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Divine Message of His Holiness Shri Datta Swami


Q) Is it true that a Sanyasi alone can get the salvation?


A) You must always concentrate on Swami only who is the human incarnation of

the Lord. Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa said unless there is a command from the

Lord, you should not enter into the service of the world. If your love is on

the human beings only, you love only the souls but not the Lord. Your love is

extended from your family to this world. Instead of a few people you love many

people. For this you will get the heaven. But you have to return from the

heaven. Your love on Swami alone can lead you to Brahmaloka.


For Ex: Swami is cleaning a room with a broomstick. You have taken the

broomstick from Swami and you are cleaning the room. In this work your motto

should be that to help Swami in His work. If your motto is to clean the room

for the sake of visitors to sit, your service is aimed at the world and not

Swami. Serving the world is the responsibility of the Lord. Why should you

bother about the responsibility of the Lord. Your responsibility is only to

surrender to the Lord. Lakshmana followed Rama to the forest to serve Rama and

not to kill Meghanatha in the war for the world peace. Sita could have smashed

Ravana. Sita told Ravana that she is not smashing him because there was no

permission from Rama (Asandesattu Ramasya – Valmiki). Hanuman could have killed

Vali and Ravana by a single stroke. He did not do this to protect Sugriva and

to protect the world. His aim was only to serve Rama. One soul cannot protect

another soul. Therefore a human being can never uplift any

other human being.


Therefore while doing the service to the Lord your internal intention is very

important. The fruit is according to your intention. If your intention is to

serve the world you will go to heaven. If your intention is to serve the Lord

you will go to Brahmaloka. But without service the intention is useless which

will be like a life (Ghost) without the body. The service without intention is

also a waste like a dead body without life. Therefore both the service and

intention must associate with each other. The servant must do the service with

the real intention towards the Lord.


Scholars catch the direct train for salvation and take Sanyasa directly from

Brahmacharya. The people who become householders also have to take Sanyasa

finally (Krama Mukthi) according to the scriptures. One has to pass through all

the four Ashramas and finally end in Sanyasa. If one dies as a householder, the

death rituals include Godanam (Donating the cow) which is a clear proof for the

concept that a householder always goes to hell. This means that the scriptures

say that no one should die as a householder. He must enter Vanaprastha and

finally must end in Sanyasa. In Vanaprastha the bond with all the issues are

cut. But the bond with wife remains because wife is necessary for his service.

If the wife opposes the spiritual line, he must immediately leave such wife and

take sanyasa. In vanaprastha also one has to treat his wife as his sister only

according to the scriptures. That means the wife is only just an associate in

the work. Either you have to catch the direct

train or at least change the trains to reach the goal. Without Sanyasa

salvation is impossible. Sanyasa does not mean shaving the head and wearing a

saffron cloth. Sanyasa means dedicating all his time and energy in the

propagation of divine knowledge. Such real Sanyasi will reach the Brahmaloka,

which is eternal. He does not need issues or death-rituals. Even women can

take Sanyasa. Gargi, Sulabha etc., were very great Sanyasi – women.


posted by: His servant

at the lotus feet of shri datta swami


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Divine Message of His Holiness Shri Datta Swami


First of all, you must know that meditation is not the real path to attain the

grace of the Lord. Meditation means fixing your mind on a form or formless God.

You can imagine only any thing, which is in the realm of the space-time. This

means that you can meditate upon only a part or total creation and not upon the

creator. God is not the creation and is also not in the creation. If God is

creation, you are also God and there is no need of any meditation. If God is in

the creation, all the changes in the creation must affect the God. Kapila says

"Asangohyayam purushash", which means that God is not associated with creation.


Gita also says the same (Nachaaham Teshu..). God enters a small item of the

creation and pervades all over that item for your service, which is only the

proven love. Did you meditate upon your parents or wife or children? No, because

you have real love to them. You serve them directly and not their photos or some

other inert objects keeping as their models. You serve them in their human

forms. They are different from their human bodies as souls. But you are serving

the soul through the human body.


Similarly the Lord enters a human body and available for your true love. You

must take pains to detect him. Have you not taken pains to search a suitable

girl for marriage to show your true love? Take the help of the divine knowledge.

Vedas and Gita have given the procedure to detect the human incarnation. To cut

your bonds with the family members, who are also, human beings, another human

form of God is only the equal competitor. Formless objects, statues and photos

cannot compete. Your body is also a human form.


The bond with money is only for the human forms. If you develop the bond with

human incarnation, which is Lord Himself called as Sadguru, He will bless you

with divine knowledge, which alone can cut your worldly bonds. Since you have

not fully realized, your attachment persists. The attachment is violent only due

to the high intensity of ignorance, which is nothing but mis-interpreted and

twisted wrong knowledge. Such ignorance can disappear only by the light of true

divine knowledge.


The source of that knowledge is Sadguru. Therefore, you must catch a Sadguru

and hear His divine knowledge constantly. You must clarify your doubts at every

stage. When you are fully clarified, the ignorance disappears like the darkness

in the presence of sunlight. Thus, the root cause is only ignorance and root

remedy is only true knowledge. When the ignorance is associated with egoism and

jealousy, it is like diabetes associated with hypertension and kidney-failure.

Your case is not serious because you are with ignorance only. It will be easy to

treat you.


posted by: His servant

at the lotus feet of shri datta swami




om_agni_devi <no_reply> wrote:

During deep meditation time and space are overcome. One does not need to wait

death to see what lies beyond.



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Prakki I totally disagree the statements by swamiji as

for as true meditation is concerned.


Meditation ends with samadhi which is the deepest

level of meditation where the "ego" is vanished and

sheer self existance is left which also goes away and

a soul is disbursered into universal existance which

we call as god.(the supreme power)


Meditation is not fixing your mind at all.This is

where the statement is mistaken with meditation.The

true meditation is watching the mind movements.In fact

mind is not at all an organ Its centre of control

where the pranic movements happen which charge the

brain and associated body movements to activity.


The meditator dont have to imagine while in

meditation.It is true that god is not the creation and

meditation turns exactly into it.is removes all the

creative world and what is left is "nothing" or



The lord enters into human body means only when the

human is available to receive him.Its done by

meditating or by bhakti and making your mind free to

accept godlyness into your within.


"the ignorance disappears like the darkness in the

presence of sunlight" happens only at the ultimate

state of egoless existance and is called as samadhi.


We reach and learn at sadguru since he has touched and

or jumped into the ultimate purity of supreme god and

is able to lead us to the pathway since he knows that.


The clarification of daubts are not only verbal but

they need to be spiritual, only when they can be



Sadguru dattaswami spiritual guru must be telling this

to some persons which may not be much in meditation or

may not be understanding meditation .As sadguru guides

according to the deceple capacity or interests since

peoples are in varieties.


In this contest om agni devis statement i support.




Udaykumar s.k.


--- prakki surya <dattapr2000 wrote:


> Divine Message of His Holiness Shri Datta Swami


> First of all, you must know that meditation is not

> the real path to attain the grace of the Lord.

> Meditation means fixing your mind on a form or

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, prakki surya <dattapr2000>


> First of all, you must know that meditation is not the real path

to attain


Meditation is a fast way of attaining spiritual knowledge and control

over greater energies and energy systems. I am not saying its the only



Meditation is a very complicated matter both in technique and origin.


Yoga has been studied and systemised in a brilliant way as the 6th

philosophical system in India. Raja Yoga, the yoga of meditation, has

been called RAJA due to its supremecy and has been practiced and

taught by the greatest saints and yogis all over the world. Kriya

yogis, nada yogis, hatha yogis, bhaktas, karma yogis, gyanis,

tantrics, natha yogis, aghoris, swamis and monks, all traditions

practice meditation in one way or another.



Simplifying huge terms such as meditation and limiting them by

labeling them as unreal paths towards God is a proof of religious and

mental fanatism.


Meditation is real, and those who practice it know this very well.


The only Sadguru is the inner self.


All others are only nice and helpful friends or frauds and mental-


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