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Om Kali,


Kali Chalisa


Jayati mahakali jayati, adya kali mata I Jai karala vadane jayati,

jagata matu vikhyata II



Victory to you, O Mahakali ! Victory to you, O primordial source of

all beings ! Victory to you, O formidable looking goddess, who are

renowned as the very mother of the world !



Jai jai rupa pracandika, mahakalika devi I

Jayati jayati siva-candrika, sura nara munijana sevi II



Victory, all victory to you, O great goddess Mahakalika, of terrible

and frightening aspect ! Victory to you, O Moon on the locks of Siva,

who are ever adored by gods, men, hermits, and devotees.



Jayati jayati raktasana, raudramukhi rudrani I

ari sonita khappara bharani, khaRaga dharini suci pani II



Victory, all victory to you, O consort of Rudra; you are fearsome to

look at and prefer a drink of hot blood; you are described as having

a sword in your hollowed hand and as one who fills her cranial bowl

with the blood of her victim.



jai jai jai maiya sri kali I jayati khaRaga kara khappara vali II

jayati mahamaya vikarla I rudra-sakti kalahum ko kala II



Glory, glory, all glory to you, O Kali, the bearer of a cranial bowl

and a sword in your hands. Victory to you, O terrible Delusion, the

might of Rudra, and the very death of Death.



mam madhu kaitabha ke vadha hetu I pragati sri hari ke tana se tu II

syamala gata mata tava sohata I ravi sama chavi lakhi chavipati

mohata II



O Mother, it is for the slaughter of the demons Madhu and Kaitabha

that you appeared from the body of Hari. O Mother, your dark form

radiant as the sun looks so splendidly winsome that the god of beauty

himself cannot but succumb to its charm



dasa mukha tisa netra mana bhavana I bhala bala sasi mukuta suhavana


ko chavi varani sakai mam teri I syama kesa janu ghata sugheri II



You are ten-faced with thirty attractive eyes, the crescent moon and

a lovely coronet on your head, O Divine Mother; who can describe your

comeliness and your dark hair like massed clouds ?



ura ari mundamala chavi chajata I astra sastra dasa hasta virajata II

khappara khaRaga trisula kuthari I gada cakra dhanu samkha sudhari II



The beauty of the wreath made of your victims' skulls looks splendid

as do the weapons and missiles in all your ten hands. You carry a

cranial bowl, a sword, a three-progned trident, an axe, a club, a

disc, a bow and a conch, all in their proper places.



ari kra katana ghamghara rajai I amga-amga suci bhusana sajai II

ramjita rakta dasa carana karala I jihi visala rupa vikarala II



The beautiful skirt made of the severed arms of your enemies looks so

becoming like the sacred ornaments adorning every part of your body.

Your ten dread feet are all smeared with blood and your long tongue

sticks out, rendering your appearance frightening.



jabahim attahasa mam karati I kampata thara-thara thara-thara dharati


adi sakti dhani jaga dhatri I maha pralaya ki adhisthatri II



When, O Mother, you laugh aloud, the earth shives (like one suffering

from shaking chills). Blessed are you, O Primordial Energy and foster-

mother of the world, you are presiding deity of Doom (who causes

universal destruction).



mam tava carana pragata sri samkara I rasana bahara vadana bhayamkara


dhani dhani kalakatte ke kali I sahasabhuji sri sivapura vali II



O Mother Kali ! It is your divine feet that made Siva's appearance

possible in the world; you have long protruding tongue and a

frightening look. Blessed, all blessed are you, O Mother Kali of

Calcutta, who are thousand-armed and who have your abode in Sivapura.



O Kali ! as Sita you were instrumental in bringing about Ravana's

destruction and Raghupati's which, appearing, became amorous of the

Lord's feet. You assumed manifold forms for the well-being, peace and

happiness of the world.



tu hi sri krsna rupa ki kali I candrahasa murali kara vali II

caturbhuji tanu astabhuji dhari I kahum dasabhuja astadasakari II



You manifested yourself in the form of Krsna and let your sword be

mysteriously transformed into a flute in his hand. Sometimes you take

on the form of Visnu with his four arms, at other times of one

(Durga, for example) having eight arms, at still other one having ten

or eighteen arms.



kahun battisa causatha bhuja dharata I kahun sahasra bhuja kri ari

marata II

tu hari sakti ardha nisi vali I tiksnadanta rasana risi vali II



You sometimes appear with thirty-two arms, at other times with just

the double of this number, and at still others multiply your arms

into a thousand in order to slay your enemies. You are the very power

of Hari invoked with prayer at midnight; you have long sharp fangs

and a protruding tongue showing your blood-thirsty and fearsome




raktacandika kahRaga dharini I rudra candrika khala samharini II

sri satasrmgi adya kali I kali khoha nivasini vali II



You are furious combatant (raktacandika) with a sword in your hand

(you are usually shown on the battlefield or in a cremation ground

where you sit on a corpse surrounded by jackals and goblins); you are

at once soothing like the moon and fearsome like Rudra and the slayer

of the wicked. You are sublime as a hundred peaked mountain and a

primordial deity of black or dark complexion. You dwell amongst dark,

untrodden caverns.



adi matu tuhi nara siramali I tumhim kamsa hanani vaiatali II

tumhim bhadrakali kailasi I sada khalana ke rakta ki pyasi II



You're the original mother (of all beings) and at the same time a

dread deity with human heads for your garland; you're the very slayer

of Kamsa and subduer of ghosts and goblins; you're Bhadrakali, a

dweller on Kailasa and one who thirsts for the blood of the wicked.



khaca-khaca-khaca sira kati satru kara I bhara-bhara-bhara sonita

khappara bhara II

dala-dala-dala danava bhaksana kara I chala-chala-chala-chala rakta

khalana kara II



Again and again you strike off the heads of your enemies (with your

slashing sword) and fill your cranial bowl with blood (oozing from

corpses). You gorge yourself on the demon host one after another and

rushing on and on shed their wicked blood.



gani-gani-gani ari karahu nipata I dhani-dhani-dhani sri kali mata II

yahi aradasa dasa kaham mai I purahu asa tu hou sahai II



Blessed, blessed, all blessed are you, O Mother Kali, who cause your

enemies to lick the dust one after another. I entreat you, O Mother,

to fulfil your votary's expectations and grant him your favour.



paryo garha samkata aba bhari I kehi ka maiya aja pukari II

cari cora lagyo maga mohi I karana cahata raghupati ko drohi II



I am in a perilous predicament, O Mother, and know not whom to call

for help. I am being pursued on the rough roads of life by four

robbers who are bent upon turning me against the lord of the house of

Raghus, Rama.



hai yehi satruna ka bhupa I kama krodha moha lobha sarupa II

inhim dehum yadi anta pachari I tabahim milahim bhagavanta murari II



These are my prime enemies, the sovereign lords of all the deadly

evils; lust, anger, infatuation and avarice. If you overthrow them

(and abandon me not to my troubles), I would be blessed with devotion

to the enemy of Mura, namely, Lord Krsna



dujo ika arja yaha mata I toRahu sapadi khalana ke tamta II

jete dusta maha aparadhi I badakarmi pamara baka vyadhi II



I also urge you, Mother, to put an end to the unending string of the

wicked (bent on vexing me) immediately. All those wicked souls, who

are confirmed sinners, evil-doers, mean, and suffer from idle

volubility and vain chattering.



jo nita binu aparadha satavata I dharma karma subha ho na pavata II

tinhim matu tu caki ja hali I bacana putra ki hoya na khali II



Those who cause vexation without being provoked, and who render all

religious observances propitious activities fruitless, you pick up, O

Mother, and slaughter them without delay; let not this prayer of your

son go in vain.



puni bani aindri avahu mata I adbhuta sakti dikhavahu mata II

jhatapata lehu khalahim samhari I mori matu jani karahu abari II



I entreat you, O Mother, to reveal yourself as the power of Indra (or

as Indrani or as Durga) and display your wondrous might. Slay the

villains promptly without further delay.



bharahu santi sukha dhana jana dhama I ati ananda hoi yaha grama II

puni puni vinavahi sundaradasa I maiya pura karahu abhilasa II



Fill the homes of your devotees with peace, happiness and prosperity,

so that this countryside becomes seat of growing exultation and

felicity. Sundardasa bows to you again and again, O Mother, and

supplicates you to fulfil his expectation.





mahakalika carita yaha, ika prakara ka mamtra I

sarva kamana purana prati, manahu yantra aru tantra II

kali calisa paRhai, lali cahai ju koi I kali ari ka nasa ho, khali

vacana na hoi II

kali hari ka teja haim, ari ko nasana hara I hari ki purana sakti

haim, karata hetu samhara II



This hymn to the acts of the formidable Kali is like a sacred formula

capable of fulfilling every wish as if it were a magic talisman and a

charm. He who wishes to attain brilliance should read this hymn to

Kali; for it will ensure the destruction of all those who are hostile

to Kali promise which would never go in vain. Kai incarnates the very

vital force and power of Hari with which she destroys her enemies for

the well-being of the world.


Soratha jehi sumirata saba asa, lahata purana jaga narinara I

gavata sundaradasa, pavata ati subha sahaja phala II



Every man and woman who seeks refuge in Mother's protective grace

and, abandoning all other support, meditates on her, reaps all the

auspicious rewards without any effort, so sings Sundaradasa.



Jai Kali!!!!

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