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Om Kali Srihraji,

In essence you are always with Maa.Once a man was walking thorugh the beach

side. He was lost and was looking for his small hut that was actually along the

beach side . He walked so far away that he actually felt very lost and prayed

for God guidance to go back home . He continued to walk and prayed at the same

time . He finally reached home and turned back to see if God was there but only

saw the trail of foot prints . Dejected and frustarated he cried and slept off .

In his sleep he saw God and address his anger of not being guided by the Supreme

Lord when he was feeling lost.The Supreme Being said, " But I carried you, my

child all the way back home"

Most of the time we think we are doing this , we are doing that ,every thing

that happens in our life is guided by Him but because of our ahamkara we do not

realise this .

We are all here to share and learn from each other.In spritual pursuit one must

first realise his Choosen Ideal of Perfection(Ishtha Devata). Secondly he must

realise which marga (path) he would like to take . That depends on your nature

.. You could be incline towards bhakthi (heart),jnana( mind),karma(action)or

other ways to be in union(yoga) with Her. Thus you could be following bhakthi

yoga , jnana yoga and so forth

To realise this one must read the relevant scriptures (as the seers have gone

through the same pursuits and stated their experience which might still not be

the same ) to understand what bhakthi yoga means or what sahaja yoga means .

Otherwise we have tendency to do what our heart says and define it as devotion

which might be right or wrong.Do not worry about the relevant scriptures when

one has pure love for Maa inside , then through someone She will bring you the

relevant scriptures. Bhagawan Ramakrishna use to say that when the flower is

full of honey it need not look for bee but the bee will come looking for it

..Your sincerity will one day bring you the relevant scriptures in question .

Then do not be attached to your old ways and adapt the path laid down in the

relevant scriptures but until then love Her undividedly and follow the way you

do now

Of course there will be intricacies in the path stated in the scriptures (one

day) that you could not assimilate yourself . And Maa being loving as always

will this time manifest in person to guide you through the intricacies of

methodologies to reach Her. Remember all rituals are neccesary to cultivate

bhakthi towards your choosen ideal. So long the water is running through the

river it needs the banks to speed up its flow once the water reaches the sea

then neccestiy of banks would be come lesser.For a spritual aspirant he needs

ritual to cultivate bhakthi but as soon as you have become realised then

ritulas will drop by itself . The rice husk will fall when you beat them into

the sack by itself once the rice inside of it matures. The mango will fall of

from the tree once it matures.Thus rituals will fall from you once you are

matured in spritual life.

When Maa manifest in person just for you She is called Guru .Guru means

dispeller of darkness in your heart . The darkness here is ignorance ,Guru

dispel the darkness by puttting the light of knowledge in your heart ,you will

realise you are not searching for something that was not there but because it

was too dark inside you did not realise it always there and the substance of

your very existence all the time.

Pure knowledge here is knowledge of yout true self. In essence Maa is within

you guiding as inner self . She can manifest everywhere and in everything, in

the woods in things around you in the air , sky everything, in everthing yet

She can also manifest in the vigraha or the form that you worship.You will

realise God is formful, formless and also beyond.You will see Her in everywhere

and everything.She is the subtsance and essence of everything..

Srihraji will realise She manifest in inanimate things , She manifest more in

living things . She manifest higher in animals. She manifest more in humans .

She manifest more than this in good people , She manifest higher in truth

seekers , She manifest more than this in divine personalitites and the whole

process is to realise She is also within you guiding as the antaryamin (inner

self). Meditating on this in this level you will be most of them time in union

with Her . Your only service will be to Her( in other human forms) You are not

teaching but merely will be sharing your experience with others.. So others

could realise their true identity as well. This will be known as Advaita

Vedanta stage.

Bhagawan realised all this but he loved to see Maa manisfestationin in duality .

He use to say I do not want to be sugar I want to taste the sugar !!!!! Remeber

once you have attained realization we could all say this but not when you are

still working the steps. A lot of spritual aspirant want to follow just what

the saint do with out realising the saint in our stage did follow scripture or

gurus as stated in ancient pratices.

Once an Zen master staying on the mount of a hill right on top of a village

(about 1000 meters aways ) wanted to meditate on God to realise God and bought

a dog to stand guard outside the house so no wild animal would come near his

house and he can meditate peacfully he built his hut away from people right on

top of the hill to avoid daily materialistic seekers .

He attained realizationand and left his mortal coil. The villagers calling him

saint right now rushed to the nearby market wanting to follow his spritual path

and bought a dog each saying 'In order to realise God one must have a dog!!!!!"

This is what happens to take out of context what a saint practice without

asking him for the reason he did so.Once Adiguru Shankaracharya was going

around the village in spreading his teaching and each house in India will offer

whatever they can from their house when a guest arrives but Shankaracharya had

ample of followers at his back so they expected the same from the house owners

at each stop.The said we follow whatever our Guru do and also beleive we should

receive whatever our Guru receives. Lucky for them all the house owners they

visited was rich enough but Shankaracharya wanted to teach his followers the

need of applying the wisdom in every action that we take . Thus he walked into

the house of poor sword maker and the sword maker said he has nothing in his

house to offer as he is only working on hot liquid iron to make a sword to make

his end meet. Bhagawan said the scripture says one must receive what other

offers so long it is given with pure devotion (Bhagavad Geeta)Thus sword maker

gave him the liquid iron and Sankaracharya being the realized soul just drank

them. You should have seen the followers when they saw this !!!!!How could they

do the same????

So dont lose your wisdom in your spritual seeking.Violence in any form would

bring your peace. WISDOM and DEVOTION are your true friends in this spritual


If you want we can start from basic ,I will be glad to be offer service ............

Jai Kali!!!!

May Maa bless your divine quest always..............................................


>Kali_Ma >Kali_Ma >Subject:

Glad >Sun, 08 Sep 2002 14:35:35 -0000 > >Jai maa khali > > I am

glad to see that I am not alone in the search of the >truth. I am a lost seaker

which is inclined to mother. Pls advice > > Join the world’s largest e-mail

service with MSN Hotmail. Click Here

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Kali_Ma, "Krishnan Kanna" <kanna_krishnan@h...> wrote:

> What should I do. I know that like Her but don't know if She likes

me and is she the one for me. Or I am a silly old fool running around

in circles thinking I am in love with Her. If this is Her game,its a

very confusing one. Pls help

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