.

Just like different cultures cook, dress, etc differently, they all

have their own way of trying to explore lifes deeper existence.

Bless you all and thank you for your time


-- In , "Angie" <oiokasti@h...> wrote:

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Yes prists of all religions have encoureged this herd mentality to enhance their

grip on society

any way 90% of the people do not like to utalize there intelectual capacity and

like a religion that says it knows the exact straight smooth easy path to

GOD(How nice it would be if it were a reality!!!)

All organized religions give an idea that their religion is the ultimate truth.

My take is religion is just a set of tools/Path that enable you to reach god

realization.GOD being the ultimate goal not the religion(path) to which he was


In this respect Hinduism(a collection of faiths) excels as it encourages people

to take what ever path that suites the indivisual seeker and does not impose.

This universal consiousness is what we reffer to as GOD.

"(Be still and know that "I AM")" What a wonderfull sentence it tell

in a phrase what all the yogas(paths in Hinduism) try to get at in the end.


icapoi <icapoi wrote:


-I bow to the divinity in you all,

Unfortunatly, many followers of the christian faith have over the

centuries, made a bad name for it. In order to delude the minds of

the people, the preachers tell them this is how it is, no if, ands or


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Hello Aditya Mukherjee,


In your posting you lucidly expressed 3 very strong truths that we are

not often aware of and I would like to comment on them. These truths

by your own words are:


1. > any way 90% of the people do not like to utalize there

intelectual capacity


How sad but also how true, when it comes to religion people blindly

accept anything society has to offer them without questioning it or

trying to understand it. That is because people are afraid of the

public opinion and prefer to be just like anyone else, for fear they

will become an outcast.


This attitude does not lead anywhere and prevents us from researching

our own truth and path in the spiritual development. Only when the

need to research into the mysteries of our universe becomes greater

and more intense than the fear I illustrated above, only then starts

the spiritual adventure.


Another reason why people do not use their intellectual abilities is

because they have been brought up in a way that makes them believe

they are unable to even try to understand something that even the

greatest minds of earth could not perceive. But truths are as many as

people are, and paths as well. Solely the belief in the existence of

God or of a higher energy, should make us think that we are creatures

with tremendous potential in all ways, intellectual, emotional,

worldly, spiritual and as children of God we have every right to

believe in ourself. Every person has the potential of perfection and

we should strive to discover the truths and mysteries of this universe

with an open and objective mind.


2. > All organized religions give an idea that their religion is the

ultimate truth.


Yes. It is the religions and the philosophical systems ,which took the

form of religion, that close the eyes of their followers by making

them fanatical about their certain dogmas through constanst brain

washing. But there is a reason behind that. It is a lower form of

bhakti that makes the raw mind of a follower concentrate itself on the

objective of god-realization and trying thus to achieve greater and

faster realization. The problems arise when:

1. the fanatical follower tries to proselytize and annoy other

followers of other faiths.

2. this conservative path does not provide with all the neccessary

tools for moksha and the fanatical devotee might realize after many

years that he was living in an illusion, without being able to see any

indispensable progress.



3. > In this respect Hinduism(a collection of faiths) excels as it

encourages people to take what ever path that suites the indivisual

seeker and does not impose.


Yes! The orthodox spirit of hinduism encourages research and freedom

of thought. This is one of the main reasons why I like the indian

thought and the orthodox path of yoga. I am saying orthodox because

there are many other sub-branches which do not follow this line.


So if god is one and if god is everywhere, it does not matter where

or how we worship. we can go to a temple, or to a church or meditate

in the quietness of our home. If we truly have a free mind, free from

prejudice and dogmas we wont have any problem showing tolerance and

understanding towards all faiths, recognizing them as a manifestation

of the souls eternal quest for supreme knowledge and truth.

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, "Angie" <oiokasti@h...> wrote:


Yes angie i too agree with aditya. All religions and paths say that

they are ultimate path to Liberation and they are right too. All

paths reach moksha some directly some indirectly and some in a

spiral way, but the problem comes when these religions start

rejecting other paths and try to force people to follow them. The

fault is not with the religion but with the people.


You might have noticed some christians converting to Hinduism,

so fiercely and dominatingly try to propagate their newly leant

faith that they even try to prove other Hindus wrong. They brought

with them the fanaticism, which has no place in eternal Sanatan



In a Budhhist meditation they are asked to concentrate on SUN and

then they are asked to focus their attention on a tree then thinking

of tree they think of its attributes about branches, leaves, roots

and then how it is surviving..and then they think of water and

finally light...and in the end Sun where light is coming from. So

they are taught, that where ever they fix thier focus...they will

ultimately reach Sun, the source of our being on mother earth. This

is a beautiful sadhna and it tells us practically how all logics

lead to the final Truth.


love and regards

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