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UNREASONABLE success in healing

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<http://www.bestcoachesinc.com> UNREASONABLE




Healing the Un-healable

This past month, I've been privileged with two incredible stories of how

powerful people can be in attracting good health into our lives even

when all odds are against us to live on. The common theme between the

stories that follow is both people were operating from the conviction

that their recovery was a "done deal."


The first is from Frank, a former participant in the 90-Day Dream TeamT

and whom I have had the honor and privilege to know and support while

dealing with his sister's illness. What follows, in his words, is the

unreasonable success in her recovery.



... This time last summer my family and I were spending a lot of time on

the neuro ICU of the Mass General Hospital in Boston. My oldest sister

Anna was diagnosed with a brain tumor and subsequently a very virulent

strain of lung cancer, for which the prognosis and survival rate are

very, very low (less than 5% survive beyond 5 years.)


My sister made it through three brain surgeries, a life threatening

cerebral infection and just completed 7 months worth of chemo. She

completed her regimen a week ago and had her final diagnostic exams this

past Thursday. I have to admit that I . was preparing for results that

would indicate, more treatment, continued compromise of her quality of

life, and ultimate regression of her condition..


This what she got.... she is cancer free, no masses, no tumors, no

cellular activity, total response to treatment. The oncologists had very

little explanation. According to them less than two percent of the cases

of her type of cancer have any positive response to drug treatment, let

alone total response. As her senior oncologist said, they never get to

give this kind of news to their patients. Her case is so rare that they

cannot give any prognosis because they have no statistical data, no

history to base it on.


September of last year the Dalai Llama came to the Beacon Theater and

gave talks over a period of 4 days. My sister was determined to come see

him despite recently having had brain surgery to remove the initial

tumor that was discovered. She was in the midst of developing a very

serious complication unbeknownst to us all. I had only a single ticket

for that Saturday so she had to go in on her own. My younger sister and

I got her inside and had to trust her to the ushers and the other people

in attendance.


The short of it was that she left soon after the session started, unable

to sit for very long in the theater seats at the Beacon.. My younger

sister and I returned to the two exits to intercept her at the appointed

time assuming that Anna would either be the first or last one to exit

the theater. We couldn't find her. Group upon group emerged from the

theater but there was no sign. I left my younger sister to watch the

main entrance while I circled back to the side exit, half expecting that

Anna had managed to find a way to the entourage surrounding His



As I circled around, I see her standing in front of the Beacon Hotel,

which is adjacent to the theater. She is holding the hands of an elderly

monk, their foreheads touching. I had no doubt what she was saying to

him although I was far enough away that I could not hear. I approached

slowly thinking it could not be, that the Dalai Llama had such a large

entourage and security etc and their were Tibetan monks all over the

place, but still.... as I drew near I saw that this was not who I knew

my sister thought it might be, especially in her compromised state of

health and mind at that point.


As the elderly monk drew away my sister was in shock and disbelief

saying that he had told her not to worry that she would live long and

would be fine, and of course convinced she had met His Holiness face to



While I do not doubt that she met a lama that day, I knew it was not His

Holiness, but I dared not say. She was convinced and that was all that

mattered from that day forward through today. The last twelve months

were filled with very dark moments as you can imagine, but this chance

meeting endured in her mind even in the most confused and distorted

states she had to endure and it sustained her extreme determination to

overcome her circumstances.


I can't make sense of everything I have been witness to over the last

year. the best answer I have found is that if we can die to each day and

face the next as if it were the first, new, unknown and uncertain

anything really is possible despite how it may appear.


--Frank Mancini, NYC, October 14th,2004


More to follow in a future e-mail.



Stefan Doering


<http://www.bestcoachesinc.com> BEST Coaches, Inc.

(Balance Empowerment Success Training)



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