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Paradox ??

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As long as we adhere to the second law of Newton about movement,

admitting that


"Every action has an opposite and equal re-action"


applying it in a universal scale, these questions do not arise.


The system of our universe, just like any other complex system is

trying to balance itself. Balance can be achieved through the

existance of two exactly opposite masses of energy or events.


We are trapped in a system that cannot exist without the presence of

both good and bad events. What one should ask himself is whether it is

worth trying to eliminate the negativity since we know that it will

inevitably continue to exist to balance our complex system (world) and

prevent it from falling apart.


The moment you try to unbalance one side of the energy within yourself

by eliminating tamo guna, your personal system balances itself by

entering the world of counter-matter, the metaphysical world.


That is why it is useless to get angry or emotional about the apparent

injustice of our world. In fact, only justice and balance prevails



We have explained this theory often through the scope of reincarnation

and karma, I just wanted to examine it through another angle and

worldview in this posting.


, "Baba ji" <beirut_ka_baba>



> Y'day night I was chatting with a young new sadhka of our group,

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Dear babaji,


Basically the anger comes when you expect something to

happen and it doesnt happens, means you want to change

it by yourself.


But this again indicates that the sadhdak dont have

trust on gods activities. The people are getting

punished by god for their bad karmas and they have to

get punished so that they are freed from their bad

karmas and made able to do good karmas.


What is the reason for anger here.


As a sadhak he has to help the most he can,to them the

sufferes which will please gos for doing good karma.



--- Baba ji <beirut_ka_baba wrote:


> Y'day night I was chatting with a young new sadhka

> of our group,

> about various experiences he had with his

> meditation. In the course

> of discussion he raised two beautiful questions.



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  • 2 months later...
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"Baba ji" <beirut_ka_baba wrote:


So for reaching a cruel,unjust and dishonest God, I am asked to

> be honest, just and loving....why this paradox ??


> any body has answer to these ?



In one word, "FAITH" is the answer.


In this complex creation, where every individual comes (takes birth) with

his/hers/its own past karmas, tendencies and desires etc., there is no one

medicine for every one. Lord knows the past and the future of all of us but

we don't know. Therefore He provides a suitable remedy for each individual,

that is in their best interest, be it suffering, death or whatever. Mother

Ganga drowned her seven infants at birth, seemingly a cruel act, but she

knew what she was doing.


Many people may have a first-hand experience of this. Sometimes we face very

unpleasant situations in life and wonder why me? But a few years down the

road when we look back, we realize that, that unpleasant situation has

changed the course of our life and was in our best interest.


In essence God is all compassionate and merciful and never cruel as it might

seem in a given situation, Therefore, only with faith and ethical living we

hope to reach Him.




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That depends on one's definition of "God" and "His" role. The paradox

exists only in the duality mode where God is seen in terms of a Being

with hhuman-like qualities of justice, kindness etc. In its absolute

format, as Nirgun Brahman, "God" simply IS, and does not "DO"

anything. It is intelligence or Law of Karma or Law of Energy in

action. Just like the sun, which rises and sets, simply beacuse it is

its law.


_/\_ Tat twam asi







, "Baba ji" <beirut_ka_baba wrote:


> So for reaching a cruel,unjust and dishonest God, I am asked to

> be honest, just and loving....why this paradox ??


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Absolutely, In the absolute sense, there is none other than Him, He is the

punisher and the punished, He is the killer and the killed, He the is

compassionate and the receiver of compassion. From His standpoint there is

cruelty or compassion because nothing was ever created. Just like in a

dream, there is none other than the dreamer, the dreamer becomes the tiger

and he alone becomes the one being attacked by the tiger. Its a beautiful

play of Maya or His Lila, isn't it?






"Tatwamasi" in <> wrote:


In its absolute

format, as Nirgun Brahman, "God" simply IS, and does not "DO"






> , "Baba ji" <beirut_ka_baba wrote:


>> So for reaching a cruel,unjust and dishonest God, I am asked to

>> be honest, just and loving....why this paradox ??










> Version: 7.1.385 / Virus Database: 268.4.0/305 - Release 4/8/2006



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Yes it certainly is amazing and sounds so simple, yet we have spent

aeons in trying to find ways to deal with the "attacks" of this

imaginary tiger, and the emotions associated with it. It keeps us

locked in the cycle of life on earth through attachment to this

very "tiger". And having created huge piles of information on how to

deal with this, we continue to perpetuate this dream by attempting

to "defend" it with one's lives. If one looks at this imagery, it is

both hilarious and sad and has become the primary subject of dispute

and perpetuation of the dream itself. Wrapped and tangled into its

own little self.


How can one possible wake up if one is all entangled with

the "Tiger"?


Thus step 1 is to Stop, Be in the moment, Suspend Judegement, and

watch the "Tiger" play. Watch it like seeing the sunrise for the

first time, with a Waaaaaaao!


_/\_ Tat twam asi






, radhakutir <radhaktr wrote:


Just like in a

> dream, there is none other than the dreamer, the dreamer becomes



> and he alone becomes the one being attacked by the tiger. Its a


> play of Maya or His Lila, isn't it?

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, "Tatwamasi" <tatwamasi wrote:



> That depends on one's definition of "God" and "His" role. The paradox

> exists only in the duality mode where God is seen in terms of a Being

> with hhuman-like qualities of justice, kindness etc. In its absolute

> format, as Nirgun Brahman, "God" simply IS, and does not "DO"

> anything. It is intelligence or Law of Karma or Law of Energy in

> action. Just like the sun, which rises and sets, simply beacuse it is

> its law.


> _/\_ Tat twam asi


> Uma



If God were only an impersonal abstraction eternally contradicting the

apparent fact of our concrete existence, cessation would be the right

end of the matter; but love and delight and self-awareness have also

to be reckoned.


The universe is not merely a mathematical formula for working out the

relation of certain mental abstractions called numbers and principles

to arrive in the end at a zero or a void unit, neither is it merely a

physical operation embodying certain equations of forces.


We may speak of the supreme as if he were a mathematician working out

a cosmic sum in numbers or a thinker resolving by experiment a problem

in relations of principles and balance of forces; but also we should

speak of him as if he were a lover, a musician of universal and

particular harmonies, a child and a poet.


The side of thought is not enough; the side of delight too must be

entirely grasped. Ideas forces, existence, principles are hollow

moulds unless they are filled with the breath of God's delight.





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That's correct. If we are in the duality mode; if we are looking for

the "love" and "delight" to be satisfied by another, then we need to

reconcile the issues of what you called the paradox.


("So for reaching a cruel,unjust and dishonest God, I am asked to

be honest, just and loving .... why this paradox ??")


That paradox can be justified using the analogy of the parent-child

relationship. Parents need to have rules, and enforce them. (It is

another issue when they aren't able to do that and spoil on one

extreme or neglect on the other). They are given ample opportunities

to learn rules of living in this Karmic world, in a loving (ideally)

manner to the best of the parent's ability.


To a child, however these rules often appear unfair, and even

tyrannical. They often rebel, fight back, condemn their parents, and

the entire range of conflict is experienced in different degrees by

different people. This parent-child relationship exists across all

geographic and religious boundaries, and depending on the

consciousness of the parents and the child incarnating through them,

plays itself out.


Amazingly it IS a law, a precise mathematical formula, with the

variables and parameters set by none other than ourselves, through

our thoughts, feelings and actions. We can give it a face if we

chose to or not. We can experience love as the energy of warmth in

the Union with the Higher Self, or physical and verbal expressions

or sexual orgasm. Each defines a path, taking us to the same goal.


None of these modalities is contained in distinct separate boxes.

The Ideal is a balance and everyone has to experience all

modalities, to get there.


I don't really see the contradiction that you speak of. Its possible

that I don't understand it.


_/\_ Tat twam asi






, "Baba ji" <beirut_ka_baba




> If God were only an impersonal abstraction eternally contradicting


> apparent fact of our concrete existence, cessation would be the


> end of the matter; but love and delight and self-awareness have


> to be reckoned.



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, "Tatwamasi" <tatwamasi wrote:


> None of these modalities is contained in distinct separate boxes.

> The Ideal is a balance and everyone has to experience all

> modalities, to get there.


> I don't really see the contradiction that you speak of. Its possible

> that I don't understand it.


By writing "None of these modalities...get there" you have yrself

removed the contradiction.


I wished to say God can not be merely bound by small definitions of

Aham Brahasmi or Tatwamasi or krishna or shiva...we have to learn to

see him all around....in love in hatered, in violence in peace, in

acceptance and in rejection too.


Those who see God as loving Krishna are True but incomplete

those who see God as absolute void are True but incomplete

Those who see him as universe are True but incomplete


He is all of them, still not definable....... and each one of see

him from our standpoint...though not completely true but true in a



The problem arises when we insist he is what we think !





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, radhakutir <radhaktr wrote:


Welcome back Radhakutir ji,


You are very miser in distributing nectar of your presence, which

certainly gives positive energies to this group and to us.


sometimes back I had asked a question in this group, but nobody

replied to it. I had asked a question about Krishna.


Before the Mahabharata, Krishnas asks Arjuna to worship durga and

ask for boon to win the batter....Arjuna complies with and finally

Durga appears and asks for boon. When Arjuna asked for victory, she

tell him that since Krishna is on your side...victory is yours.


This lila of Krishna, i never understood. When he himself is the

Shaktiman and could have given victory to Arjuna, why he asked him to

worship Durga and get her blessings ?


I wil be grateful if you could throw some light on this


with respect



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Dear Babji,


A very interesting question indeed. Character of Krishna is very

interesting. I like the description of His character by Swami

Chinmayanandaji, which is reproduced below:


"This Supreme Essence born as a mass of Beauty, Music and Joy, dazzling with

Wisdom, noisy with Laughter, ever a Master of Circumstances, a King of

Events, frisking about in life's melancholy contention, meeting challenges

with daring and confidence, at once a Hero and a Child all rolled in One -

this is the perfect God-Man, the eternal child of Brindavan."


* If you can fire the gun using someone else's shoulder, why strain your own

shoulder. This is wisdom.

* Self praise is not intelligence, if you can use some one else to praise

you why not? and avoid being egoistic.

* It makes the play more interesting when you bring in more characters than

being a one-man show.

* Krishna is a King of the events, he knows what technique to employ in a

given circumstance to make His Lila more interesting.

* If needed, He never hesitated to use His own powers directly also as He

did by slowing down the sunset to favor the Pandavas during the battle.

* After all He is the greatest of 'Lila -dharis', who can understand His

Lilas? It is better to enjoy His Lilas with faith and devotion rather than

to rationalize them.

* Even though your question is interesting, but it is a difficult one. I

should not have even attempted to answer it. It is better to meditate on it.


Thanks for the wonderful question.








"Baba ji" <beirut_ka_baba


Tuesday, April 18, 2006 12:19 PM

Re: Paradox ??



> , radhakutir <radhaktr wrote:


> Welcome back Radhakutir ji,


> You are very miser in distributing nectar of your presence, which

> certainly gives positive energies to this group and to us.


> sometimes back I had asked a question in this group, but nobody

> replied to it. I had asked a question about Krishna.


> Before the Mahabharata, Krishnas asks Arjuna to worship durga and

> ask for boon to win the batter....Arjuna complies with and finally

> Durga appears and asks for boon. When Arjuna asked for victory, she

> tell him that since Krishna is on your side...victory is yours.


> This lila of Krishna, i never understood. When he himself is the

> Shaktiman and could have given victory to Arjuna, why he asked him to

> worship Durga and get her blessings ?


> I wil be grateful if you could throw some light on this


> with respect


> baba









> Version: 7.1.385 / Virus Database: 268.4.1/313 - Release 4/15/2006



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