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Sat Sang

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Here I would add the old, much debated and little-understood issue of

destiny vs free will. Can a person DO anything, or is it a natural

process of evolution, (involving living, experiencing, cleansing,

learning and growing) that ultimately takes one to the final stages?

Are we merely puppets of the journey and path planned for us by the

Universal Intelligence?


_/\_ Tat Twam asi




, "Baba ji" <beirut_ka_baba> wrote:



> Besides the explanation given by you, we have also to consider if it

> is really possible that all the human get enlightened ? NO it is

> not…becoz then the very purpose of this Universe will be defeated

> which has in it the seed of Negativity.


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Saying ourself puppets is, like holding our one hand

with other hand in dark which is holding the door lock

and screaming "thief, thief "


As everybody knows The Human structure is made up of

four things "mind,intelect,chitta(the impressions),

ego(ahankara=being I am)"


Here the chitta plays very important roll in human

destiny. The mind activities are controlled ,say

mainly effected by chitta and the same chitta guides

the intelligence.This chitta is the collection of

impressions in our number of past lifes.Therefore

human behaviour is based on his past life impressions.


The misguidence or proper guidence by the

chittasanskaras (impressions) is called as

prarabhdha,which we say as "karmas",The human behaves

according to these karmasanskaras,


There are three karams 1.Sanchit karma=the karma of

this life ,until yesterday since birth.

2.Kriyaman Karma= todays karmas since morning to


Yesterdays kriyaman becomes "sanchit" today.

Both of these 1 & 2 are situated near muladhara chakra

and by chanting gods name,doing poojas, worshiping

superior gods,they gets cleared out.The kundlini

awakening is sign of clearing this life karmas.

3.Third "karma" is "prarabdha" and is situated near

"intellect",the intellect is above adnya chakra and

when our collective awareness reaches we reach at

turiyavastha"sheer pleasure"The prarabhda is

ineffective until we remain in turiyavastha but when

we come down in the body its effecting of life.


The third karma can not be wiped out unless we suffer

them.Only liberated guru can do that.But thats very

rare case.


Now our happenings in this life is collective result

of past lifes impressions (chittasanskaras) as per

rule "action has reaction" and unless we suffer

everything what happens to us, we can not get out of

that.We should not create a reaction to these events

otherwise there are chances of repelling and deepening

the chain reaction.


In our life there are two things effective.

1.The "karmas" of past life. If we leave everything on

"karmas" we are the puppets and the life will be taken

charge by "fate" which is outcome of our past life


2.Our control- we do our efforts as per our intellect

says.We favour the things as per our chittasanskras

but when we think and act in the situations as a third

person we come out of the problems.Here gaining worldy

knowldge helps.


It means that if the "karmas"have some bad effects but

by our own efforts the "bad things" can be changed

into "good things" by free will.Only few certain

happenings can not be chandged by free will.


we dont have to leave everything into hands of destiny

the fate, but we have to leave everything in hands of

god in form,who is invited by us to stay in our heart

and is incharge of our life forever.Only then we can

beat the purpose of life towards liberation and can

stop the chain reaction from this life onwards.


The percentage of free will goes down as the past life

karmas go up and destiny percentage increases.


The first birth has say 99% free will and 1 % destiny.

But further births have 70-30,60-40,50-50,40-60 and so



This is the reason why every person in same situation

can not use his free will equally.


The liberation is choice of individual.Even

unliberated are going to finish at the time of final

day of colision of world since it will nullify

everything.Only thing is that the individual will be

purely ultimate devil form and 100% destiny driven.



--- Tatwamasi <tatwamasi wrote:


> Are we merely puppets of the journey and path

> planned for us by the

> Universal Intelligence?


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The spiritual world starts where material world ends.


The "karmas" are effective on material world.The

material status of individual is of mind & intellect&



Hence if anybody wants to have spiritual

progress,until the activity by that person is in

physical and mental stage the karmas give their

effects. Once the mind centre is crossed the karmas

have no effect.The progress depends on the

readyness,preparation of the person.


The person when returns back from the status of "sheer

self" he becomes distant from mind centre and the

material body.hence he suffer all the happenings

without taking them as "his sufferings".


Spiritual progress is not related to destiny,its truly

free will.

The free will uses no mind,no intellect,its only sheer

self. Therefore it can be used in spiritual progress.


We have to use intellect in material life hence

"destiny" becomes effective.


Destiny has its effect untill you enter within,(the

spiritual world)Once you enter its stalled,untill you

return back into material status.





--- "udaykumar S.K." <udaykumar001 wrote:


The liberation is choice of individual.Even

> unliberated are going to finish at the time of final

> day of colision of world since it will nullify

> everything.Only thing is that the individual will be

> purely ultimate devil form and 100% destiny driven.


> >







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Namaste all. Nice to read your additional post, baba ji.

Sri Kripaluji Maharaj covers so much in detail in just about 45

minutes. I have only translated 1/3 of his lecture.


The best reason he gave for the failure of the spiritual seekers:


The seeker never considered the God-realized Saint as a true Master,

as 'Sat' since his/her material mind and buddhi have declared this.

And the Saints have said that 'Sang' is not accomplished in true

sense, i.e. in full surrender of trivial material intellect and mind

of the seeker to Sant's Divine wisdom.


So the results were not attained. Many lives have been spent

in perfecting our Sadhana and Surrender.


I will continue to translate the rest of 2/3 of the very interesting

lecture in a few days.


Jaya Sri Radhey!


Dr. Jaya

Bhuvaneshvar, Orissa


, "Baba ji" <beirut_ka_baba>



> , pyari_h <no_reply> wrote:


> <<From time immemorial many Saints and Prophets…… the seekers.


> Then why everyone is not realizing God?>>


> Thanks Dr.Jaya for this beautiful question !!


> It is worth pondering as to why so many incarnations of God, so many

> saints failed in their Mission ?


> Besides the explanation given by you, we have also to consider if it

> is really possible that all the human get enlightened ? NO it is

> not…becoz then the very purpose of this Universe will be defeated

> which has in it the seed of Negativity.

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  • 2 months later...
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"The Svetasvatara Upanishad states that the ultimate

Truth reveals Itself only in that high-souled one who

has supreme devotion to his spiritual preceptor.

Those who lack this requirement are disqualified to

study the Vedantic texts, as this impurity of the

intellect would stand in the way of realizing the

most subtle truths contained therein." - Swami





"Baba ji" <beirut_ka_baba


Saturday, January 28, 2006 7:52 PM

Sat Sang



, pyari_h <no_reply> wrote:


<<From time immemorial many Saints and Prophets.. the seekers.


Then why everyone is not realizing God?>>


Thanks Dr.Jaya for this beautiful question !!


It is worth pondering as to why so many incarnations of God, so many

saints failed in their Mission ?


Besides the explanation given by you, we have also to consider if it

is really possible that all the human get enlightened ? NO it is

not.becoz then the very purpose of this Universe will be defeated

which has in it the seed of Negativity.


Though you are right in saying that it is possible for all human to

realize the Truth, yet the Maya herself puts their Buddhi on wrong way

to fulfil the essential conditions of working of the Universe.


Shri Krishna said in Gita " Na Maa(n) Dushkritino Moodhha Prapdyantey

Naradhama.Mayaya aphritogyana Aasuram Bhavmashrita"


Those who are idiots, those who are like Asuras, those whose

intelligence has been deformed by Maya, do no aspire for me !!


HE further says " Aasuri yonimapanna mudha janmani janmani.Mamprapyaiv

kaunteya tato yantydhman gatim"


Hey Son of Kunti, such Asur type human again and again take birth and

slowly reach te bottom of evolution.they never reach me.


So even if God comes down to earth, what to talk of saints and

prophets..these lower souls will never aspire for the truth.

Their very presence is the reason for the Universe to exist.


God realisation is not a path for common herd..here common herd are

not those who are poor or illiterate or of lower birth.but those

whose mind is controlled by Maya. One out Billions, aspires for God,

and very few among million aspirers succeed on the right path, and a

few among those on the right path.get to the highest of planes..and a

single among them crosses ocean of Maya in a leap towards the final Truth


With love




















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