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Obedience brings God's compassion - Words of Wisdom

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Dadi Janki - 21 August 2005 - GCH

Obedience brings God's compassion


If you want to be a true, flawless diamond, know in your intellect the

contrast and the difference between a life of a shell and the life of a

diamond. Do you really realise that you can earn an income from each



This beautiful festival of Rakhi is for self-protection. God is the

Protector but this rakhi is for the protection of the self. You have had

the blessing of 'May you be pure and yogi(One who remembers God and follows

God’s words))' from birth. You were pulled by drishti(vision) and then you were

born through knowledge, through the mouth. Have the intoxication that there is

victory in faith. Do you have the intoxication of being a God’s Child? The

proof of this is that in your life you will be rup basant (aware of your form

and who you are; and showering

knowledge through your mouth).


Are you going to be part of the group that comes at the start of Golden Age?

If so, you need to have this form in your sanskars now. Your face will

reveal whether you do or not. In fact, you have come, you are that and now

it is up to you to be no 1. God says, 'I came, I called you and I made you

my child, the rest is up to you.' In order to have a right over the

kingdom, stop being attracted towards possessions, people, any form of

dishonesty/untruth or mixture within. God gives you so much unique love

that it is really not a big thing to renounce these. Those who have the

experience of the power of God's love are able to go beyond anything

physical. His role is to give love; your role is to use the love in the

form of power. There is so much power in His love that it makes you forget

the things of the world. Give yourself the time to ask yourself the

question: What do I want? This is the first point that He teaches. Those

who have let go of desires attain every thing from God. Bodies and everything

in this world are like dolls made of clay, of no value. If someone said to

you: what do you want, what would you reply? God has given me so much. Now,

take from that; don't take the support of others or of the physical world.


Why not make God your companion all the time? You are a soul in the body.

You are not in this body to settle karmic accounts or desire, you are in the

body for the sake of God's service. You're not here just to earn money or

to spend it uselessly. You need to practice now, to emerge your


in order to experience royal sanskaras in Golden Age. Remember that you do

a job in order to do spiritual service not simply to earn money. In service

there is fortune. Whatever service comes before you, do it with love from

the heart and then you will always have the Comforter of Hearts with you.

Be careful in this way to protect yourself. You have God's support and you

give support to the world; you are God's sample to the world.


Whatever you see observe it with happiness. Now there is so much pomp of

maya (False attractions). Countries compete with each other in their pomp and

the world is full of falsehood. You are a raj rishi, a royal renunciate. Even

if people

defame you think of them as your friends. Always give

respect, even to those who defame you. Why allow what's going on for

others to be playing in your mind? If someone doesn't want to be honest and

true, it's their part. Honesty and truth bring happiness and such souls

wear a crown of light. Purity puts you on God's heart throne. If the soul

is looking here and there, at others, how can they see the self, or God? To

the extent that you remain thinking of others it is not possible for you to

experience the original dharma (Truth) of peace. You accumulate unhappiness


seeing others' mistakes. Where there is a lack of contentment there can't

be pleasure. Contentment enables you to make mountains into mustard seeds.

Stay in your original dharma of peace and beyond the atmosphere of the world.

Being beyond means to be beyond the pull of the five elements. The soul is here

but knows that

its part is ending and that it's time to go home. When this awareness stays

with you and you know that what God is telling you is right, then you can

go beyond. Before that you need to be loving, co-operative and ready; not

stuck anywhere or with anything but ready to return with God. God has

come to purify the soul and with purity the soul has imbibed truth. Let

your diet, words and relationships be filled with purity. Change your

drishti (vision) to bhai (brother)-bhai drishti and this will change your

attitude and your



The more you protect yourself the better. The more the attitude of the mind is

used in a pure way for pure service, the more the soul is purified and then

the soul cannot be touched by maya (negativities). Each one comes with their

own fortune. Be obedient to God; see that He has given me shrimat (Words of

God)and there is so much benefit for me in following that. If you are obedient,

God will always be

compassionate towards you. There are so many blessings in that compassion.

Experience this compassion and this will help you all through the Confluence

Age. The revealed fruit of this will be happiness and power. You will have

an attitude of humility - I haven't done anything, it's the power that came from

God that

made everything possible. Do not allow yourself to be disturbed in any way.

Take care of yourself, look after yourself, your thoughts, your intellect

because if you don't pay this attention and don't have remembrance then you

can't discern clearly. You will make wrong decisions and create sorrow for






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