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Mera Bharat Mahaan !! Can we change destinty? - - -

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Divine Message of His Holiness Shri Datta Swami


Adi Sankara condemned this concept of social service i.e., Loka Sevaka Matam.

The Lord knows when, whom and where to uplift in this entire world


The service to be done to the Lord should not be decided by yourself

You are pleased by doing the service to the Lord as per your desire

Your desire and your pleasure should not be the final goal of the mission

You must do that service, which is desired by the Lord and which pleases Him

His desire and His pleasure should be the final goal of your service

Mere service is not important but the service required by Him is important

Some devotees serve this society to uplift all the human beings

Such social service cannot please the Lord unless He wishes so, without His


If you serve the society, that is only to fulfil your desire for the fame


Whether it is His mission or His personal service, His desire is important

Even in His personal service the angle in which He desires is important

If His hand is paining, what is the use of pressing His legs?

Therefore, at every step the desire, direction and final pleasing of the Lord

Is the only essence and goal of the entire spiritual effort

The Lord alone can protect you and not this world, social service indicates

Your love on your fellow human beings, who constitute a bigger family only.

You have to sacrifice everybody, everything and even every concept for that

He tests you by asking that thing only, which you cannot sacrifice

He always attacks your strongest bond and conducts the test One test is

sufficient because if you can break your strongest bond for the

Sake of the Lord, all the other bonds, which are weaker need not be tested

The sacrifice of strongest bond with any thing other than the Lord alone

Can prove that you have the strongest bond with the Lord only.

You have to cross the family bonds and even the bond with your life

As told by Jesus, Krishna says that you have to cross even Dharma or Justice

For the sake of the Lord because as the protector of justice, He is greater


The protected justice “Sarva Dharman …” is said in Gita.

Thus Datta conducts only one test and gives you the final report

You will always try to sacrifice all the weak bonds for His sake Then you

claim that you can sacrifice everything for His sake

The Lord smiles at your talented dramatic action and keeps silent If you go

on still shouting that you are His best devotee, then

He will enter the field and touches your strongest bond or your weakness

You will utterly fail at that point and your mouth is shut forever


Q) Sankara says that this world is not true which is like a dream. But

Ramanuja says that even the dream is true. How do you correlate these two?


A) Sankara never told that this world is not a truth. He told that this world

is Mithya. Mithya means very little truth, which can be almost considered as

untrue. The dream is Mithya. Anybody in the dream cannot call it as a dream

because he becomes the part and parcel of the dream. The ant cannot be Mithya

for another ant. The ant is Mithya only for an elephant. Therefore this world

is Mithya for the Lord.


This is a daydream of the Lord. There is not ignorance in the daydream and

therefore the Lord did not become ignorant. Sankara entered the house of

Mandana Misra even though the doors were locked. Therefore the world is Mithya

for Him. Mithya is not untrue. Ramanuja said that this world is not a dream

for a soul. The soul is a part and parcel of the world.


Mithya is not Mithya for a Mithya. This is the interpretation of Ramanuja.

In fact Sankara came as Ramanuja and clarified misunderstanding.


posted by: His servant

at the lotus feet of shri datta swami



radhakutir <radhaktr wrote:

prakki surya wrote:

"A poor man is suffering and poverty is the punishment given for the previous

sin committed by the soul. If such a poor person is helped, it amounts to

interference in the administration of God. The punishment is given for a change

and you need not sympathies it. "


I think Lord's Lila is misunderstood here. It is a two prong operation, like

"killing two birds with one stone". While the poor man is suffering due to

his past Karmas, thus abating the effects thereof, the all wise Lord is offering

an opportunity to those who are in a position to help others, to show compassion

and help minimize the suffering of those in need, thus

creating their own good Karmas. This is how I understand it.




Know the Lord to be the only real thing in the midst of things unreal. Remember

God.Take His name always. Meditate upon Him. Feel His presence everywhere.

Surrender yourself to Him. He will bless you with peace, bliss, plenty,

prosperity and immortality. ----Swami Sivananda



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I am quite amused to hear the interpretation that serving others has

been condemned!!


When the "Lord" knows who to uplift, "HE"/ "SHE" also knows who to

use for the upliftment of those needed. Whoever is used for that that

purpose, has the option of choosing to understand that he is a tool,

or get carried away by his/her ego. Accordingly they face their

consequence and the cycle continues.


Serving others has not been condemned, the egotistical feeling of

people thinking that they are doing something great by helping

others, has been condemned.


_/\_ Tat twam asi





, prakki surya <dattapr2000>



> Divine Message of His Holiness Shri Datta Swami


> Adi Sankara condemned this concept of social service i.e., Loka

Sevaka Matam.

> The Lord knows when, whom and where to uplift in this entire world



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Fact is:


We do NOT know which is the will of the Lord in individual and

specific matters!


Most possible is:


God does not bother with planning each and every tiny detail of our

life. Thats why we are gifted with free will, so that he has less work

to do. ;)


Blasphemy is:


Claiming to know the will of God. The ones who claim this either need

to be imported in a psychological clinic or deliberately are using

God as a pretext to control others and make them do what they want. Or

are fanatised by a capable leader of the later type. Many people have

done this and are doing it all the time. Its the easiest way of

manipulating the credulous and uneducated masses. Fortunately nowadays

there are few who lack education and common sense.


I cannot imagine:


A god that is not compassionate and does not promote help and goodwill

among people and nations. All great saints of all times have taught

selfless love and service. Jesus said we should give one hiton if we

have two, love one another etc. Great Saints throughout India have

been examples of selfless love and service to humanity such as Mahatma

Ghandi, Kabir, Swami Sivananda and Satyananda. Yoga in all teaches

selfless service, karma yoga, as one of the most important ways of

serving the lord. Great yoga institutions have repeatedly built

hospitals in India and done charity, thus saving many people from

poverty, sickness and death.


We must not forget that the bad karma of our neigbour drugs everyone

down. There are individual karmas but also group karmas. The group

karmas are a consequence of the individual ones, there can be no sole

individual karmas in a world where we meet many people and depend on

one another. Our fate is entagled in million complicated ways with our

relatives, friends, groups of people, cities, nations and finally the

earth as a whole. Unless we develope a consciousness for the universal

soul of the world and nature, our spiritual struggle will be much more

difficult than it would be when we would be helping our fellow beings

when the opportunity arises.


Finally, samadhi is the state that teaches us that the true nature of

our individuality is nothing else than a part of the divine source.

All humans carry the same divine essence which is God. So helping a

fellow human is like helping onesself.


PS: Even if the intellecual arguments in this discussion show clearly

my point, it is actually the most selfunderstod and self-proven thing

to do selfless service when we feel like it. It is an inner need that

exists in the hearts of all people and takes place daily even if it is

manifested in small matters. If one is an egoist in karmic matters,

one is deluted because ego is a product of maya.

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Divine Message of His Holiness Shri Datta Swami


Q) Sankara told that Jeeva is Eeswara

If Avidya of Jeeva is removed.



Ans) Avidya means ignorance of the soul

When Avidya is removed, the soul realizes

That it is water which is common with Eeswara

Water is common in the drop and in the ocean


Avidya means the ignorance of qualitative aspect

Maya means the ignorance of quantitative aspect

Maya exists as long as the space exists

Quantity is based on the space


A drop occupies little space

The ocean occupies large space

As long as space is existing

Both drop and ocean exist


When the Advaita philosopher is alive

Space exists and so the quantitative difference

When he dies also, space is still existing

Since his son here is seeing the space


The son cannot say that the space disappeared

For his father who died

Did the dead father tell his son about the space?

How can the son tell that unless he dies?


Space never disappears, be sure

Maya never disappears, Eeswara is eternal

This means, the ocean will never vanish

Eeswara called Mayi always exists


Mayi means Brahman possessing Maya

Maya means Prakriti as per Gita

Three qualities and five elements are Prakriti

Space is one of the five elements


Eeswara can never disappear

Therefore space also can never disappear

Maya is eternal and so Mayi is eternal

Jeeva is also eternal as quantity is eternal


What is the proof for the awareness also

To be present when space disappears?

Nobody and nothing exists in absence of space

So, the awareness also disappears


Awareness is the characteristic of a living being

Do you have awareness existing independently?

Awareness of awareness cannot exist

When awareness itself disappears


Therefore Brahman is not awareness

Because Brahman is beyond space

Sankara called awareness as Brahman

And told that you are Brahman


This is like a person be called a dog

And beat him as you can beat a dog

The word Brahman means only ‘Great’

Awareness is great, let it be called Brahman


All this was done by Sankara at that time

To turn Bhuddists who say everything is nothing

Sankara asked ‘Do you exist to grasp that nothing’?

Bhuddist replied ‘Yes, I exist to grasp that nothing’


Sankara asked ‘When you exist, how everything is nothing?

You are the awareness called as Brahman

Therefore accept that Brahman which exists’

Bhuddist thought that He is Eeswara and accepted


Yes, Bhuddist now says that Brahman exists

That was sufficient for Sankara in those days

And atheist says that Brahman exists!

He thinks that Brahman is Eeswara or God


Sankara told that when Maya is removed

Both Jeeva and Eeswara disappear, Brahman remains

When space disappears, drop and ocean disappear

For your information water, the Brahman also disappears


Let Brahman also disappear with Maya

Because we called awareness by the name Brahman

Actually awareness is not at all Brahman

Since Brahman is beyond space and imagination


Awareness and awareness of awareness

Both are imaginable words

So both are not Brahman

Brahman is beyond imagination


All this Maya is a play of Sankara

To bring the Bhuddist to the right path

For a Bhuddist everything is nothing

And so God is also nothing for him


Sankara Himself knows the truth

When He took bath in the sea at Puri

He says ‘Oh! Lord! Qualitative difference

Does not exist between you and me


But the quantitative difference exists between us

I belong to you, you do not belong to me

A wave is contained in the sea, no doubt

But the sea is not contained in a wave’.


(Satyapi Bhedapa gamee Natha Taavakeenoham Na Mamakastvam

Saamudrohi Tarangah Kvachidapi Nahi Samudrah Taarangah -Sankara)


The disciple of Sankara thought that he is Eeswara the ocean

The disciple is only Brahma, the water as per Sankara

Brahman is confused as Eeswara also

Brahman is both Eeswara and jeeva

As the water can be both ocean and the drop


Sankara swallowed the molten lead

To show that He is the Eeswara also

Who swallowed that Haala Hala poison

The disciple could not touch the molten lead


The advaita philosophers never touch

Sankara’s prayer at Puri and about the molten lead

They simply leave these two incidents

Because they are very inconvenient for them


Sankara is the ocean contained in the drop

He is the human incarnation of Siva by the power of Maya

He is both water and the ocean

He can say ‘I am Brahma’ and ‘I am Eeswara’

He appears as a drop like jeeva externally


A jeeva can say ‘I am Brahma’ and ‘I am jeeva’

Since he is water qualitatively and drop quantitatively

He can never say that he is Eeswara

Since he is only a human being and not human incarnation

Sankara told ‘Sivoham’ which means that He is Eeswara


posted by: His servant

at the lotus feet of shri datta swami



om_agni_devi <no_reply> wrote: All humans carry the same divine

essence which is God. So helping a fellow human is like helping onesself.





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Time and space are relative and non-existent. Quantum Physics teaches

us that there is no straight line in the universe, everything curves

back in the relative pattern of space. The same thing happens with

time. This is what led the great astrophysicist Hawking to develope

his theory of parallel universes and the 11 dimensions.


Science is much nearer to discovering the great mysteries of the human

and cosmic existence than we are aware of.


During deep meditation time and space are overcome. One does not need

to wait death to see what lies beyond.

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