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Chapter 18 & 19 :Sri_Sai_Sat_Charitra_Concise(Version)

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Om Shree Ganeshaya Namah

Om Sai Ram

Chapter 18 & 19 :::

Story of Smt.Deshmuk


Sadhguru first assesses the requirements of his devotees. As a loving mother

forcibly makes her child consume medicine for its sound health, Sadguru also

impresses on his devotees the dictums on spiritual progress.

*Mr. Sathe was somewhat popular at Bombay. In course of time he fell into

difficult days and came to Shirdi. There he completed the reading (parayana) of

Guru Charitra in seven days and on the seventh day Baba appeared in his dream.

Next day Baba told Kaka Dhikxit that if Sathe did one more parayana God would be

pleased and release him from the clutches of material word. As He uttered these

words, Hemad Panth who was massaging the Feet of Baba thought: 'I am reading

Guru Charitra for forty years in vain, while Sathe had the benefit in seven

days. Alas! My seven years of Shirdi life has gone a waste.' Immediately Baba

asked him to get up and go to Shama's house, get fifteen rupees from him as His

dakshina and have a chat with him also. Hemad Panth came to Shama's house.

Shama told him that he was not having fifteen rupees and hence Hemad panth

should take his fifteen prostrations to Baba.He then narrated an event about


"Once a lady called Radha Bai Deshmukh from Sangamaner came to see Baba. and

then vowed not to take even water until Baba gave her a mantra upadesa. Since

the lady started sinking I pleaded Baba to intervene and Baba called that lady

and addressed thus: 'You are my mother. Please listen to me. My Guru did not

utter any mantra in my ear. He shaved off my head and took from me two paise

(faith and patience) as dakshina. Then how can I do it for you? I sought refuge

in my Guru for twelve years. I had nothing but my Guru for meditation. He also

did not expect anything from me. Mother tortoise nourishes its siblings with the

mere thought of them though they are not by its side. Siblings too do nothing

but thinking about their mother. Oh! Mother! Take me as the sole refuge of your

thought, action and speech. Look at me with deep heart. I too will do the same

to you. Do not attempt to seek any mantra or upadesa from any one. I speak only

truth from this masjid.'

On hearing this story Hemad Panth's eyes were filled with tears. By then they

heard the bells clang from masjid for noon aratfti and both rushed there. Baba

asked Hemati Panth to recapitulate all that he heard from Shama. Then He filled

his hands with sugar candy and said: " Worship Me in the form as you see Me day

and night here. If you implant the theme of this story in your mind ,your life

will be as sweet as these sugar candies.' At that moment the arathi was over and

the assembled crowd shouted in ecstasy "'Jai Sal Ram". Let us also shout so.

*Baba used to say: 'No one including animals come to us without any link of

previous birth. To those who come hungry let us offer food. Invite them

lovingly. If some one seeks money and you do not want to give, then don't give:

but do not bark. Let people say hundreds of things against you. But do not

retort with bitter words. God alone is our only protector. None else. His wish

alone shall prevail. Let the world go up side down. You remain steadfast in your


*Baba said that talking ill of a person on his back tantamount to a pig

eagerly swallowing excreta. He used to advise each one in a different manner

suited to that person.

Baba also advised not to take any body's service free.



"Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu


Gurur Devoh Maheshwar;


Gurur Shakshat Parambramha


Tashmai Shri Gurur Veh Namah"


May the Merciful Sri Sai Baba always shower His grace on us and our families and

remove our problems and anxieties by giving us all - strength , goodluck,

success and happiness with peace of mind.

Sai bhakt,

Deepa H




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