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Experiencing Relationships and Power through Introversion - Words of Wisdom

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Dadi Janki - 22nd August 2005 - GCH

Experiencing Relationships and Power through Introversion


People say that there are many paths to God. However, God tells us that

there is only way to meet Him is to be introverted and remember Him with

recognition, and to increase the power of remembrance through relationships.

Five relationships are useful: Mother, Father, Teacher, Friend,


The relationship of Mother is the first and foremost. When you have the

experience of the mother, you remember the Father. God is the Teacher and

the Friend. He is such a good teacher. He teaches us and brings us into

friendship and thus removes any fear of the Teacher. A friend gives you

time and co-operation. In order to experience God, pay attention to Him.

You have the experience of the physical mother, father, teacher and friend

but God is your true Mother, Father, Teacher and Friend. He accepted you as

you are with a lot of love. You also accepted Him: You are mine and I am

yours. You belong to just the One. The Mother made you forget everything

of the past birth. You are

in the Mother's lap and the Mother makes you clean, pure and signals you to

remember Him, your Father, so the soul is pulled into that attraction. Your

eyes are open to see the Father. When a newborn opens its eyes for the

first time, the child first sees the mother and the mother then shows the

father. The Teacher gives you teachings and becomes so friendly. He is the

highest and He uplifts you to make you equal so you don't need any other

friend in the world. Nowadays there's the system of girlfriend/boyfriend;

God says I'll give you my friendship and He gives this friendship to

everyone, young or old. In friendship there's the feeling of belonging and

the conversation never ends. The memorial of the friendship with God is the

dance of raas where Krishna dances with the gopis; the ones who truly love

him. The gopis are lost in God's love and so they dance together with no

conflict of sanskars. Our face blossoms in this dance as the soul feels, 'I

am so fortunate.'


A true friend is one who is constant, eternal. True friends don't get upset

with one another and sulk. Whatever happens they never turn away from each

other. In order to make one another move forward, tie yourselves in the

thread of love. We are all the quality beads of the rosary of victory; the

no 1 bead and the no 108 bead are on the same thread, linked by the quality

of friendship. Continue to buzz knowledge to each other and don't be

critical or arrogant. They are like this/like that.'; this damages the

rosary. Consider everything, whatever it is, to be a game and remain

balanced. Be stable in sorrow/happiness; through insult or praise, so you

don't experience storms. Storms begin by allowing a few negative thoughts,

they gather and you have a storm. Stop these thoughts as soon as they start

because they'll make you fall from the top to the bottom. Be cautious so

this doesn't happen. Be alert, clever, cautious and aware. Signal others

about this too, so they don't make mistakes. If I make mistakes others will



You have made a promise about food, thoughts and relationships. Remain firm

in your promise not to accept food from outside. Through pure food your

thoughts will become elevated and your relationships will be good. Have

faith and love for one another. To have love for God means to have love for

one another. When your thoughts are elevated then so are your interactions.

Pure food makes your thoughts pure. All this happens when you are

introverted. If you want to change, you need solitude and introversion.

If you speak slowly and softly to others they will speak like that to you.

It is God's training to speak sweetly, softly, slowly and speak less...

and to speak the truth. Those who speak the truth will speak softly and

peacefully; those who do not speak the truth speak quickly, trying to

convince others of their words.


Reform yourself. Don't waste your time and then you will have a lot of time

to reform yourself. Have the aim to become good so keep looking at God and

learning. Learn by observing and copying God so you change from stone to

divine. Observe the fast of words (ie speak less) - speak the truth

sweetly and softly. Prepare food with love, offer it to God and to others.

Whatever you do, do it with love. Do good actions, keep good company and

your boat will go across. All of you are flowers; you are different and all

types of flowers are necessary in a garden. Be like a fragrant flower and

you will be valuable. A bad fragrance puts people off - do not have the bad

smell of anger, lust, attachment, ego or greed. If you get angry with

someone, no matter how good you may be otherwise, that person will remember

your anger for six months and will be wary of you. People will feel that

they have to be careful not to upset you. Wherever you go don't be as a

guest with lots of demands, go as a family member and accept whatever there is;

however long you stay create a memorial of lightness and easiness so that

everyone will want

you to stay longer. To reform yourself means to stay in remembrance and to

create a memorial of your elevated actions. Not to think your ideas are

right and have arrogance. Wherever you are if you're sweet with everyone

you will receive regard and respect automatically, without asking.


Be a great donor in giving happiness and keeping the gate of sorrow closed.

If the gate is open then sorrow will enter and penetrate inside. If you're

still remembering a situation that gave you sorrow six months after the

event, remember the shrimat (God’s words) of not accepting sorrow, remember God.

What would your stage be like if you'd spent that time remembering God rather

than the pain of the sorrow you allowed inside? So, increase the power of

concentration and continue to take power from God. Be introverted, pack up

and take power so that you will be as powerful as Angad and Hanuman




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