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WINE OF EVERLASTING BLISS – The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

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I drink no ordinary wine, but Wine of Everlasting Bliss,

As I repeat my Mother Kali's name ;


It so intoxicates my mind that people take me to be drunk !

First my guru gives molasses for the making of the Wine ;


My longing is the ferment to transform it.

Knowledge, the maker of the Wine, prepares it for me then ;


And when it is done , my mind imbibes it from the bottle of the


Taking the Mother's name make it pure


Drink of this Wine ,says Ramprasad and four fruits* of life is



*Dharma,artha kama and moksha


(The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, In the Company of Devotees, pg 95)

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Kali_Ma, "kanna_krishnan2002" <kanna_krishnan2002>




> I drink no ordinary wine, but Wine of Everlasting Bliss,

> As I repeat my Mother Kali's name ;


> It so intoxicates my mind that people take me to be drunk !

> First my guru gives molasses for the making of the Wine ;


> My longing is the ferment to transform it.

> Knowledge, the maker of the Wine, prepares it for me then ;


> And when it is done , my mind imbibes it from the bottle of the

> mantra,

> Taking the Mother's name make it pure


> Drink of this Wine ,says Ramprasad and four fruits* of life is

> yours………………….


> *Dharma,artha kama and moksha


> (The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, In the Company of Devotees, pg 95)




Its real nice expression can u explain some thing more about five Ms

i mean Madya Mans Meen Mudra and Mathun For those who dont know how

to use it and what for it is?? only Hardcore or sexuality is not



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Om Kali Sharmaji,

The five things that you are referring to are known as Pancha Makaras ..which in

Sanskrit means five article.Pancha means five and makaras are so be cause all 5

article starts with letter ma which is madya (wine),maithuna (coition),matsya

(fish)mudra (parched grain) and mamsa(meat).This is also known as Panchatattva

sadhana and have gone through massive abuse that today nobody refers to

scriptural methodology that it originated from and a lot practice based on

blind perception. As usual the tantra text prescribed different interpretation

for different level of sadhakas according to pasvachara for the tamasika

followers ,virachara for rajasika followers and as divya sadhana for the

sattvika followers. You decide which level you aspire to be …..

Remember tantric scriptures like Tantrasara under Bhava-Cudamani and

Brhanila-Tantra under chapter 4 -Paradranna gaccheran gacchecca

prajapedyadi(trhat is for the purpose of worship)Uttarra -tantra states

-Pujakalm vinan nanyam purusam manasa sprset,Pujakalecca devesi vesyeva

parittosayet.The same it is stated about madya and maithuna as well in Kulamrta

Tantra .This clearly show the are only to be used in tantric ritual and not for

daily consumption which according Syama-rahasya under Chapter 5 brings to hell.


Even if you claim you are of vira temperament spiritual aspirant remember the

saying “Jitendrayah ,staved,nityanustahanatatparah,kamadi-balidanasca sa vira

iti giyate -The true hero(vira) to be ,not he who is great physical strength

prowess, the great eater and drinker or man of powerful sexual energy ,but he

who has controlled his senses ,is a truth seeker, ever engaged in worship and

who has scarified lust and all other passions .

The scripture is very careful on the usage of them . The pasu temperament is not

allowed to drink them at all because the curse of Brahma , Kaca and Krsna would

fall on them. According to Vishnu purana (BK II,chap6) the drinking of wine in

ordinary life for satisfaction of sensual pleasure is in fact a sin involving

prayacitta and punishment in the hell same place where killer of Brahmana goes

to .

According to Sir John Woodroffe in Introduction to Tantra Sastra at page 117

even in Bengal the high strict Brahman do not partake them.. We could see in

Vaidika sastra the 5 articles (coition on other than one’s own wife is

prohibited) not used .Well there is no contrary at all between Vedic and

tantric acaras. The 5 articles which curtails human from aspiring the higher

level thus in vaidika their use is strictly prohibited. But tantras addresses

limitation and tries to use the very hindrance to go beyond them for those who

could not see beyond them yet .It is like using poison to remove poison.

Remember when a venomous snake bite you what is used to take the poison

away!!!!!! YES ! POISON!!

But remember the doctor must be an expert otherwise you could die of the

overdose of the very treatment itself !!!!!!That is why in tantra a guru is

vital. It is not one of those of do it yourself stuff. And remember different

spritual aspirant temperament different interpretation (divya,vira and pasu)

will be made by the Guru

Mahanirvana tantra which asserts the use of the 5 article also states under pg

345 that for men of ordinary weak intellect ruled by lust could not do lata

sadhana ( maithuna) .Again the same text states the compulsory usage of them in

Devi worship but here it is identified with 5 elements and 5 mahapretas not with

the panchamakaras in crude sense.

Here in this sense the universe (jagatbrahmanda) itself is used article of

worship.Wine signifies the power(sakthi)which produces fiery elements,meat and

fish all terrestrial and aquatic animals ;mudra all vegetable lifes and

maithuna the will action and knowledge of Supreme Prakritti which accompanies

the process of creation.Thus we could see the 5 articles in macrosm if you

inward the process of evolution to involution then you could understand the

microism meaning of this elements .Pannchatatvavicara by Nilamani

Mukhyopadhayya at page 85 clearly states wine is that intoxicating knowledge

acquired by yoga of Parabrahman,which renders the worshipper senseless as

regards to the external world,meat (mamsa) is not fleshy thing but the act

whereby the sadhaka consigns all his acts to Me(Mam).Matsya (fish) is that

satvvika knowledge by which through the sense of mineness the worshipper

sympathizes with the pleasure and pain of all beings .Mudra is the act of

relinquishing all association with evils which results in bondage and maithuna

is the union of Sakthi Kundalini with Siva in the body of worshipper

In summary , if you are looking to practice Panchamakara sadhana you got to

understand the internal meanings first. Secondly a proper guru is necessary who

will aseess what temremant fits you Thirdly you got to realize the objectives in

your mind because that will determine either you are pasu bhava ,vira bhava or

divya bhava .Ultimately tantra is not interested in some magical achievement

but in union with the Supreme Brahman where it is similar to the Vedic



Jai Kali !!!

May Maa bless all spiritual aspirant towards Her !!!!Send and receive Hotmail on

your mobile device: Click Here

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--- Krishnan Kanna <kanna_krishnan





<div style='background-color:'><DIV>

<P><BR><FONT size=2> </P>

<P>Om Kali Sharmaji,</P>

<P>The five things that you are referring to are known

as Pancha Makaras ..which in Sanskrit means five

article.Pancha means five and makaras are so be cause

all 5 article starts with letter ma which is madya

(wine),maithuna (coition),matsya (fish)mudra (parched

grain) and mamsa(meat).This is also known as

Panchatattva sadhana and have gone through massive

abuse that today nobody refers to scriptural

methodology that it originated from and a lot practice

based on blind perception. As usual the tantra text

prescribed different interpretation for different

level of sadhakas according to pasvachara for the

tamasika followers ,virachara for rajasika followers

and as divya sadhana for the sattvika followers. You

decide which level you aspire to be …..</P>

<P>Remember tantric scriptures like Tantrasara under

Bhava-Cudamani and Brhanila-Tantra under chapter 4

-Paradranna gaccheran gacchecca prajapedyadi(trhat is

for the purpose of worship)Uttarra -tantra states

-Pujakalm vinan nanyam purusam manasa

sprset,Pujakalecca devesi vesyeva parittosayet.The

same it is stated about madya and maithuna as well in

Kulamrta Tantra .This clearly show the are only to be

used in tantric ritual and not for daily consumption

which according Syama-rahasya under Chapter 5 brings

to hell.</P>

<P> </P>

<P>Even if you claim you are of vira temperament

spiritual aspirant remember the saying “Jitendrayah

,staved,nityanustahanatatparah,kamadi-balidanasca sa

vira iti giyate -The true hero(vira) to be ,not he who

is great physical strength prowess, the great eater

and drinker or man of powerful sexual energy ,but he

who has controlled his senses ,is a truth seeker, ever

engaged in worship and who has scarified lust and all

other passions .</P>

<P>The scripture is very careful on the usage of them

.. The pasu temperament is not allowed to drink them at

all because the curse of Brahma , Kaca and Krsna would

fall on them. According to Vishnu purana (BK II,chap6)

the drinking of wine in ordinary life for satisfaction

of sensual pleasure is in fact a sin involving

prayacitta and punishment in the hell same place where

killer of Brahmana goes to .</P>

<P>According to Sir John Woodroffe in Introduction to

Tantra Sastra at page 117 even in Bengal the high

strict Brahman do not partake them.. We could see in

Vaidika sastra the 5 articles (coition on other than

one’s own wife is prohibited) not used .Well there is

no contrary at all between Vedic and tantric acaras.

The 5 articles which curtails human from aspiring the

higher level thus in vaidika their use is strictly

prohibited. But tantras addresses limitation and tries

to use the very hindrance to go beyond them for those

who could not see beyond them yet .It is like using

poison to remove poison. Remember when a venomous

snake bite you what is used to take the poison

away!!!!!! YES ! POISON!!</P>

<P>But remember the doctor must be an expert otherwise

you could die of the overdose of the very treatment

itself !!!!!!That is why in tantra a guru is vital. It

is not one of those of do it yourself stuff. And

remember different spritual aspirant temperament

different interpretation (divya,vira and pasu) will be

made by the Guru</P>

<P>Mahanirvana tantra which asserts the use of the 5

article also states under pg 345 that for men of

ordinary weak intellect ruled by lust could not do

lata sadhana ( maithuna) .Again the same text states

the compulsory usage of them in Devi worship but here

it is identified with 5 elements and 5 mahapretas not

with the panchamakaras in crude sense.</P>

<P>Here in this sense the universe (jagatbrahmanda)

itself is used article of worship.Wine signifies the

power(sakthi)which produces fiery elements,meat and

fish all terrestrial and aquatic animals ;mudra all

vegetable lifes and maithuna the will action and

knowledge of Supreme Prakritti which accompanies the

process of creation.Thus we could see the 5 articles

in macrosm if you inward the process of evolution to

involution then you could understand the microism

meaning of this elements .Pannchatatvavicara by

Nilamani Mukhyopadhayya at page 85 clearly states wine

is that intoxicating knowledge acquired by yoga of

Parabrahman,which renders the worshipper senseless as

regards to the external world,meat (mamsa) is not

fleshy thing but the act whereby the sadhaka consigns

all his acts to Me(Mam).Matsya (fish) is that satvvika

knowledge by which through the sense of mineness the

worshipper sympathizes with the pleasure and pain of

all beings .Mudra is the act of relinquishing all

association with evils which results in bondage and

maithuna is the union of Sakthi Kundalini with Siva in

the body of worshipper</P>

<P>In summary , if you are looking to practice

Panchamakara sadhana you got to understand the

internal meanings first. Secondly a proper guru is

necessary who will aseess what temremant fits you

Thirdly you got to realize the objectives in your mind

because that will determine either you are pasu bhava

,vira bhava or divya bhava .Ultimately tantra is not

interested in some magical achievement but in union

with the Supreme Brahman where it is similar to the

Vedic approach.</P>

<P> </P>

<P>Jai Kali !!!</P>

<P>May Maa bless all spiritual aspirant towards Her

!!!!</P></FONT></DIV></div><br clear=all><hr>Send and

receive Hotmail on your mobile device: <a





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Thanks for such a nice explanation let me some

thing about chakra puja is it available in any where

india as i joined in vindhyachal on navratri,may

our group make some effort with intrested people who

are in sadhna.






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