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Sadhna for sincere seekers

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Namaste all.


zankaraM zankarAcAryaM kezavaM bAdarAyaNaM

sUtra bhASyakRtau vande bhagavanto punaH punaH


Here is a simple capsule for Sadhana

by sincere seekers of the Lord,

as stated in 'Sadhana Panchakam' -

of Adi Jagadguru Sri Shankara acharya Bhagavatpada


In this GREAT WORK of 'Sadhana Pamcakam' consisting of FIVE sublime

verses, Adi Jagadguru Sri Shankaracarya enumerates some 40 items that

constitute 'Spiritual Sadhana'.


Bhagavatpada Shankara in these five simple-looking verses carefully

lists the ways and means which can readily be followed by all sincere

Seekers of God, yearning for direct EXPERIENCE of the Divine State,

beyond mind, the Spring of Divine Consciousness and Bliss.


Sri Shakara shows here the Path to Truth, the Path that trodden by

the innumerable Masters of the Vedas and the Upanishads.




vedo nityama dhIyatAM tad uditaM karma svanuSThitAM

tenezasya vidhIyatAm apacitiH kAmye matis tyajyatAm,

pApaughaH pari dhUyatAM bhava sukhe doSo 'nusaMdhIyatAM

AtmecchA vyavasIyatAM nijagRhAt tUrNaM vinirgamyatAm


Study the Vedas (Holy Scriptures) daily.

Perform diligently the duties (karmas) ordained by them.

DEDICATE ALL those actions (karmas) as WORSHIP unto the Lord.

Renounce ALL DESIRES in the heart and mind.

Wash away the hoards of sin in the bosom.

Recognize that the PLEASURES of sense-objects are riddled with pain.

Seek the Self, Beloved Lord with consistent endeavor.

Escape (free yourself) from the bondages of 'I','MINE' and 'MY HOME'.




saMgaH satsu vidhIyatAM bhagavato bhaktir dRDhA ' 'dhIyatAM

zAntyAdiH paricIyatAM dRDhataraM karmAzu santyajyatAm,

sad vidvAn upAsRpyatAM pratidinaM tat pAdukA sevyatAM

brahm aikAkSaram arthyatAM zruti zirovAkyaM samAkarNyatAm


Seek companionship with MEN-OF-WISDOM.

Be established in FIRM DEVOTION to the Lord.

Cultivate the virtues such as peace, truthfulness,

non-violence, compassion (shanti etc.,).

Eschew ALL desire-ridden actions.


Everyday SERVE His Lotus Feet.

Worship His Sacred, Immutable Words.

Listen in depth, the Upanishadic (Scriptural) declarations.




vAkyArthazca vicAryatAM zrutiziraH pakSaH samazrIyatAM

dustarkAt suviramyatAM zruti matas tarko 'nusandhIyatAm,

brahmAsmIti vibhAvyatAm aharahar garvaH parityajyatAM

dehe 'ham itir ujhyatAM budha janair vAdaH parityajyatAm


Reflect upon the MEANING of the Holy Scriptural (Veda) commandments.

And take REFUGE in the Supreme Truth.

Avoid perverse ARGUMENTS but follow the discriminative rationale of

the Sacred Words.

Always be absorbed in the attitude (consciousness)- "I am Spiritual

and Divine".

Renounce PRIDE.

Free yourself from the delusory misconception - " I am this body".

Give up totally the tendency to ARGUE with WISE MEN (Saints).




kSudvyAdhi cikitsyatAM pratidinaM bhikSauSadhaM bhujyatAM

svAdvannaM na tu yAcyatAM vidhi vazAt prAptena saMtuSyatAm,

zItoSNAdi viSahyatAM na tu vRthA vAkyaM samuccAryatAM

audAsInyam abhIpsyatAM jana kRpA naiSThuryam utsRjyatAm


In the hunger-disease get TREATED.

Daily take the MEDICINE of Bhiksha - Food received as Alms.

Beg NO delicious food.

Live contendtedly upon whatever comes to your lot as ORDAINED by Him.

Endure all the PAIRS-OF-OPPOSITES: heat and cold,and the like.

Avoid WASTEFUL talks.

Be indifferent.

Save yourself from the MESHES of other peoples' KINDNESS and



Final verse (5)


yekAnte sukhamAsyatAM paratare cetaH samAdhIyatAM

pUrNAtmA susamIkSyatAM jagag idaM tad bAdhitaM dRzyatAm,

prAkkarma pravilayatAM citi balAnnApy uttaraiH zliSyatAM

prArabdhaM tviha bhujyatAm atha prabrahm AtmanA sthIyatAm


Live joyously in SOLITUDE.

QUITEN your MIND ABSORBING the consciousness in the Supreme.

Realize and visualize the All-Pervading Lord every where.

Recognize that the finite Universe is a projection of the Infinite

Divine Self.

Vanquish the effects of the deeds done in earlier lifes by the

present right action.

Through WISDOM become detached from FUTURE actions.

Experience and EXHAUST 'PRARABDHA' the fruits of past actions in this

life itself.



the Supreme Lord in Divine SELF.


Jaya Sri Radhey!

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zrI bhagavAnuvAca:


anta kAle ca mAmeva

smaran muktvA kalevaram,

yah prayAti sa madbhAvaM

yAti nAstyatra saMzayaH


yaM yaM vApi smaran bhAvaM

tyajatyante kalevaram

taM tamevaiti kaunteya

sadA tadbhAva bhAvitaH


- Gita 8.5,6


Lord Krishna declares:


And whoever, at the time of death, leaving the body,

goes forth remembering Me alone, he attains My Being.

There is no doubt about this.


Whatever being a man remembers of at

the last moment when leaves his body,

that alone does he attain, O Kaunteya,

being ever absorbed in thought there of.


tasmAt sarveSu kAleSu

mAm anusmara yudhya ca

mayy arpita-mano-buddhir

mAm evaiSyasy asaMzayaH


- Gita 8.7


Therefore, Arjuna, you should always remember Me

even while carrying out your activity of fighting.

With all your activities dedicated to Me,

your mind and intelligence surrendered to Me,

you will attain Me without doubt.


Jaya Sri Radhey!


, pyari_h <no_reply> wrote:


> Final verse (5)


> yekAnte sukhamAsyatAM paratare cetaH samAdhIyatAM

> pUrNAtmA susamIkSyatAM jagag idaM tad bAdhitaM dRzyatAm,

> prAkkarma pravilayatAM citi balAnnApy uttaraiH zliSyatAM

> prArabdhaM tviha bhujyatAm atha prabrahm AtmanA sthIyatAm


> Live joyously in SOLITUDE.

> QUITEN your MIND ABSORBING the consciousness in the Supreme.

> Realize and visualize the All-Pervading Lord every where.

> Recognize that the finite Universe is a projection of the Infinite

> Divine Self.

> Vanquish the effects of the deeds done in earlier lifes by the

> present right action.

> Through WISDOM become detached from FUTURE actions.

> Experience and EXHAUST 'PRARABDHA' the fruits of past actions in


> life itself.



> the Supreme Lord in Divine SELF.


> Jaya Sri Radhey!

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we can compare A jiva with a bird....its one wing is Bhakti yoga and

the other wing is Gyan yoga...whereas fluttering of the wings is Karma



To fly, a bird has to have all the three Bhakti, gyan and karma..all

have equal share in spiritual progress.





, pyari_h <no_reply> wrote:

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