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drop of own blood

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Dear Group,Regarding the officer's practice of offering a drop of his own blood,

thepractice of offering blood to Ma Kali is countenanced in the "RudhhirAdhyaya"

of the Kali Purana. One's own blood is included in the list ofappropriate

sacrifices. In my opinion one's own blood (rather than that ofan animal) is

perhaps a superior offering because it hurts one's little self(the ego). It is

the triumph of will over pain for the sake of Love. Also,some people would

find it more morally acceptable; although for the moresattvic devotees there

are substitutes, like melons, brinjals, and floureffigies.The late saint,

Prahlad Chandra Brahmachari, used to offer hisown blood to Ma Kali on New Moon

nights. This officer's case is the firstI've heard of it being done daily. I

admire his devotion. For those of youthinking of trying it, the Purana

admonishes us not to extract more thanwould fill one quarter of a lotus leaf.

(I think the idea behind this is tosave the over enthusiastic from accidents.)

In my opinion a little prick inthe fingertip would be enough (the fingertips

are also quite sensitive topain, a good lesson for the ego). Offering in a

metallic or earthen vesselis also advised by the Purana.I'm not sure whether

women ought to offer their blood, though, because mostKali Dharma I've read

says you ought not to harm females; I don't knowwhether this would apply to

self harm. I guess it's your body. Now that Ithink of it, Goddess Chinnamasta

cut off Her own head, so maybe it is ok.Otherwise you've got Moon blood, which

is probably the best kind anyway.

Jai Ma Kali,Loladas- Wed, 7 Aug 2002 07:53:05

-0700 (PDT) "Sameer A. Salgaocar" <ysalgaocar >Subject:

Thanks7.8Om Kali,Brother Kanna,Firstly I would like to thank Ma Shelly and

yourselffor the kind words of appreciation which were postedfor my poem.I also

wanted to draw your attention to an articlewhich was written in the Asian Age

recently about anex-army officer in Dehra Dun who offers a drop of hisblood to

Ma Kali everyday.He also has a line of people who come and ask him forhis

predictions. The article has been written by VeenuSandal who is herself a tarot

card reader byprofession.I wonder if you have any comments to make on

thisunusual gentleman or his daily ritual!Jai Ma Kali,Sameer

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Om Kali Loladasji,



Rudhir Adhyaya


Loladasji I am very happy your good self have shared a small remark

on the column of Rudhhir Adhyaya of Kalika Purana. May I know which

printed edition version are your good self referring to?


There is 6 printed versions available;


a) Kalika-Purana, Venkatesvara Edition,Bombay 1829saka,1891 or

1907 which has 93 chapters

b) Calcutta Edition, edited in Bengali translation,Pancanana

Tarkaratna (reprint)1970 which has 90 chapters

c) Calcutta edition by Hrishikesh Shastri on 1910 with 91


d) Mysore ed.with Kannada translation in 4 volumes by H.P.

Venkata Rao I do not know how many chapters does this have but iot is

known to run for 4 volumes

e) Guwahaiti edition.ed.Biswanarayan Shashtri,Chowkamba

Series ,Varanasi runs for 90 chapters

f) Kalika Purana with Hindi translation by D. Chamanlal,

Sanskriti Samsthan, Bareily which also has 90 chapters



Yes I do agree such a chapter exists in Kalika Purana However all

offering have a structured system of process offering known as ritual

to go with. Does it have the process of offering one's blood

that we

could follow ?


Consecration of tantric offering usually has structured system

(proper rituals) to follow like offering of bhanga(nectar) , vijaya

(cannabis ) and bali (sacrifice).I could share ritual for all this

if your good self want it on this post………...


Loladassji have shared with us the type of pot to collect (metallic

or earthern) the blood and also the amount, however I have not came

in touch with procedure and mantras of offering one's own blood


scriptures and would be happy if you could share with us



Further it will be good if Loladasji could share a small portion on

section from Kalika Purana in our post for all Kali devotees on

weekly or monthly basis since you have them? What is Loladassji

opinion on this suggestion?



Bhakthi approach


I like the notion of triumph of will over pain for sake of love .


However non of the bhakthi yoga( I might be wrong please correct me

if I am ) or any sadhana on cultivation of devotion according to

Narada Bhakthi Sutra nor Sandilya Bhakthi Sutra or Srimad Bhagavatham

describe self immolation or pain endurance in cultivation of bhakthi

towards Supreme Being .However there is a notion of Supreme Being

receiving any type of offering so long it is given with love .This

does not only mean leaf , flower or blood but can be anything the

object is not the consideration but the love that it represents is

the essence .



May I know more about Prahlad Chandra Brahamachari as I have not had

the privilege of learning about this saint before this . It will be

good if Loladassji share his life story in summary in this group

(another chance for us to learn from such a great Ma devotee like

your good self)



Loladassji is right in saying the Kali devotees are refrained from

taking the life of any female beings as all female being are accepted

as Ma manifestation by shakta scriptures. This is the reason my

master refrained from meat eating because he could not distinguish

between male and female poultries every time he sits to eat!!!!!




I agree with Loladassji on the point of satvic devotee. In tantra

sadhana as I said earlier there is 3 levels of devotees. Allow me to

share the detail from Usha Harding's" The Black Goddess of

Dakshineswar "


"…….. One needs a competent teacher to practice tantra . Great

energy, such as lightning, such as Kundalini ,can be a great danger

if not channeled properly.


Depending on an aspirant `s disposition, Tantra will prescribe a

particular method for spiritual practice. In general tantra classify

people in 3 major group pasu(animal) vira(hero) and divya

(godlike).Inertia is the predominant quality of pasu ,who is

deluded ,negligent indolent and spends an excessive amount of time

sleeping. The hero, on the other hand, is full of excessive energy,

which results in desire, anger, greed pain and attachment. He is

aggressive and cultivates a fearless stance before Kali, challenging

Her to unveil her secrets. But the godlike devotee is calm ,has

wisdom ,knowledge and a kind disposition.


Since pasu aspirant is ignorant of the real meaning of Tanric

rites ,he or she is not permitted to worship Divine Mother with

fish ,meat ,parched cereals ,wine and sexual union. Instead the

aspirant is supposed to worship her with substitute such as eggplant,

red raddish, lentils, ginger, wheat beans and garlic. The pasu is

supposed to substitute milk, ghee or honey for wine and meditates on

her feet in lieu of sexual union.


The hero, who has acquired purity and strength of character is

permitted by the shaktha tantras to worship the Divine Mother with

fish meat, parched cereal wine and through sexual union .In order to

transcend and subdue his restless and excitable nature ,the hero

aspirant offer these 5 articles of enjoyment to the Mother while

repeating mantras.


The godlike aspirant is self restrained, tranquil,silent


of satvic disposition. He or she is truthful, not fanatic,

compassionate and respectful to all women as manifestation of Divine

Mother. The godlike aspirant has his firm faith in guru ,mantra and

yantra. This aspirant performs japam in night and worships Mother

three times in a day, practice breath control, concentration and

meditation, Through the steadfast spiritual practice, the godlike

aspirant rouses the Kundalini and make Her pierce the six centers of

mystic consciousness.





Lodassji is right there is practice of offering menstrual blood by

Her devotees not only to Her but also to other goddesses (you could

read David Kinsley's Tantric Visions of the Divine Feminine )

However non says what type of offering to be made after the menstrual

cycle period stops for this devoted women ?


I am not against any blood or other type of offerings .Just want to

ensure it is don't in proper way as prescribed by the shastras.


have laid down the correct way of making offering to Her in her

scriptures through her seers . If a good loving children like all of

us here do not make us of it who else will.??


If each of us could offer according to our own way what will decide

which is the right way and the wrong way to do things .That is if

you still assume ther is right or wrong ways . That is why in tantric

practice there is a bonafide guru to guide . I have posted an article

from Time Magazine recently that might show how wrong our feeling can

become on offering .My question will be where is the limit and whio

should decide. It is always wise to follow the scriptures instead of

doing what I feel is right as somebody else might feel taking our

life will make him feel right!!!



I love excellent post from Loladassji it shows some of us have not

forgotten the scriptures………..



My only worries is if offering blood is tantra yoga and if one does

not have guru nor scripture guidance but only based on one's


or feeling and done to increase devotion which is bhakti yoga why

not follow the bhakthi scripture instead of tantric practice to

cultivate bhakti.(path of devotion)


My fear is usage of tantric sadhana from tantra yoga to cultivate

devotion in bhakthi yoga . Each has it's own prescribed condition


mixing both will not help. It is like using a hammer to screw nut

into water……..


I love you all and welcome more discussion on this





Jai Kali!!!!!


P/s.If you wish we would discuss the significance of blood oozing

out from Chinnamasta Ma in next posting. Please state your preference

I am here to be of service ………….




Kali_Ma, "Loladas" <nrehm@i...> wrote:

> Dear Group,

> Regarding the officer's practice of offering a drop of his own

blood, the

> practice of offering blood to Ma Kali is countenanced in

the "Rudhhir

> Adhyaya" of the Kali Purana. One's own blood is included in the

list of

> appropriate sacrifices. In my opinion one's own blood (rather than

that of

> an animal) is perhaps a superior offering because it hurts one's

little self

> (the ego). It is the triumph of will over pain for the sake of

Love. Also,

> some people would find it more morally acceptable; although for the


> sattvic devotees there are substitutes, like melons, brinjals, and


> effigies.

> The late saint, Prahlad Chandra Brahmachari, used to offer his

> own blood to Ma Kali on New Moon nights. This officer's case is the


> I've heard of it being done daily. I admire his devotion. For those

of you

> thinking of trying it, the Purana admonishes us not to extract more


> would fill one quarter of a lotus leaf. (I think the idea behind

this is to

> save the over enthusiastic from accidents.) In my opinion a little

prick in

> the fingertip would be enough (the fingertips are also quite

sensitive to

> pain, a good lesson for the ego). Offering in a metallic or

earthen vessel

> is also advised by the Purana.

> I'm not sure whether women ought to offer their blood, though,

because most

> Kali Dharma I've read says you ought not to harm females; I don't


> whether this would apply to self harm. I guess it's your body. Now

that I

> think of it, Goddess Chinnamasta cut off Her own head, so maybe it

is ok.

> Otherwise you've got Moon blood, which is probably the best kind



> Jai Ma Kali,

> Loladas


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Dearest Kannaji,


Thank you for your comprehensive response to my message. The Kali book by

Harding you mentioned is the exact book that I happened to be reading at this

time! this is a good sign. Now then:

I regret that I do not have a printed edition of the Purana. Rather, I once read

a small extract quoted in an article. I would love to have the whole book

because it's supposed to have many nice stories with Ma Kali in them. I

remember that the text did not give specific mantras for one's own blood; it

seemed to use the same mantras as for bali. There were plenty of bali mantras,

for worship of the sword and so on, but these were given only in English

translation so I didn't pay much attention. On this point there are perfectly

good instructions in the Mahanirvana Tantra, so I only took a few notes from

the extract about the vessels and amount for one's own blood, since this option

is not covered by the Mahanirvana. The only things I forgot to mention were that

the vessel is to be offered in front of the Devi, rather than to Her right or

left; and that Brahmins should not offer their blood, since it is a sin to harm

a Brahmin.

I see no reason not to adapt the Mahanirvana rite for bali to offer one's own

blood, provided one knows what they are doing. You probably will not approve of

this mixing of two scriptures; but nonetheless, if you like, I could share the

adapted rite on this post and if there is something wrong with it you could

suggest how we could fix it?

I admit that I am a bit of a "freethinker" on this sort of thing; but this does

not mean that I am determined to do things the wrong way all the time. I merely

think that if you can't find the perfect way to do something, you should still

do it the best way you know how, rather than doing nothing.

Regarding the rite, I would have posted it now but I need some time to type it

properly. Meanwhile if you have any of the rituals of yours you mentioned

ready, by all means post it for all the group. Please note that I am not only

interested in just bali alone.I merely responded to a query that was made about

blood. I am equally interested in all types of puja, homa, bhajans, pilgrimage

etc. that is for Ma Kali. I was thinking also that we could perhaps discuss

what types of flowers to offer to Ma, and everyone who likes can tell what

types they offer and why.

I absolutely agree that Tantra is very distinct from Bhakti yoga. I did not

intend to suggest that the two should be mixed. I did use the words "devotion"

and "Love"; which might suggest Bhakti yoga, but these things have an important

place in tantra as well. After all, how can one have worship without love? For

those who have Bhakti yoga as their path, it is not necessary to do Tantric

sadhana. My remarks were from a Tantric point of view, and I should really have

said this in my message. I am sorry if I have caused confusion.

As for Prahlad Chandra Brahmachari, his story can be read on the following site:


I found it quite interesting; I don't understand why he is so little known.

Jai Ma Kali,


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Hey great website, thenks.


Sameer A. Salgaocar


Tuesday, August 13, 2002 8:52 PM

Re: Re: drop of own blood

14.8Hi Haider,Please check out this site


Bye,SameerDo You

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Om Kali,




I just loved your recommended site on the sage Prahlad

Brahmachari and recommended it to all my friends who

are Kali bhaktas as well.


Thanks for the posting,


Jai Ma Kali,






--- "Sameer A. Salgaocar" <ysalgaocar



> 14.8


> Hi Haider,


> Please check out this site :


> http://www.om-guru.com/html/saints/prahlad.html


> Bye,


> Sameer






> HotJobs - Search Thousands of New Jobs

> http://www.hotjobs.com






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Also, go to


for a very nice site about this amazing 20th century



Jai Kali Ma



--- yogini_shakti <Yogini_Shakti wrote:

> Loladas wrote [[As for Prahlad Chandra Brahmachari,

> his story can be

> read on the following site:


> http://www.om-guru.com/html/saints/prahlad.html


> ** Thank you for this link. His presence, even

> over the net, is

> filled with the Mother.


> Om Shanti ...

> Yogini Shakti







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