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Divine Message of His Holiness Shri Datta Swami


It is a pitiable situation of the spiritual knowledge because people are

giving lot of importance to the word Yoga while not understanding it’s real

meaning. People speak about the six wheels (Chakras) and there is no reference

of these Chakras in the sacred scriptures like Vedas, Gita and Brahma Sutras.

This is the creation of a middle age scholar, who has introduced the spiritual

subject in symbolic language. The wheels indicate the whirlpools that come

across the ocean which have to be crossed by the swimmer who likes to cross this

ocean like ignorance. They are like the attractive lotus flowers, which capture

and prison the soul, which is like a bee. If Yoga is understood as the concept

represented by this symbolic language in it’s true sense, then I am very happy

to the present version of Yoga. But I feel very bad if you really think that

there are real wheels or lotus flowers on the spine. You are not finding such

things even through very powerful microscope after doing the

surgery of spine. Thus you must always have the torch light of logic and

science which must be used wherever and whenever necessary. But you should also

know the place where this torchlight should not be used. In analysing yourself

and in analysing the true path, you should always use the torch. But when you

have recognised the goal, and reached it, you should put off this torchlight

because you require blind faith there. Blindness means darkness. The quality

Tamas represents Siva, the final form of God and the final blind faith is Tamas

only. While reaching the goal, you require the knowledge and analysis. Knowledge

is Sattvam, which is the middle divine form or Vishnu. The starting person is a

human being, which is highly effected by egoism indicated by Rajas representing

the first divine form Brahma. Thus the soul, the path and the goal represent the

nature of Datta only.


The real meaning of the word Yoga means meeting the Satguru. The word Yoga

comes from the verb “Yuj”, which means the union. Satguru is the human

incarnation of the Lord. The Lord will exhibit the Maya consisting of the three

qualities. When the devotees are tested, this Maya is mainly made of the full

expression of Rajas and Tamas. Such Maya is used to test your firm faith and

your assimilation of the spiritual knowledge. By this devotees generally run

away and such Maya of the Lord Datta is very strong and He appears as drunkard

and fond of prostitutes. When Kartaveeryarjuna approached Him with his defective

hands, the Lord broke the two hands. But he continued in the service with blind

faith and got thousand hands. Thus we should have patience in the tests of the

Lord. Lord Krishna also showed several defects like stealing the butter, dancing

with the women etc., to divert the devotees. In order to have patience in His

tests without being disturbed by Rajas and Tamas, you must

have a pre-training in this world to raise yourself beyond these three

qualities. In fact the Lord is beyond these three qualities and is untouched by

them. To get such kind of patience before the Lord, you have to take training in

the world. In such training you will develop the patience to face these divine

tests from the Lord in human form. Therefore, Yoga is defined as the union or

achievement of this equilibrium unperturbed by these three qualities.


Yoga is defined by the Lord as this equilibrium (Samatvam Yoga Uchyate—Gita).

In the chapter “Atmasamyama Yoga” the details of such training are mentioned.

You have to receive both the friend and enemy with equality

(Suhrunmitraryudasinah—Gita). By this you will treat the Lord with the same

devotion even if He reacts as enemy towards you to test your faith. The Lord

also tests your attachment with the worldly bonds with reference to His bond.

You must prove that His bond is highest. For this you have to reduce the

attractions in the world. Such reduction of your attractions is a part of Yoga

and is useful directly before the Lord. You should serve the Lord without

aspiring anything in return and you must treat both the respect and insult with

equality (Sukha Duhkhe Same, Manavamanayoh—Gita). You must treat both profit and

loss with equality because when you approach the Lord you may sometimes get loss

instead of profit. Without undergoing such training to achieve self-control or

Atma Samyama, one cannot succeed in the tests of the Lord. Sudama developed

such self-control during the poverty for a long time. He did not do any sin in

spite of the suffering of his family members with poverty. Such training helped

him when he went to Lord Krishna. He stayed with the Lord for a few days. During

this period he never asked the Lord for anything. The Lord also sent him back

without even a trace of help. Sudama never criticised the Lord for not doing any

help. He succeeded in the test of the Lord and achieved infinite wealth. Thus

Gita gives the real meaning of Yoga, which is the self-control without being

attracted by diversions. Such diversions are these charkas, which are nothing

but the obstructions to pass in the test of the Lord. This training is like one

full year academic course and is very important. The test of the Lord is a

matter of three-hour examination at the end of the year. If you have finished

this training, the Lord Himself will come to you in

human form, conduct the test and will give you the certificate. Therefore you

should concentrate on the Gita, which is called as Yoga Sastra or The scripture

of Yoga.


The examiner, examination and the certificate are consequent steps, which will

take place spontaneously on the divine will. Therefore the study of Gita helps

you really on this day of festival and eating these sweets leads only to

problems of indigestion. Praising the examiner with songs (Bhajans) also will

not help you because the examiner is very clever and strict and cannot be

soaped. It is better to hear His divine knowledge, assimilate and pass the

examination. Such path gives you a dignity and respect to the divine teacher

also. Instead of taking this royal path, why are you sorting to unlawful means

of soaping like chanting His name (Japam), worshipping Him (Puja), singing

(Bhajans) in order to get such certificates. Hanuman never did these things

except participating in the service of the Lord. He never aspired any thing in

return to his service also. He was made the future creator (Brahma) by the Lord

and this is the highest certificate. Therefore you can get the Highest

fruit from the Lord if you practice Yoga in this world in your day-to-day life,

which gives you all the necessary training to succeed in the test of the Lord.


posted by: His servant

at the lotus feet of shri datta swami



"udaykumar S.K." <udaykumar001 wrote:

yogaha chittavrittuniradham= mean yoga is the

neutralisation of chittavritti(which come due to

attachemnts)here attachement is mental,physical as

well as because of the gained knowledge trough

books,learned from others everything which makes even

a single movement is chitta or heart.


100% stalled identity is exposed to brahman since it

has lost everything which is covered by maya.



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