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Words of Wisdom - How to overcome sadness

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How To Overcome Sadness


Sometimes feelings of unhappiness emerge even though there is no current

situation or cause. At other times a very small situation occurs but the

sadness that follows is so disproportionately overwhelming. We should

understand that each one us internally has a store of sorrow that has

accumulated over a long period of time. This sometimes manifests. At times

like that we feel quite disconnected from others. We just can't relate to

them. This is why it is important to do the work of cleaning out these

feelings of sorrow.


God is a good friend for us but on a practical level it is sometimes

important to have someone who is like-minded as a friend. Someone who

understands can give us answers and verify things for us, in an instant.

Otherwise there is a danger that certain things may remain buried inside.


Happiness is not something that we should experience occasionally. We should

be happy all the time. Even in the midst of adverse situations why should my

happiness go?


When sadness comes all my enthusiasm just disappears. There is a sense of

being worthless, of no use. I become disheartened. I begin to compare myself

with others and feel that I am just not capable of doing the things they can

do. At that time it is as if sadness is ruling me. Sadness therefore is very

harmful. It can even become a habit. So never allow yourself to become sad.


People tend to keep away from those who are sad and miserable. People don't

feel comfortable in asking them for anything. The think that such a person

cant look after themselves let alone be able to help them. Someone who is of

that disposition also feels the same way about themselves that they are of

no use to anyone. At such times however, I need to immediately change the

way I am thinking. I have to say to myself: "I can do it. God will help me."

I have to chase the sadness away.


Our happiness shouldn't be ordinary. It should be a happiness that is filled

with power too. There should be such power in it, that with my happiness, I

can help others become happy too.


It is important that we don't simply become satisfied with the happiness

that comes from external achievements. Having said this however, it is

important that we should be good in whatever we do. Nothing we do should go

to waste. That will happen when internally I don't have the slightest doubt

about whether I can achieve something or not. I need an attitude in which I

feel "Of course, I can do this!" I shouldn't doubt whether there will be

success. Even if someone doesn't wish me well I mustn't let that hinder me.


It shouldn't be that someone praises me and so I feel very happy and then if

they don't praise me I don't feel happy. I need to have a high vision and

elevated feeling for myself.


Use truth and understanding to stay happy. Truth brings so much power that I

am able tolerate things that come in front of me, completely merge the

things that have already happened and adjust.


We should have so much happiness that 1) all the past sorrows finish, 2)

that no mater what happens in the present we stay happy and 3) we can deal

with forthcoming situations that might arise. We should have so much

happiness that we can help others too.


The subtle reason behind our happiness disappearing is that we begin to

follow a wrong track of thinking.


Sometimes by dwelling on a situation too much we make it bigger than it

actually is. So, if I can use my thoughts to make that which is small big,

then surely I should be able to use my thoughts to do the opposite too. With

the right thoughts it is possible to make something big small.


When we go up above that is beyond situations it is then that we are able

to maintain our happiness. It is as if the situation gets left down below

and cannot reach or touch me. It is then that I gather speed in my efforts.

Whatever is happening down below, from up above seems so small and



Sometimes there is the thought " Yes it is good to become like this but how

on earth are we going to do it? Don't say "how" though. Just look from above

and everything will seem possible. Some have this mantra: I can't do it.

Maybe you can do it but I cant. They think to themselves:' what is the point

of ascending and then falling. Its better to stay down here. Others however

will say "No - I want to do and can do what no one else has done until now."

These are type of thoughts we need.


To maintain happiness I need to study, practice and experience. My practice

should be instant I hear something and immediately I begin to practice it.

That practice will bring experience and inner power. I will have the feeling

that something I had lost has now been restored. My heart will feel such

gratitude. I feel that I am so fortunate - the happiness that I thought I

had lost has returned. Now it cannot disappear I will have changed.


It is not such a big thing to change. Once your attention is drawn to

something you can change. When it comes to changing something about yourself

be sure that you are not doing just to please someone else though. Do it

for yourself, for the sake your own good use of time and your own good

quality actions.


If a testing situation comes have the attitude that "So what if things come

to test me. Everything I have can go it is not a big thing. One day

everything I have, even I myself will come to an end. What will stay

however, are the impressions that I have left on people. If my interactions

with others and my own behavior have been good then that will be stay with








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