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The Sermonizer of Bhagwad Gita is not Sri Krishna

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How interesting! This is the first time I have heard of this

contention. Wonder why?


What is the difference between them anyway .. Kisna, Siva, whoever


_/\_ Tat twam asi




, B K <bkgswu> wrote:

> Gita is revealed by Shiva, the Supreme Soul, not by Sri Krishna,the

First Prince of Satyug (Heaven)


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siva , krishna .... are human creation.



--- Tatwamasi <tatwamasi wrote:


> How interesting! This is the first time I have heard

> of this

> contention. Wonder why?


> What is the difference between them anyway .. Kisna,

> Siva, whoever


> _/\_ Tat twam asi


> Uma


> , B K <bkgswu>

> wrote:

> > Gita is revealed by Shiva, the Supreme Soul, not

> by Sri Krishna,the

> First Prince of Satyug (Heaven)

> >










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Namaste all.


yaM zaivAH samupAsate ziva iti brahmeti vedAntino

bauddhA buddha iti pramANa-paTavaH kartei naiyAyikAH |

arhann ity atha jaina-zAsanaratAH karmeti mImAMsakAH

so'yaM no vidadhAtu vAJchita-phalaM trailokya-nAtho hariH ||


May Hari, the Lord of the universe, the remover of evil –

Whom the devotees of Shiva worship as Shiva,

the Vedantins as Brahman,

the Buddhists as Buddha,

the followers of Nyaya Philosophy who are clever in logic as the Agent,

those devoted to the Jaina doctrines as Arhat,

the ritualists of the Mimamsa school as Karma –

may He grant us all our heart's desires.


Jaya Sri Radhey!


, "Tatwamasi" <tatwamasi> wrote:

> How interesting! This is the first time I have heard of this

> contention. Wonder why?


> What is the difference between them anyway .. Krisna, Siva, whoever


> _/\_ Tat twam asi


> Uma

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In general we believe that Shankar who sits in tapasya is Shiva. But in Truth

Shiva is known as Point of light and this point of light is the one we worship

by using Shiv ling.And all religion accept that God is light.




Shankar is described as the one who opens eyes to destroy the world. It is only

the representation of Yogi souls who by Self Control (Snake shown in the neck

represent Self Control) get rid of the Kaliyug and become the ones who come in

Satyug – Heaven.




The three lines shown in Shiv ling represents the Action of Supreme Soul like

Establishment of truth by Brahma, Sustenance by Vishnu and Destruction by

Shankar and Shiv is reperesented as point appearing at the centre of three lines

in the Shiv ling.




Sri Krishna is shown as a child appearing in the leaf which represents India

where Sri Krishna will appear in the Golden Age or Heaven and after ascending

the Throne Krishna and Radhe will be called as Lakshmi and Narayan – together 4

hands - Vishnu form.






As we souls are point of light located at the middle of eyebrow - forehead (for

exact location pls. refer godlymessenger ), the

Supreme soul is also a point of light.There cannot be any difference between

Father and Children.




In the beginning of Copper Age - after Golden and Silver Age, People start

worshipping God. In Golden and Silver Age (together2500yrs.)all were happy, so

they did not worship God.




Since point of light, does not have a form,cannot be worshipped in its original

form as it is, some background was required to fix a point for Worship.

Thatshow, the point is marked in a stone for worship.




But What happened, when the days are passed, people lost the Knowledge of

Supreme Soul and they started worshiping the stone (lingum) instead of the point

of light.




Since nobody is aware of Supreme soul, in Bhakti - Devotional Service, the

Saints started created their own man made stories in which they have imagined

many stories about the lingum - stone without knowing the real Truth.




The Supreme soul descend to Earth to give Teachings to Human souls at the end of

Iron Age and it is celebrated as Shiv ratri ( The night of Doer of Good

(Shiv-doer of Good, Ratri - Night))


The Night refers to the end of Iron Age when morality is totally under

decline.And it is also represented in Hindu practice that all the statues of

gods and goddesses are placed for worship through the entrance door of the

Temple, But the Shiv ling is always installed within the temple through the roof

of the temple (representing the descend of Supreme soul from

Paramdham-Incorporeal World-where the Supreme Soul and Human souls live together

before coming in to the World Cycle.




The point of light is worshipped in various forms by different religion -

Muslims have the stone of Sang-e-aswad in Mecca, Jesus said God is light and He

is Supreme Father, Guru Nanak, said God is one, Japanese worship candle light,

and Hindus worship Lingum.




The difference between Supreme Soul and Human Soul :


Human soul is of Mind, Intellect and Sanskars. Human souls come into Birth and

Death. Human souls come in to the Golden Age, live with 100% purity and come

down to 0% purity at the end of Kaliyug. Then Supreme Soul comes, Purify Human

souls by His Godly Teaching of living a life free from Lust, Anger, Greed, Ego

and attachment, considering ourselves as souls not body and remembering Supreme

soul always to get rid of our past and present sins.After purification, God and

Human souls go together to the soul world called Paramdham where Human souls and

Supreme Soul live there together until the next cycle of next kalpa begins




Supreme Soul is of Mind, Intellect and Sanskars. Supreme soul, God, never comes

into birth and Death and He remains always pure. God has the knowledge of

creation from beginning till end and He is Ocean of Knowledge, Ocean of Mercy,

Ocean of Peace, Love, Purity....God never comes in Satyug where People - Deities

live with Love and Happiness with 100% purity.Supreme Soul comes only at the end

of Kaliyug to give us Knowledge.







Tatwamasi <tatwamasi wrote:How interesting! This is the first time I

have heard of this

contention. Wonder why?


What is the difference between them anyway .. Kisna, Siva, whoever


_/\_ Tat twam asi




, B K <bkgswu> wrote:

> Gita is revealed by Shiva, the Supreme Soul, not by Sri Krishna,the

First Prince of Satyug (Heaven)




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Here is a fascinating news report.


Hindu News Headlines for September 13, 2005

Ganesh puja in a mosque

2005-09-13 Published by .com Gathered by Staff Reporter




Lord Ganesh is no longer a Hindu deity in Orissa. A mosque-like

structure has been constructed as a marquee at a puja pandal and the

Quran has been chanted during the procession for immersion of the

idol. This particular Ganesh puja was celebrated for 20 days!


The Orissa Muslims have been celebrating Ganesh puja for over 10 years

in Bhubaneswar, in a rare show of communal amity and fraternal between

Hindus and Muslims. A group of Muslims, mostly fishermen, have been

organising prayers for Lord Ganesha. They have formed a Jawan Matsya

Byabasayi Sangha Puja Committee and have been performing this prayer

ritual for the last 12 years.


Local Hindus help them in the celebration. There are a few differences

in the manner in which the puja is conducted. While the Ganesh idol is

immersed on the same or next day as a practice in other places, the

Muslims continue the festivities for 20 days. And during the immersion

procession some lines from the Quran are chanted and prayers held for

about two hours.




By this news I am reminded of Bhuvaneshvar, Orissa, the city which

also contains historical wealth of Buddhist and Jain Sadhana.




On my recent pilgrimage to India I have visited Sri Jagannatha Puri

and the famous Lingaraja temple of Lord Shiva in Bhuvaneshvar, Orissa,

the city which is named after Him but orginally known as 'Ekaamra

Vana' (Siddhaamra Shetra).


The history of this place is interesting.


One Puranic source stated that Lord Shiva after visiting His Beloved

Krishna at Nilachala Jagannatha Puri, ecstatic in Divine Love, came

to this 'Ekaamra Vana' (Garden of Wish-yielding Mango tree) and

stayed meditating on Lord Krishna and could not leave the beautiful

mango grove. Pleased and satisfied Lord of Nilachal, Sri Krishna

appeared and asked Lord Shiva that how He could bless this sacred

place. Lord Shiva multiplied into many forms of Shiva Lingas and

requested that here after this 'Ekamra Vana' shall be known

as 'Bhuvaneshvara' or 'Tri bhuvaneshvara', other epithets of Lord


Since Lord Krishna has blessed this place of Divine Love meditation

of Lord Shiva, it is now known as Bhuvaneshvar.


It is also known as 'Hari-Hara Kshetra' as the Shiva linga (Image of

Lord Shiva) that is worshipped in the Lingaraja temple contains

Shaligrama (Lord Vishnu's image) in the middle, broadcasting the

eternal union of Lord Krishna and Shiva.


The priests do worship the images with both 'Bilva' leaves (dear to

Lord Shiva) and Tulasi leaves (dear to Lord Vishnu), 56 offerings of

food preparations done everyday to the Lords. Sacred vedic hymns of

Shiva and Kesava are chanted in aratis. Seems like the Vaishnavas and

Shaivas are in peace here.


Another source from Skanda Purana revealed that an ancient king of

Varanasi (Benares) desired to fight with Lord Krishna and prayed Lord

Shiva to be on his side. To fulfill the desire of His devotees Lord

agreed. But in the fight the king was defeated and the City of

Varanasi was totally burned to ashes by Lord Krishna's 'Sudarshan

(Wheel) Chakra. So the homeless Lord Shiva came to Nilachal Jagannath

at Puri and prayed to stay closer to Him. Lord Krishna was happy to

let Lord Shiva to reside not only here but also at all 'Vishnu

Tirthas' (sacred abodes of Lord Krishna) and thus Bhuvaneshvar

happened to be another 'Varanasi' as the holy city of Lord Shiva, at

the out skirts of Jagannath Puri.


It appears to me that with the pretext of a fight and fire, Lord

Shiva Himself renounced His own abode Varanasi to stay closer to His

Beloved at Jagannath Puri.


The auspicious lake at the Bhuvaneshvar temple is known as 'Bindu

Sarovar' which had been formed by the sacred waters of all the holy

rivers on the earth.


When Lord Ramachandra wanted to perform the worship and bathing of

Shiva Linga (Lord Shiva) at Rameshvar, He asked Sri Hanumanji to

bring the sacred waters of all the holy places on earth. Following

his Lord's order, when flying Hanumanji was bringing the water for

the worship of Lord Shiva, one drop from the sky fell down at

Bhuvaneshvar and became the holy lake 'Bindu Sarovar'!

So the purifying effects of the water from this lake includes the

auspiciousness of all sacred rivers on earth!


Jaya Sri Radhey!


, "Tatwamasi" <tatwamasi> wrote:

> How interesting! This is the first time I have heard of this

> contention. Wonder why?


> What is the difference between them anyway .. Kisna, Siva, whoever


> _/\_ Tat twam asi


> Uma

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dear friend


The propagation of divine knowledge should be carried out under the guidance of

a Spiritual teacher (Satguru not any guru), who is nothing but Lord Himself.

This is the most pious job. Divine knowledge means the knowledge required for

the identification of lord when comes in Human form. Human beings

interpretations cannot be accepted.


Satguru can only assess how much the disciple has assimilated His preachings.

Rama Krishna Paramahamsa told that such a divine knowledge should be learnt from

a Satguru by serving Him. As per the order of Satguru only a disciple can

participate in the propagation of divine knowledge. The knowledge preached by

his Satguru is only to be propagated. Propagation of false or misleading

knowledge is a sin. Because, anybody who is a sincere seeker will get diverted

or misled and finally he will not get the grace of Lord.


A guru can be a Saadhaka who learnt some divine knowledge and so may clarify

some doubts. But it does not mean He/She is satguru. But the characteristic of

Satguru is 'Satyam Jnanam Anantam Brahma....'----- Veda.


Reading & understanding the scriptures on our own is very difficult. These

scriptures are nothing but the word of Lord only. So when He comes in Human

form, why can't we avail Him and serve Him practically? Why to unnecessarily

struggle ourselves in understanding what is written in scriptures like Bible,

Gita, Khuran etc.


Until unless mind is convinced with true spiritual knowledge, it is difficult to

practice. Divine knowledge is to be practiced to get the grace of Lord and is

not meant for teaching only or for discussions only.




at the lotus feet of shri datta swami




B K <bkgswu wrote:




I am a peaceful soul, a tiny spark of light, a non-physical being. In this

consciousness I am able to see others as souls too. When we go beyond the

limitations of physical identity in this way, we forget

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dear friend


Rama and Krishna are the human incarnation of Lord not the creation of human



The reason for the emphasis on human form of God is that the human beings can

have vision for a long time, can touch Him for a long time, can converse with

Him for a long time and can live with Him for a long time when He is in the

human body. God can enter the body of light also, which is called as Angel.

Such a body can be seen for a little time only since the light has the nature of

propagation in the space. Such angel cannot be touched due to high intensity of

radiation. The angel talks briefly for the same reason. The angel cannot live

with human beings for a long time.


Thus human body is most convenient for the human beings. This soul goes to the

upper world by taking a body of light energy. For those souls in the upper

world, God also appears with a body of bright light energy. Jesus referred this

form of God as the Father of the Heaven. A human being with this materialized

body cannot approach the God with that powerful energetic body.


at the lotus feet of shri datta swami




nama siva <nama_sivam wrote:

siva , krishna .... are human creation.


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We human souls are also pure and powerful originally but coming into body

conscious, we lose our purity by becoming body conscious from soul conscious.


similarly If God too takes birth He will lose His purity. Thatswhy God , the

Supreme Soul never comes into Birth and Death.


Sri Krishna and Sri Rama are the Kings of Satyug and Treta Yug which are calleda

as Heaven and Semi Heaven.


prakki surya <dattapr2000 wrote:

dear friend


Rama and Krishna are the human incarnation of Lord not the creation of human


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