Guest guest Posted June 20, 2005 Report Share Posted June 20, 2005 Dear Totally useless, if i have company of people like you in heaven...I WOULD LOVE TO GO TO HELL !! ---- Y'day night Swami Ghaistanand ji told a beautiful story. Once there was a King who had to decide who among his 3 sons would be the next king. He discussed with his minister and chalked out a plan. He called his sons and told ," dear children I am going for a pilgrimage for one year. I am giving each one of you 100 seeds of a rare flower...and I want those seeds back intact on my return. So think carefully because this return of seeds would decide who will be next king" and the king left after handing them over to his children. The eldest son thought," I will sell the seeds in the market and keep the money safely and when father returns i will purchase seeds again and hand him over seeds" He went to the market and fetched a good price for the seeds as they were seeds of a very rare flower plant. Happily he came home thinking there was no hurdle in his becoming the King. The second son thought," I should keep these seeds in the safe away from possible theft...thus i can return the same seeds to father and he will make me king. The third one was a little romantic and imaginative. He thought my bothers are intelligent and one of them would surely become king and I have no chance...but father told they are rare flowers so let me at least enjoy the he sowed the seeds. After one year when the king came back he asked his children to come to him with the seeds. The eldest one rushed to market and asked for those seeds. The shopkeeper said that the season was off for that flower seeds and since they are rare, it may take 3/4months to get the seeds. He came home sad and told his father about seeds. The second son, smiled and rushed to his safe and when he opened it a bad odour came out. The seeds had rotten and were given bad smell...he beat his head in agony....the king smiled and asked his youngest son abt seeds. He said," Father i had no love for becoming king so I sowed those seeds and you can come with me to my garden and enjoy the fragrance and view of those rare flowers. They went to the garden, and king was astonished to see thousands of flowers, fragrant and colorful..... The king moved one of the plant and millions of seeds fell on him. Our life is like those seeds which we are given...some of us sell it in the market...some keep it carefully upto them and get rotten.... But some rare among us....sow the seeds and fill the earth with beautiful garden.... Let us be the gardeners...let us be Sadhakas Love and blessings baba Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 20, 2005 Report Share Posted June 20, 2005 Namaste. This story is similar to the parable told by Jesus. Jaya Sri Radhey! ------ On that day Jesus going out of the house sat beside the sea; and large crowds gathered about him, so that embarking in a ship he sat, and all the people stood on the beach. And he spoke to them many things in parables, saying, "Look, the sower went out to sow. And in his sowing some fell along the way, and the birds coming ate them up. "But others fell on rocky ground where they did not have much earth, and immediately they sprang up because of not having depth of earth; and as the sun rose, they were scorched, and because of not having roots they dried up. "And others fell on the thorns, and the thorns came up and choked them. "And others fell on the beautiful earth and gave fruit, one a hundred, the other sixty, the other thirty. Whoever has ears let him hear." And the disciples approaching said to him, "Why do you speak to them in parables?" And answering he said, "Because to you it has been given to know the mysteries of the sovereignty of the heavens, but it has not been given to those. For whoever has, it will be given to the same and one will have abundance; but whoever has not, even what one has will be taken from one. "For this reason I speak to them in parables, because looking they do not see and listening they do not hear nor understand. And fulfilled in them is the prophetic saying of Isaiah: In listening you will hear and not understand, and watching you will look and not see. For fattened is the heart of this people, and they hardly heard with their ears, and they closed their eyes; lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with the heart and turn around, and I would cure them. "But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. For amen, I tell you that many prophets and just people desired to see what you see and did not see it, and to hear what you hear and did not hear it. Therefore you shall hear the parable of the sower. "When anyone hears the word of the sovereignty and does not understand, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in one's heart; this is what is sown along the way. "And what was sown on the rocky ground, this is the one hearing the word and immediately accepting it with joy; but since one has no root in oneself it is temporary; and when oppression or persecution occurs because of the word they immediately are offended. "And what was sown into the thorns, this is the one hearing the word, and the worry of the age and the deception of wealth choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful. "And what was sown on the beautiful earth, this is the one hearing the word and understanding, who indeed bears fruit and produces the one a hundred, the other sixty, the other thirty." Matthew 13:1-23 , beirut_ka_baba <no_reply> wrote: > Let us be the gardeners...let us be Sadhakas > > Love and blessings > > baba Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 28, 2005 Report Share Posted June 28, 2005 Namaste all. Here is a famous song written by a Rasik Saint Sri Naarsi Mehta from Gujarat, India describing the true nature of a pure devotee of the Lord. This song was also very dear to Mahatma Gandhi. Song: Vaishnav jan tO ------------------------- Vaishnav jan tO raagam: raagamaalika taaLam: aadi Composer: Naarsi Mehta Language: 1 Vaishnav jan to tene kahiye je PeeD paraayi jaaNe re Par-dukhkhe upkaar kare toye Man abhimaan na aaNe re Vaishnav... 2 SakaL lok maan sahune vande Nindaa na kare keni re Vaach kaachh man nishchaL raakhe Dhan-dhan janani teni re Vaishnav... 3 Sam-drishti ne trishna tyaagi Par-stree jene maat re Jivha thaki asatya na bole Par-dhan nav jhaalee haath re Vaishnav... 4 Moh-maaya vyaape nahi jene DriDh vairaagya jena man maan re Ram naam shoon taaLi laagi SakaL tirath tena tan maan re Vaishnav... 5 VaN-lobhi ne kapaT-rahit chhe Kaam-krodh nivaarya re BhaNe Narsaiyyo tenun darshan karta KuL ekoter taarya re Vaishnav... ------------------ Meaning: 1: One who is a Vaishnav (pure devotee of the Lord) Is one who knows the pain of others Does good to others, especially to those who are in misery And does not let pride enter his mind 2: A Vaishnav tolerates and praises the the entire world, Does not say bad things about anyone, Keeps his/her words, actions and thoughts pure. O Vaishnav, your mother is blessed (dhanya-dhanya) 3: A Vaishnav is one who sees everything equally, rejects greed and avarice, Considers another's wife or daughter his mother His tongue may be tired, but he will never speak lies, One who does not even touch someone else's property 4: A Vaishnav is one who does not succumb to worldly attachments, Who has devoted himself to staunch detachment from worldly pleasures, Who has become addicted to the elixir coming by the name of Ram, For whom all the religious sites are in the mind. 5: A Vaishnav is one who has no greed and deceit, Who has renounced lust of all types and anger. The poet Narsi would like to see such a person by whose virtue, the entire family gets salvation. by Sri Naarsi Mehta , beirut_ka_baba <no_reply> wrote: > Dear Totally useless, if i have company of people like you in > heaven...I WOULD LOVE TO GO TO HELL !! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 28, 2005 Report Share Posted June 28, 2005 , pyari_h <no_reply> wrote: tks hari pyari for narsi bhagat's bhajan....but did u hv any spl reason for putting it as a reply to my msg reg hell ? with my pranams =================================================================== SPIRITUAL FOLLIES ?? ==================== Long back, when I was in Delhi, Swami Ghasitanandji Maharaj came to me and asked me to get ready to go. Without a question I started out. In the way I asked him guruji where are we going btw. Guruji replied," I am taking you to J.N.Stadium, where Mataji N……..(name withheld) is performing a mass kundalini awakening programme. I was amazed," But guruji, why are you taking me there ? Your kundalini has already awakened long back and my kundalini you can awaken any time.? Guruji smiled," Yes u r right….take it as part of pre-kundini awakening incident and note carefully what you see and feel…we will discuss it later. So we reached there…the stadium was full of public. Men women, children, oldies all were there in their best clothes and high spirits. Outside road was full of vendors, and people were enjoying Chaat, alu tikkis, Gol Gappas, ice-creams etc. etc. At least the Kundalini of vendors was awakening as Laxami, that was clear. We entered the stadium after crossing many metal detectors, frisking by rude police-men, and found a seat. I :- Guruji ji there are around 100,000 people here ? How would Mataji generate so much energy to awaken the kundalini of so many people ? Guruji :- Beta this Mata ji is very famous, she has millions of followers all over the world. Each fortnight she performs this Kundalini-jagaran festival in major cities of India and she has been doing this for the last 30 years. I :- OMG wow …( I calculated quickly…100,000 per time 104 times a year and for 30 years) guruji that means she has already awakened the kundalini of 320 Million people in India ? guru ji (smiling); Yes beta you are right ! I :- But guruni, you told once that if we have even one Hundered people who have fully awakened kundalini, in India, our country would become heaven…so why all these corruption, crime here ? guruji (Laughing):--- You are right…that is why I brought you here…see your kundalini is awakening and you are correctly analyzing the situation. I looked around…people were enjoying. A Girl disciple of Mataji was singing Bhajans, and nobody listening. Old women holding the children while the young parents busy in love talks, young boys and girls trying to start a new love-affair at that holy place… businessmen busy in chalking out their new strategy for the coming events. Suddenly someone announced – Mataji has come all may please stand up and welcome Mataji. We all stood up and saw toward the gate. 101 young sanyasis were ready with their conchs. 101 sanyasis were ready with Ghadiyaals, and 101 virgin (god knows) girls waiting with flower petals to shower them on Mataji. As soon as Mataji entered, all the 101 conchs and 101 Ghadiyaal started playing…people cried –Mataji ki jai. I told guruji "guruji…this Mataji seems to have some powerful Aura….i feel overjoyed and vibrations in the body. Guruji chided," Idiot…this is not spiritual power but Mass hypnotism, If there are 101 conchs blowing and 101 Ghadiyaals ringing and people chanting….then even if you come as Mataji…people will feel vibrations…this is power of sound not of Mataji. Mataji came and sat on a royal chair.......(will continue) baba Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 29, 2005 Report Share Posted June 29, 2005 .......Mataji came and sat on a royal chair. All the corrupt politicians, inefficient Police officers, lazy civil servants lined up with garlands to welcome Mataji….this drama took about one hour. Then Mataji spoke and welcomed the crowd, explained a little about kundalini and then asked people to follow her instructions. She asked people to chant "Jai mataji" and keep left hand under the buttocks and right hand on the head…there was pin drop silence in the stadium. Then she asked crowd to lift the right hand slowly above head, while chanting her Jai-jai kaar. Then she declared on the 10000 watt super stereo public address system, in a deep voice…Now you will feel cold air coming out of your head and going into your right hand. She repeated this exercise again and congratulated the crowd by declaring," my children now your kundalini has been awakened ! The awakening which takes a yogi dozens of years has been awakened with God's grace through me…now those who wish that kundalini keep awakened may become life members of her organization, the stall for which are at the rear, by paying an amount. Then Mataji asked," Is there anyone whose kundalini has not been awakened ?" Hundreds of hands were raised. I also raised my hand as I also felt nothing. Guruji angrily asked me to put down my hands saying,"U fool don't be a part of the crowd…just see the Tamasha" My neighbour asked," Your kundalini not awakened ? Mine awakened !!in first effort. Mataji is great. " I looked towards him…he was a shopkeeper from my area. I knew him well. He had been under arrest many times for selling fake branded articles. His first wife had committed suicide…second was crushing under his gambling, womanizing and drinking habits. And his kundalini had awakened and not mine. I felt sorry and saw towards guruji with sad face. Guruji winked at me and smiled….i burnt with agony. So there were some 200 people who said their Kundalini was not awakened. Mataji called them to the well near the stage and asked them to sit there…and repeated the exercise, after chanting some special mantras. Now most of them agreed that their Kundalini has been awakened. But still some 20/25 people left….They openly declared that they felt nothing. Mataji was embarrassed. She asked them Are you disciple of some guru ?. Some of them informed they had taken initiation from Asaram Bapu, a few others named another saint. Mataji smiled and declared," those who are disciples of Asaram, and paramanand will not awaken kundalini so easily. You people should come to the ashram, first I will bring out Negative energies out of you which your gurus have put in you…then you will have the jagaran. I trembled with rage… Guruji immediately held my hand and we both came out of the stadium. The stadium was echoed with Matji's Jai …..i was sad and angry while guruji was smiling and whistling………I looked towards him for some explanations…but he only uttered Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu Vishnu-Mayeti Shabdita Namastasye…Namastasye Namastasyi…namo nama baba Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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