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Sadhna for Beginners (2)

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Food Habits :


Though at later stages, we have to be careful for our food

habits, but to start with there is no rigid restriction.


Non-Veg Food : If you are a non-veg…you can still start sadhna….It is

only at very high levels, one has to leave Non-veg food. But try to

reduce it, because our Indian body is such that eating meat may bring

laziness etc. Fixing some days of the week like Tuesdays, Thursdays

and Saturdays, when you will not eat non-veg food, would be a very

good idea.


Too much of chillies, too much of sour foods and junk food are not

good for sadhna…so try to avoid them to the extent possible.


Smoking & Drinking :


Smoking and drinking is even otherwise very bad habit and we should

leave them altogether. If you find it difficult to stop altogether…

then there are some advices, as I do not wish you stop your sadhna

till you leave these habits.


Try reducing the number of cigrattes per day…you can reduce one

cig every week. At least one hour before sadhna and one hour after

sadhna do not smoke. Surprisingly, after some practice of ¾ months

you would find, your desire to smoke drastically cuts down, after

sadhna, as you will feel refreshed.


Drinking alcohol is not good for sadhna….so it should be stopped

altogether…however to begin with you can start sadhna, but be careful

that you do not have alcohol in your stomach at least 12 hours before



drinking alongwith Sadhna may bring some catastrophic results for the

mind….. so the day you drink..dont do sadhna ! I am sure once you

start finding enjoyment in sadhna, you will not need chemicals to

please you.


Drugs and sadhna do not mix. So stop drugs first…then start sadhna.


Bad habits: Before you start sadhna, sit quietly for about 30 mnts a

day for 2 or 3 days and analyze carefully your habits. Here you have

to be like your own enemy…..otherwise your mind will never let you

think that you are wrong anywhere. Look carefully and think about

your recent hot arguments with others and see where you were wrong…

even if you were right basically, you might have over-reacted. If

possible note down, the bad habits you think should be removed…..this

finding your own faults is sufficient to start sadhna…no need to

remove them before starting.


Any hatered, on the basis of caste, creed, color or race, any

Ungratefulness towards those who help you in any way….must be removed

forehand…otherwise there will be no progress.


Before starting sadhna, request God to help you remove these

habits…and you will be surprised to find that you are getting extra

energy to remove the habits…or at least when you are deep into them…

someone would remind you about your folly.


Now let us come to the real part of sadhna. Many people get

confused where to start….there are so many things to do…pranayama

dhayana, kundalini cleaning, japa, nada etc etc….


I would suggest, that all new sadhakas should start with Nama

Japa. Goswami Tulsidas has also written "Kaliyug Kewal Naam Adhara –

In Kaliyug Japa is the only feasible sadhana".


New Sadhaka should never start his sadhana from any Tantrik Sadhna,

neither any sadhna to provoke the Kundalini…these are very dangerous…

like a loaded fire-arm in the hands of a child.


My personal experience is that new sadhaka should always start

with Japa. For Japa one has to select a deity….a personal god !

Thanks to our religion, we have god with different attributes,

fitting every psyche.


Those who are a bit logical may go for Shiva. Those who are

loving, imaginative and emotional may go for Krishna. Those with

practical attitude towards life may go for Shakti. BUT ONE THING



feeling of superiority of certain form of God, remove it

immediately..otherwise it will not let you progress beyond a certain



If you are still confused about deity….put a picture of a

particular deity before you….and keep your eyes fixed on the picture

for some time thinking about the deity. 20-30 mnts would be

sufficient. Then close your eyes and sit still thinking about the

mental picture of the god. If the wave-length of that energy is in

tune with your psyche…you will notice it…. you may see a bright star

suddenly for a nano second before your closed eyes….or you may feel a

dull colored cloud coming before your eyes….or you may just feel

happy or satisfied.


Deity/God chosen….now comes the Mantra. Mantras are of three

type, as you know. Sagun Mantra, Nirgun Mantra and Beeja Mantra. A

beginner should never start with a nirgun or beej mantra. Always

start your sadhna with a sagun mantra in which you have an

understandable name of God, and its qualities (in some cases it may

have a beeja manta in between but that would not be harmful).. I am

giving below some Mantras which are powerful and have changed lives

of many.


Mantra God Number where Results

Mantra is


=========== ============== ========= ===============


Om Namah Shiva 300,000 Moksha



Om Namo Bhag- Vishnu 300,000 Moksha & wordly

wate Vasudevaye comforts


Om Dum Durgaye Durga 125,000 Safety from negativity



Om Aim Sarasw- Saraswati 3,00,000 Genius,knowledge

ataye Namah and success


Om Kring Kali- Kali 5,00,000 Destroyer of Negativity

kaye Namah and Moksha


Krishan Brahm 5,00,000 Moksha


GopijanVallabha- Krishna 300,000 Freedom from the bodage

ya Swaha of Nature

Om Sachchide- Exellence 500,000 All worldly comforts and

kam Brahm Moksha


Dakshin-Kalike Kali 300,000 Ashta sidhi – moksha


Om Gam Gan- Ganesh 125,000 Removal of obstacles

eshaye Namah


Gaytri Mantra Ved-Mata 5,00,000 All what you desire



So select any Mantra of your choice, but stick to it for ever,

don't change mantra after some time, finding no progress.


The awakening of a Mantra does not mean..siddhi of a mantra,

but it means the Mantra has been tuned to your being, and you will

start seeing the progress signs.


So a beginner should do his Japa at least for one year….before

mixing any sadhna with it. Those who have been doing japa for some

time, 6 months would be sufficient.


For a beginner, following programme for sadhna will be quite



Mantra Japa ---- 1 year


Add Pranayam ---- After six months


soft Kriyas ----- after one year


Dhayana ----- after six months/one year


Hence the beginner should start with Japa do it for abt 6/12

months and continue by adding pranayam and kriyas and finally

Dhayana…. Dhayana which is the real meditation to get you to the

higher realms..



So next we will touch the subject of pranayama, kriyas and dhayana

for beginner…and a little about the progress signs etc.


Love and blessings

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Dear Baba Ji


1. what is meant by "Number where Mantra is awakened"


2.As it will take many hundreds of hours before reaching the number

how should we it up break up. eg 1hr ?? 1/2 hr a day etc ?



3.How important is it to actually have a guru and talk face to face before

starting mantra sadhana / any sadhana. If we choose the wrong mantra it will not

bring the desired effect isnt it.







Baba ji <beirut_ka_baba wrote:

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, Aditya Mukherjee <adimuk> wrote:

> Dear Baba Ji


> 1. what is meant by "Number where Mantra is



OK so you got the answer...still i will elaborate it further.

Mantra Siddhi is the final stage where all other Vrittis are stopped

and the Chitta takes form of that Mantra. Kundalini is awakened and

it takes form of the God, we were worshipping and gives boon to us.


Mantra awakening is when the chitta is attuned with the Mantra

and the Mantra becomes biggest and strongest vritti..making other

vrittis negligible. We may say that Mantra has been embedded in our



The number of Mantras given in my post are sufficient for a

beginning sadhaka to embed the Mantra in chitta. Some may get it

much before too.





> 2.As it will take many hundreds of hours before reaching the number

> how should we it up break up. eg 1hr ?? 1/2 hr a day etc ?


like AUM namah shivaye, 20 Malas (say 2000 mantras) should not

take more than 20-30 minutes...so 20 mnts in morning and 20 mnts in

evening we will have 4000 mantras per day ....so total 75 days are

sufficient for 300,000. We can adjust our time accordingly for each



> 3.How important is it to actually have a guru and talk face to face

before starting mantra sadhana / any sadhana. If we choose the wrong

mantra it will not bring the desired effect isnt it.


Yes having a guru is very important because thus you will save

the time used for awakening the Mantra. The guru will embed the

Mantra straightaway into the chitta...and will attune the chakras and

chitta with the mantra immediately...moreover guru can guide day to

day and solve problems etc.


But finding a guru is very difficult..that z why this post has

been written. Most of the gurus now a days just give a mantra...they

do not embed or awaken the Mantra, because only a guru whose

Kundalini is fully awakened, can embed the Mantra and attune the body.


Keeping this in mind, some enlightened soul gave me above

teachings which i am passing on to those, who can not start sadhna as

they do not find a guru.


Sagun Mantras are never wrong. Here when you chose a

particular form of God then any Mantra of that form will be equally

beneficial. Like if you have selected Shiva as God, then you can

chose any Mantra of Shiva e.g. om namah shivaye, or om

pashupatinathaye namah, or om aghoraye namah, or om maharudraye namah

or any mantra depicting shiva.


Since we will chose the form of god according to our mental set-

up, any mantra of that deity, will do wonders, because here we will

have the mental picture of that god, which is the actual key to



Also if the purpose of our sadhna is Gyan & Moksha then any form

of God will do..however if we have smaller goals then a particular

deity will do..for which i gave the results in my last post...e.g.if

we want to remove obstacles we can do sadhna of Ganesha...etc


with love and blessings



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Someone asked," I already have made some progress in sadhna, why

should I start from the beginning?"


It is never harmful to start from the beginning. If you are

at higher levels, then you will cross the stages fast and will soon

reach the higher realms.


Like, it took billions of years of our evolution from a single

cell to human being…but this journey is covered in seven months


the womb….A baby starts from a single cell…transforms into


reptiles, monkey and finally as human in seventh month. Same is true

about sadhna. If we have made some progress in the last birth, and

we start from zero, we will cover the path immediately and Nature

will bring us soon to the point where we were earlier.


This is why many higher souls and saints, just jumped and

reached the highest stages. We should not forget that it did not

happen accidentally, but there is lot of sadhna of their previous

life which worked.


Also we should remember that our own bad karma, the lower

negative energies around us, and the lower prakriti…all these


try to put obstacles into our sadhna path, as they do not want us to

progress spiritually. We have to be patient, cool and positive.


We should always remember that when we select God, it was he who

selected us first that is why we have thought of starting sadhna.



love and blessings



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Namaskar, Can you tell us, something which is very basic, the concept

of MAlA counting, how i t is done/








> like AUM namah shivaye, 20 Malas (say 2000 mantras) should not

> take more than 20-30 minutes...so 20 mnts in morning and 20 mnts in


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, jigyasa02 <no_reply> wrote:

> Babaji,

> Namaskar, Can you tell us, something which is very basic, the


> of MAlA counting, how i t is done/


> Regards

> JIgyasa


There are certain rituals connected with mala, like Mala should

be in right hand, index finger should not touch beads and while

chanting we should not cross sumeru (extra bead with a knot)...when

we reach sumeru, go backward by reversing the mala.


Mala should be kept in a pious place, no one except you should

touch it. Many say the japa Mala should not be worn on the body..but

my experience is that after Japa if you wear a mala for about one

hour, it spreads the holy vibrations throughout the body.



I have recd 2 questions on my YM which i am replying on board.


Qu. Baba I dont have interest in any deity. It means i can not do

this sadhna ?


The sadhna technique which i have mentioned is very secular.

If you dont like any form of god, you can select a white flame or a

brilliant star as God and chant Aum mantra..this will have the same



This sadhna fits all faiths, Vaishvanites can worship Krishna

this way, Shaive can chose Shiva, Shakta can chose Shakti and her

mantras....even muslim, christians, sikhs jain, baudha any one can do

this sadhna...just replace the form of God and the Mantra...rest all

will remain the same.


Qu - Can women continue sadhna during periods?


YES....there is nothing wrong in this....though many ritualistic

hindus may not accept it.





Does animal have kundalini ?


well i dont really know ! but i guess animals dont have kundalini

as we know it in the human beings. The reason can be that animals are

driven by the lower Prakriti and do not have free will to chose like

we have.


I think with the sitting of kundalini was the prime factor of

arrival of Human beings on earth. Kundalini gave us liberty from

lower Prakriti...and we still continue our fight against the elements

and winning.


That z why rishis say human birth is priceless, as only through

this body we can reach the Truth.


love and blessings



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