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"The Origin and History of Tantra

The word "Tantra" comes from the root tan, to "extend", "continue",

multiply". "Tantra" means "what extends knowledge".



Some Indian pandits and Western scholars argue that Tantra

constitutes the continuation of the original Indian aboriginal

tradition (especially the Dravidian), which predates the coming of

the Indo-European Aryan invaders and their Vedic religion (2nd

millenium b.c.e.). According to this theory, the ritualistic Vedism

and the yogic-mystical aboriginal tradition co-existed independently

for some time. But the Aryan political takeover, and intermarriage

with the native population, resulted in the Dravidian religion being

assimilated into the Vedic the result of the merger being the

mystical Hinduism of the Upanishads.


Growing out of this yogic tradition, Tantra appears in provinces

that had not been strongly Vedicised: e.g. the Northwest, Bengal,

and the South (Eliade, Ibid p.201) in the fourth century of the

common era. Within the space of a few centuries it had attained pan-

Indian inflence. A number of distinct and independent branches

developed, so that one can speak of Mahayana Buddhist tantrism

(Tibetan Vajrayana, "adamantine vehicle", and Japanese

Shingon "Mantra teaching") Shaivite tantrism (in Kashmir,

emphasising the monistic Vedantic perspective), Natha tantrism (a

hybrid Shaivite yogic movement), Shakta tantra (in Bengal,

emphasising the chakras, kundalini, and occult practices),

cosmological tantrism (the Pancharatra movement), Jain tantrism, and

even Vaishvana tantrism (among devotees of Vishnu and Krishna)."




This is a commonly held point of view among serious researchers.

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meanings of "tantra"

Tantra = 1.a loom 2.a thread 3.the warp or threads

extended lengthwise in a loom 4.posterity 5.an

uninterrupted series

6.the regular order of ceremonies and rites 7.main


8.principal doctrine 9.subservience 10.a scientific


11.a chapter 12.a religious treatise teaching magical

and mystical formularies for the worship of the

deities or the attainment of superhuman power 13.the

cause of more than one effect 14.a spell 15.a chief

remedy or charm 16.a drug 17.an oach

18.raiment 19.the right way of doing anything 20.royal


21.a realm 22.government 23.an army 24.a heap 25.a

house 26.decoration 27.wealth 28.happiness 29.model

30.supporting a family 31.providing for the security

and prosperity of a kingdom

32.a group of acts or subsidiaries common to several

pradhaanakarmas or things 33.the order of the world

34.a detail (matter or thing) which is subservient to

(i. e. serves the purpose of) several things



These are the meanings available on net.

the closest meanings is no.5,7,10.34


The world "tantra =a scientific work" looks better

Tan=Tanu=human body

if Tra = tool

Tantra= technic by body tool







many scripts end with "tantra" and we use this world

in everyday life means "technic"

Kutantra= bad planning technic

sutantra=good planned technic



--- Tatwamasi <tatwamasi wrote:



> "The Origin and History of Tantra


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You are correct word tantra is derived from the "tanu vistaare"

meaning expansion, through which adhyatmaj~naana and tattvaj~naana

is expounded.


tenoti vipulaanarthan tattvamantrasamanvitaan |

traaNaM ca kurute yasmaat tantramityabhidhiiyate ||


Liberal Meaning – A methodology tattva and mantra with general

meaning for expansion is known as tantra.


kulaarNava tantra has an interesting shloka that signifies the

importance of tranta.


advitaM kecidicchhanti dvaitamicchhanti caapare |

mama tattvaM vijaanato dvaitaadvaitavivarjitam ||


Meaning – Some aspirants desire (prefer) to be in dvaitaa, where as

some are deserious of advaita. However, knowledgeable folks

(j~naate) aspire for dvaitaadvaita-vivarjita tattva.



Just some thoughts,


Dr. Yadu



, "Tatwamasi" <tatwamasi> wrote:



> "The Origin and History of Tantra

> The word "Tantra" comes from the root tan,

to "extend", "continue",

> multiply". "Tantra" means "what extends knowledge".




> http://www.kheper.net/topics/Tantra/history.htm



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