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Have compassion for yourself - Words of Wisdom

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Dadi Janki - 26th August 2005 - GCH, London

Have compassion for yourself


To have compassion for the self is absolutely necessary on this path. We

need to have mercy on the self in order to inspire us to do whatever we

need to do now. It is by fulfilling my side of the bargain that God is able

to fulfil His. If I don't stay in remembrance, what would God be able to

do for me? Think about it; He reminds you of Himself again and again. Why?

He tells us that the more we stay in remembrance, the easier things will be;

that our boat will sail across smoothly. The more you stay in remembrance,

the more faith you will develop. It is only by staying in remembrance that

you can become God's companion. It doesn't matter where you are, by staying

in remembrance, God is bound to remain as your companion. When you do this

you will really feel that the One who can and does do everything is taking

care of me, so there is nothing to worry about. In fact, with Him as your

companion, you will be drawn to become a benefactor as He is. When you have

the thought to become a benefactor, God will definitely take care of you.


We have to take care of three things; break all ties, let go and forget. If

there is a karmic account, the sign is that you will experience sorrow. How

can I break it? With deep interest to remember God. Do you really want

old karmic accounts or do you want to let go of them and be free to fly? I

shouldn't remember anyone and neither should I be pulled by anyone

remembering me. Have you gained victory over attachment? Are you happy

with those whom you have attachment? In fact, attachment is such that it

will make you cry. Why? Because your expectations won't always be

fulfilled. If there is the deep feeling to become free of old karmic

bondages, then God will help. Having belonged to God, many people's anger

has finished. Many have also been able to conquer lust. However, if you

still have even a trace of attachment, that will distance you from God.

The 18th chapter of the Gita states that 'Finally you have become the

conqueror of attachment and embodiment of remembrance.' This is the deep effort

we now have to make. For this, make firm; I am a soul. Kill the ego of this

body. Emerge the awareness 'I am a peaceful soul'. Secondly, develop the

desire to be introverted. I just have to remain as that pure and peaceful soul.

If your intellect is wandering here

and there then really what can God do? To sit with eyes closed in God's

remembrance allows the intellect to wander off.


Someone may say something about you but don't lose faith in yourself. You

have to explain to yourself the things God teaches you. In fact, knowledge

teaches us how to think, how to speak, how to see things - what

understanding we need to have about things. This is so useful to us. In

today's world people are so confused; they want one thing and another

happens. God has given us a divine intellect and divine vision. This is

all we need for our life.


Many will try to make you fluctuate but don't allow yourself to be confused.

Stabilise your mind and do what God wants you to do. Don't make excuses

not to do that which is good for you. Instead, make excuses not to do that

which is not useful for you. Now consider your mind and body to have been

entrusted to you. Even my mind is not my own so I cannot think in a bad

way. I cannot steal because everything belongs to God. In fact, my body

will go where my mind is and my wealth will go where my body is. So where

should my mind be now? With God. If it is not with God it will be very

mischievous. It will go all over the place; backwards, forwards and from

side to side. Now bring your mind to the present. Be in the here and now.

Not in the past and not in the future. If you are not able to remember God

then pinch yourself. Have this mercy on yourself. In fact, each one is

their own friend and their own enemy. If you think someone is your enemy,

they will become that. To think someone is your enemy is not allowed! Now look

at your own mind. Make it peaceful and pure and then the intellect will do what

it has to do

at the right time. We have to make the mind absolutely still. For this,

focus your mind on the One.


Look at your own heart and ask it; are you happy? Is your heart, clean,

honest? As is the condition of my heart, so will be the condition of my

mind. The mind can then become peaceful. Sometimes the mind goes through

such storms that the heart becomes afraid. The third aspect is that we have

to inculcate knowledge in the intellect so that the mind can be directed to

God. Sometimes we suppress our conscience even when we know we are doing

something wrong. When the conscience tells us we are doing something wrong

we should listen to us. Old things are merged in the sub-conscious so we

have to keep it clean by finishing the book of old accounts. You will then

feel clear, clean. It is really necessary to clean out the subconscious in

this way. We can then be unshakeable on this path.


I have to behave in such a way that God blesses me. The method for this is

very simple; let me perform actions based on virtue. If God blesses me,

everyone will automatically bless me. Ask yourself; are my actions making me

into a charitable soul or a sinful soul. Having become God’s Child, if we do

even small wrong actions, they are in fact not small but big things. Now

practice being detached, being the observer, the witness and beyond.








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