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Sadhna for Beginners (4)

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Pranayama : After 3 or six months you can add pranayam into your

sadhna. 5 minutes are sufficient in the beginning. There are mainly

2 pranayamas which should be taken by a new sadhaka.


Bhasrika Pranayama : Those who have Asthma, or heart probs should not

do this pranayama. Sit in a comfortable posture, hold your knees

with hands and throw the air out of lungs through nostrils, with a

jerk. Do not consciously inhale, but keep the air throwing out of

lungs….inhaling will be automatic. In the beginning do it for

3-5 times and slowly increase the time as well as the speed at which

you throw out the air.


Nadi-Shodhan Pranayama: close right nostril by fingers and inhale

mentally counting 5,……. without keeping air in lung, exhale it

from right nostril by closing left nostril with thumb. Then inhale to

the count of 5 from right nostril…close it and exhale from

left…and this can continue. Every 15 days you can increase the

count by 1, thus making it 6,7,8,9 and so on. Till the count of 20

you can do this pranayama without any harm.


These two pranayamas will start clearing the path for the

energies which you will generate with your Japa. They also remove

many Negative energies from your chakras. But remember carefully, DO

NOT try to jump to higher counts in pranayam…do it very

slowly…even slower than what I suggested. Any force or speed used

in pranayam will prove to be fatal for lungs…so do not haste.


If you continued your Japa and Pranayama for about six

months you will certainly start feeling some changes in you. Observe

carefully your food habits….there may be a change in them. Notice

the speed of nails & hairs growing…you will see a change in their

speed. Carefully note your dream patterns. In the beginning you may

start seeing many dreams..most of them useless, horrible or

confusing. It will be a very good idea if you note down your dreams

in a diary….later when you read them, you can notice the change of

their pattern.


In the beginning your dreams will be fearful. It is a sign of

progress. It denotes clearly that the Mantra and pranayama have

started cleaning the chakras and chitta. The negative energies thus

released are seen as a horrible dragons, or fierce animals or demons

in dreams and they die after making you afraid. So more dreadful

dreams, means more negativity gone.


During sadhna try to speak less. Do not gossip. Do not back-

bite. Do not talk ill of others…even if they have done a harm to

you. With this Japa and Pranayama, you are going to generate some

extra energies in your system and those energies should not be wasted

through tongue at least…otherwise it will be like filling water

in a bucket with holes……you will find no progress as the energy

generated, was wasted.




So a day will come when you have finished your Japa for the

awakening of the Mantra. With the last Mala, pray to the God to help

you in further progress and thank the God and Mother Nature for

allowing you to come up to this point.


It will be a good idea to do a small Yagya (Yajna) at this

point…. chanting a mala of the Mantra and offering it to the

Agni. If Yajna is not possible, offer some money to some charity

organization again. You may also give new clothes to a widow in the

family, or around you or to some orphan children. Do some community

service too.


When the Mantra is awakened, it gives clear indications to the

sadhaka. Each one of us have a different back ground, a different

set of mind and a different type of back log of Karma, so the

indication will be of different nature for each. As a general view I

can give you some idea as to how one may know that the Mantra has

been awakened.


=> You may feel continuous tingling in the spine, while chanting the



You may feel bright light before your eyes, while chanting

the Mantra


The mantra will be automatically uttered when you wake up in

the morning or when you have sudden pain.


When someone else chant that Mantra…you may feel immense joy

or tingling in spine.


You may see your deity in dream or half-awakened sleep…the

deity may look like smiling or talking to you or simply giving



You may feel some throbbing somewhere in the spine while

thinking of the Mantra or the deity. This throbbing may be on

Manipura area or Anhat Chakra area


When you go for sleep always chant a few of your mantras

before sleeping…you may feel that you are seeing bright light

even with closed eyes.


So above I have given a few examples, which I gathered from

my co-sadhakas and from own experiences, but there may be many other

symptoms, which will confirm to you that the Mantra has been embedded.


From here you have two ways to go. ONE – you may continue

the Japa Yoga till the Mantra becomes Siddha. There is no time-frame

for the Mantra siddhi….as it entirely depends on individuals. It

may take a year, 2 years 5 years…or a whole life time or may be

next birth…. Japa Yoga's progress is very slow…but this

progress is on solid grounds and there are normally no chances of

falling from the heights.


And if you are more energetic and feel that you need faster

progress then the following teachings are for you, but be ready for

falls and sufferings…..why ? I will explain later.


After the Mantra has been awakened, we may stop 20/30 malas of

japa and continue with 2, 3 or 5 malas thus saving about 30 minutes.

Now this time can be used for harmless Kriyas and Dhayana.


will continue.....

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