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Divine Message of His Holiness Shri Datta Swami


You can get the grace of the Lord by sacrifice of work (Karma Sanyasa) and

sacrifice the fruit of work (Karma Phala Tyaga) only. You can get and eat a

sweet in the hotel either by payment (Karma Phala Tyaga) or working in the hotel

for some time (Karma Sanyasa). Except these two ways, you cannot eat the sweet

by meditating upon the sweet or by chanting prayers on the sweet.


The love on Lord should not be confined to words and feelings only. You are

not showing such the love to your children. Therefore do not show such love to

the Lord also as you show your love in action, you can show the same love to the

Lord also. Therefore as you are controlling your words and mind before your

children, you can also control before the Lord. Similarly you are not wearing

silk clothes, wearing garlands and applying sacred ash on forehead for the sake

of your children. Why should you put all this drama dress before the Lord also?


If the scholars spend all their time in discussions only without the practical

sacrifice there is no use. The intelligence and logic also cannot touch the Lord

as said in Geeta and Veda (Yo Budheh Paratah, Namedhaya, and Naishatarkena). You

are not discussing about your children constantly by such logic. Then why are

you spending so much time on the discussions about the Lord?


Q) The Lord is either formless or in the form of statues. The children are

living human beings. How can there be a competition between the Lord and the



A) The people who are unable to sacrifice practically to the Lord want to take

such excuse. They also say that there is no need for the Lord to accept such

sacrifice. They do not agree the human form of the Lord, since they want to

escape from the practical sacrifice. The Lord in human form came to

‘Saktuprastha’ and tested him in practical sacrifice. The Lord comes in human

form as per the four ‘Mahavakyas’ of four Vedas and Geeta to test your

sacrifice. The father asks his child for a chocolate, which was purchased by the

father himself. He wants to test the mentality of the child and he is not for

that chocolate. Similarly the entire universe is His money only. There is no

difficulty for the Lord to come in the human form. The difficulty lies only in

your practical sacrifice to cover your love for family and greediness, you are

rejecting the human form of the Lord and you are accepting only the statues and

photos of the Lord. At the same time you want to get all the benefits and

protection from the Lord in this world by acting the love in words, mind,

dramatic dress etc. You are offering the food to the statue but you are eating

the entire food. You are putting all the jewels to the Goddess on Friday and you

are removing those jewels on Saturday. Therefore you are acting as if you are

sacrificing practically but you are not really doing this sacrifice. You think

that the Lord can be cheated but the result of your cheating is not good,

because the Lord is not pleased and He is furious.


Everywhere in Geeta Krishna told about Him and this means that He is stressing

on the human incarnation of the Lord but several fraud diamonds are also mixed

with the true diamond. Poundraka Vasudeva, who got the Sanka and Chakra from

Narayana throw penance also, claimed that he was Lord Narayana. Narayana means

abode of true and infinite knowledge, which is called ‘prajnanam’. Nobody else

can preach such special knowledge. Sage Vyasa says that the human incarnation of

the Lord preaches a special knowledge and also uses the super powers to the

deserving devotees. You have to recognize the human incarnation of the Lord

without which all the spiritual efforts goes waste. Hanuman recognized Rama, who

is the human incarnation of the Lord. He could serve Rama very conveniently

since the Lord is in the human form.


The real love requires the unhappiness by sacrifice. In such sacrifice one

feels happy since he sacrificed to the Lord. You take the mother. She gives the

food to her child and suffers with hunger. But she feels very happy in that

suffering. A human being cannot give back anything for such real love. Even if

he gives something i.e., temporary only. But when the real love is proved by the

sacrifice the Lord gives the permanent fruit i.e., Brahma Loka. Sakthuprashta

gave his food to the Lord in human form though he was not having food for the

past ten days. If the guest was an ordinary human being, the guest must have

been a sadist, because he never cared about the hunger of Sakthuprastha. But

since the guest was the Lord, Sakthuprastha was given infinite wealth in this

world and also the permanent Brahma Loka after death. Therefore you must be very

careful in fixing the human form of the Lord. Otherwise if the human form is an

ordinary human being you are deceived and such a human

being is definitely a sadist.


The unhappiness in sacrifice and the happiness that neutralizes unhappiness

are the characteristics of the path of the sacrifice. The Lord does not insist

such path. The path should come from the depth of your heart with full

willingness. If you fear for the unhappiness you can never follow that path.

When the case comes to your children, you will not put this question because you

have real love to them. Are you not sacrificing your food to your child even

though you suffer with hunger and feel happy? Since you are not having the real

love on the Lord this question is coming to your mind.


posted by: His servant

at the lotus feet of shri datta swami


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, "udaykumar S.K." <udaykumar001>



> Dear om agni devi,


> The statements are observations by me.So i put them of


You people have really confused me. What is Meditation?? and what

is Moksha (in a universally accepted terms)

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Dear tantra rag,


It is definately matter of confusion going to happen

because of lot of ways and paths are available and

everybody says my path is right one.Apart from that

the words are inadaquate to explain the process and

exact meanings.There are 98% or 99% people in the

world who say they know the spirituality doesnt

understand the truth of spirituality.Even I say i know

it it is not true since its not "brahman stage"even

touched by me.If i say I come across a guru who

expalined me about spirituality and the progress is

understood to me then they will say its ego developed

in me.


Fundamentally if you go through the ancient scripts

almost all say "there was nothing in the world.The

sound came and life (material world)came into

existance".Even bible says its "sound" and hindu

scripts says its "om".The world has come out of the

supreme power in form of various shape and forms from

nothing.The world goes vanished when its "night of

brahman" and comes again in "days of brahman".the

cycle of birth and death is repeatative.

The terms are indicative.The real measures are time.


Our ancestors have tried hard and found out the ways

and tried to elaborate the things of self attainment

(or you say self realisation or reaching to the

supreme power again )in various forms of

methods,scripts like upnishads,vedas etc.These are

only indications.These are not exactly explaining the

process or the experiece.Same as sugar sweetness cant

be explained.They have described what is

'brahman",what happens when you attain "brahman state"

etc but not exactly the feelings or experience. Now we

are taking these indicative material to help our

progress in spirituality.Its correct until we use them

for our progress synchronised with our experiences.If

we catch only worlds and hold them tightly we are

definately missing the gold and true diamonds of

realisation.Even if you read scripts by various saints

you will find the they say"it can not be explained in



Since there are varieties in human characteristics the

gurus have developed certain common and simple

procedures which they forwarded their deceples in

primary depths of progress.There are also some gurus

whose deceples have different ways developed.This is

because of the diversity in human characters.Therefore

only a particular method for everybody at higher

depths is not possible.

It changes at different depths.


Bhagvan patanjali says "yoga is decepline",Lord

krishna has said at last to arjuna"tasmad yogi

bhvarjuna" (be yogi) again i doesn't means to do "yoga

postures" but he said to get understood the

"truth".after he tried to explain so many methods

prior to that.The chapters of gita are the series of

explanation to arjuna until he got convienced.


In my views we have to go back to the status from

where we have come into existance is the true purpose

of spirituality.Not only we but the whole world has

come into existance by way of the sound or vibration

"aham" ("i am").Further everything like " i am

somethingits mine"'"its not mine" etc.is based on

"i am".The whole world is based on "aham" and if the

"aham" goes away nothing remains beyond that because

at that stage we are already diluted into the supreme

source of life.


A human soul is made up of (antakaran chatustay)

"Mano,budhdhi,chitta,Ahankar" (mind,

intelligence,chitta=impressions,ego of

being(aham)attached with physical body. Meditation is

nothing but detaching yourself from theses four+body

i.e.mind,thoughts,impressions so that only"me(aham)"

is remained.Thats the stage where "aham" only

remains.and the person enters further into "samadhi"



In samadhi "aham" is also gone and only "brahman(the

supreme power)" which is omnipresent, after comming

back to "aham" state it is experienced.Its not

possible to you to get exposed in "brahman" state

until "you" leave the micro simptom of these

four.Thats the ultimate of truth.


The samadhi should be said as moksha but certain

scriptures have described as the status of the devotee


After death you will go to the respective loka

(planes)like vishnu loka,shiva loka etc whom you

worship deeply and find below status,

1.Sarupya Mukti(moksha)= you will be looking same like

the specific god and living in that loka,

2.Sayujya Mukti=You will be always with the specific


3.Samipya Mukti= You will have closest approach to the

specific god.

4.Salokya Mukti=You will get place in that loka and

can do service like chanting his name as per you

matter of interest.

>From these lokas after the good karmas are over or if

the god wishes you will be sent to human life to serve

or for further progress.

Since these lifes are repetative i cant say they are

the ultimate goals.This catagory also falls in

illusion"the maya".




--- tantra_rag <no_reply> wrote:


> , "udaykumar S.K."

> <udaykumar001>

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear om agni devi,

> >

> > The statements are observations by me.So i put

> them of


> You people have really confused me. What is

> Meditation?? and what

> is Moksha (in a universally accepted terms)













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, tantra_rag <no_reply> wrote:


> You people have really confused me. What is Meditation?? and


> is Moksha (in a universally accepted terms)



There have been many definitions of meditation. Some define meditation

as contemplation, others as concentration. Others believe that

concentration on one point cannot be called meditation.


I would define meditation as that state, which is the result of some

successful yogic technique like dhyana, japa or pranayama.


That state is an altered one and different to the state our mind

functions in daily life. Scientifically it is proved that the brain

emits Alpha waves (8-12 Hz) during meditation. Sleep is also a

different state of mind, in deep sleep the brain emits Delta waves and

in REM sleep Gamma.


Meditation can also be defined as the technique used to reach this

state or the procedure. For example we might say "I will sit for an

hour of meditation" meaning that I will TRY to meditate for one hour,

even if the actual meditation might last only 20 minutes. For

especially in the beginning meditation is difficult to achieve, it

comes through practice.


What actually takes place during meditation can vary in different

persons. It can be the loss of the sense of time and space, the loss

of the sense of the physical body and world. It can be a kundalini

awakening and kundalini upliftment or pranic control and perception of

the etheric matter. It can be the opening of chakras and withdrawal of

the energy from the physical body. Meditation is generally about going

"inwards". I would not try to describe the goal of meditation for it

is not completely clear to me. To me meditation is about exploring the

wonderful world of the subtle matter and the energies of the human

body and nature. The more one gains control over these procedures and

functions the more one gains in knowledge about the mysteries of the

universe and the human. When certain energetical limitations such as

energetical knots are overcome and the astral body becomes lighter and

clearer, various types of samadhi might manifest. The highest one

"Nirvikalpa samadhi" can be called moksha which is the liberation of

the soul from the cycle of birth and death.

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Dear Om Agni Devi,


Thanks you have elaborated further with the frequency



There are different planes(lokas)here only and they

can be seen at different levels of your attention.Like

we see this material worldby this bare eyes. During

meditation practise (sadhana)or during japa focus is

unstable and goes up at other level of attention, we

come across these lokas or meet some of the residents

of these lokas.They are unlimited.


Gayatri Mantra has elaoborated randomly seven lokas as

1.Bhu =Bhulok=this material world seen through bare


2.BHuv=BHuvlok= world of

gandharav,yaksha,apsaras,small gods etc

3.Swaha =swarglok=heaven,Indralok

4.Maha =Maholok=


6.Tapa= Tapolok=Theses three are better lokas than


7.Satyam=Satyalok=Brahmalok=The top most and purest


Shivloka, Vishnulokas are nearer and almost parallel

to satya loka

above this is "Om tatsat" =finished (no loka)


Finaly the mantra says "let the devine sun which

illuminates all the world(the world includes all the

lokas including theses seven),illuminate (make the

knowledge available to me)my intelligence (so that we

know the truth).


I agree with your " The highest one "Nirvikalpa

samadhi" can be called moksha which is the liberation

of the soul from the cycle of birth and death." which

has the same purpose of gayatri mantra.


Even "om trayambak yajamahe " maha mrityunjaya mantra

has the same meaning.


we praise "three eyed"god(lord shiva)to lead me

towards the permanent position (amrutam) which is

beyond death and birth by removing all bindings of

deaths and births,like a fruit, example, cucumber

falls down automatically after fully riped.


we say them everyday.







--- om_agni_devi <no_reply> wrote:


The highest one "Nirvikalpa samadhi" can be called

moksha which is

the liberation of the soul from the cycle of birth and











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Divine Message of His Holiness Shri Datta Swami


Meaning of Moksha or liberation:

Gita says ‘Eka Bhakthih Vishishyate’ which means that the person having only

one bond with the Lord alone is liberated. The liberation itself means

destruction of all the bonds in this world. Without full liberation, one cannot

have a strong bond with the Lord. Unless one is completely relieved from the

world, one cannot join God. The joining report in the new institution is not

possible without complete relief from the previous institution. You cannot

partially join the new institution. It cannot be a side employment. Ofcourse

such partial bond can be treated as the intermediate stage and is better than no

bond. But the aim should not be such partial bond. If you aim at 100 marks,

you may get 40 marks and pass. But if you aim at 40 marks only, you will fail.

Therefore, let the aim be total liberation from the world and single bond with

the God.

The bond consists of three parts. The service in terms of sacrifice of work

and fruit of work comprises ninety-nine paise. Love with mind consists of 2/3rd

paise. Remembering through words consists of 1/3rd paise. If you take the case

of Sankara, he has donated the whole rupee to the Lord. His love for his

mother, words to praise mother and service to mother are diverted towards the

Lord. He left his mother for the sake of the Lord. He has donated all the one

hundred paise to the Lord. He is the top most beloved of the Lord.

MEANING OF MEDITATION (DHYANAM) Some people say that meditation is sitting

with perfect silence without any process of thought. Such a contention is

meaningless because it virtually amounts to a nice sleep only. These people

further misinterpret that such a meditation is concentration on formless God

(Nirakara). Gita says that one cannot concentrate on formless God (Avyakthahi

Gatih). The meditation of formless God becomes true if one concentrate on the

true knowledge of God. Veda says that true knowledge is the real form of the

Lord (Satyam Jnanam Anantam Brahma). Knowledge is formless. Therefore the

formless God means only the true divine knowledge about the Lord. This is the

correct interpretation of Sankaras philosophy. The great ancient Vedic sages

sat in the formless meditation and this statement means that they concentrated

on the divine knowledge (Brahma Jnana), which was expressed as Upanishaths in

their mutual discussions (Satsanga).


The actual meaning of the word Dhyanam is the process of functioning of

intelligence (Dhee or Buddhi) and this pertains to the field of knowledge

(Vijnanamaykosa). Some people interpret that meditation means concentration on

the form of the Lord like the light blue colour, peacock feather on the head,

flute in the hand etc., Instead of concentrating mentally upon such objects,

one can see these things in a photo or see the objects directly kept on a table.

If these things constitute the divinity there is no need of concentrating on

these things. One can attain the divinity by applying light blue colour on his

own body, by putting a peacock feather on the head and by catching a flute by

hand. Such a divinity can be attained without any meditation. So meditation

becomes meaningless in such a line. This is the reason why Sankara discarded

the meditation of a form (Saguna Brahman). Ofcourse attraction by such things

towards the Lord will help a person to develop the attachment

on the Lord. One may be attracted to Lord Krishna by such things and then

finally get attracted towards His divine knowledge as preached in Bhagavatgita.


Such things may be initial promoters but the final is only the divine

knowledge, which will help any one in his effort (Sadhana) to please the Lord.

The divine knowledge resulting in the realization will impart a tension free

peace and tranquility to the mind. By such state one will attain perfect health

of body and mind and thus the benefit is directly seen here itself.


Ex:- If one realizes that this gross body of the soul is only the external

dramatic dress as said in Gita (Vaasamsi Jeernani), he will immediately realize

that these family bonds are only the bonds in the drama. The soul forgets the

bonds of the previous birth as an actor forgets the bonds of previous drama. If

these bonds are real the soul should have remembered its relatives of the

previous birth. Such a divine knowledge on memorization enters the nerves of a

person and he will not have any tension about his family members. He does his

duties without any trace of tension. This is the salvation while alive

(Jeevanmukthi). Thus meditation means continuous remembering of the divine

knowledge which yields the direct fruit here itself. Such a person gets a fruit

in the upper world also. The only one Lord is the authority here and there

also. Anybody blessed here will be blessed there also. If one is not blessed

here he is not blessed in the upper world also. The grace of

the Lord or the anger of the Lord is uniform here and there. One who is not

blessed here cannot be blessed there. Thus the true knowledge blesses any

person here and there. Meditation is continuous thinking of such knowledge and

other interpretations are either useless or of little use.


posted by: His servant

at the lotus feet of shri datta swami



tantra_rag <no_reply> wrote: what is Moksha (in a universally

accepted terms?




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, prakki surya <dattapr2000>

>Meditation is continuous thinking of such knowledge and other

>interpretations are either useless or of little use.



Meditation can never be defined as thinking.


Mere thinking leads only to a dead end through scattering its power.


Durin meditation, our thoughts, which waste pranic force, are

eliminated and the mind concentrates and summons its great scattered

power into one single point. This is how the energy withdraws from the

body and the soul enters the akashic area.


Once again: thinking wastes pranic energy and ojas. Thats why tantric

mystic schools teach the practice of awareness. Awareness in all our

actions and thoughts every moment. Living and acting consciously has

tremendous energetic benefits. Day-dreaming and undisciplined thinking

only wastes shakti.

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Continuing my previous posting I would like to add that the techniques

that focus the mind on external objects such as candle-flames (tratak)

and the techniques that focus the mind on internal forms such as

yantras and symbols, all have the same goal: to teach the mind through

pratyahara to withdraw onto one single point, thus confining the

chitta or mental matter within a single area or concept.


To sum up, such techniques are not at all useless and have a

background, meaning and explanation as every yogic technique.

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100% agree,


As said in messge of sadguru datta swami i never heard

meditation as concentration too. its attention and

watchfull to your movements in the area which is

called as mind so that they are settled down.Thats the



Concentration is prior part of meditation which is

called as "dharana" which is required to stabilise the

gaze.Unless the gaze is stabilised meditation is



As the movements are settled the focus of inspiration

of life ( the power of illumination)goes upwards and

charges adnya chakra (devine eye) instead of our

material eyes.The material eyes are totally stooped

under these condition.The third eye when gazed on

certain locations placed in the forhead enroute of

"murdhana"nerve gets tuned to different different

lokas and we enter into them.


The experience in living in those lokas is as equal as

living in this world. Ancient people used to live in

two or more planes therefore we find examples of human

marrying with apsaras.Rishis fighting with devils.The

people had the capacity due to there common focus was

more pure than nowadays we have. Theses gandharav,

apsara ,devil,ghost etx lokas are closer lokas to this

material world so they can be more easily entered

into.Even king Dashrath had partcipated gods-rakshasas

war and got rewards.That was the heaven the swarga



Sadguru's speciality is that he is available untill

the last stopage in this journey the satya loka with

us, because he is superior to the other all lokas in

the world due to realisation of truth and he saves us

from the misguidance by the people of different planes

who meet during sadhana. Some people in theses lokas

helps people in sadhana too.Apart from that "sadguru "

is the only one who guides us in physical as well as

devine form,since he is available physically and



There is example of "sant namdev' who was sent by "the

god viththal(vishnu)" to sadguru for his progree even

he had "Lord Viththal"available to him all the

time.Even gods have guru to them.


Is the meditation is thinking or experiencing????






--- om_agni_devi <no_reply> wrote:


> , prakki surya

> <dattapr2000>

> >Meditation is continuous thinking of such knowledge

> and other

> >interpretations are either useless or of little

> use.



> Meditation can never be defined as thinking.


> Mere thinking leads only to a dead end through

> scattering its power.


> Durin meditation, our thoughts, which waste pranic

> force, are

> eliminated and the mind concentrates and summons its

> great scattered

> power into one single point. This is how the energy

> withdraws from the

> body and the soul enters the akashic area.


> Once again: thinking wastes pranic energy and ojas.

> Thats why tantric

> mystic schools teach the practice of awareness.

> Awareness in all our

> actions and thoughts every moment. Living and acting

> consciously has

> tremendous energetic benefits. Day-dreaming and

> undisciplined thinking

> only wastes shakti.










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