Guest guest Posted October 20, 2002 Report Share Posted October 20, 2002 Namaste, Thousand-headed Purusha, Thousand-eyed, thousand-footed-he having prevaded the earth on all sides, still extends ten fingers beyond it. Purusha alone is all this-whatever has been and whatever is going to be. Further, he is the lord of immortality and also of what grows for food. Such is his greatness; greater, indeed, than this is Purusha. All creatures constitute but one quarter of him, his three quarters are the immortal in heaven....Being born, he prejected himself behind the earth as also before it. When the gods performed the sacrifice with Purusha as oblation, then the spring was its clarified butter, the summer the sacrificial fuel, and the autumn the oblation. The sacrificial victim, namely, Purusha, born at the very beginning, they sprinkled with sacred water upon the sacrificial grass. With him as oblation the gods performed the sacrifice, and also the Sadhyas[a class of semidivine beings] and the rishis[ancient seers]. From that wholly offered sacrificial oblation were born the verses and the sacred chants; from it were born the meters; the sacrificial formula was born from it. From it horses were born and also those animals who have double rows of teeth; cows were from it, from it were born goats and sheep. When they divided Purusha, in how many different portions did they arrange him? What became of his mouth, what of his two arms? What were his two thighs and his two feet called? His mouth became the brahman; his two arms were made into the rajanya; his two thighs the vaishyas; from his two feet the shudra was born. The moon was born from the mind, from the eye the sun was born; from the mouth Indra and Agni, from the breath the wind was born. From the navel was the atmosphere created, from the head the heaven issued forth; from the two feet was born the earth and the quarters (the cardinal directions) from the ear. Thus did they fashion the worlds. seven were the enclosing sticks in this sacrifice, thrice seven were the fire-sticks made, when the gods, performing the sacrifice, bound down Purusha, the sacrificial victim. With this sacrificial oblation did the gods offer the sacrifice. These were the first norms(dharma) of sacrifice. These greatnesses reached to the sky wherein live the ancient Sadhyas and gods."-Rig Veda X:90, in Sources of Indian Tradition,pp.16-17 Conservative estimates date the Rig Vedas' construction in the yrs 1500+ BCE, however many others date it far earlier to 3000 BCE+, it all depends on who you consult as the vedas weren't written down but memorized in full by the Brahmans/Priests. This date far precedes the Exodus from Egypt of the Hebrews dated to around 1200BCE or less? and thus the writing of the Torah, even if the biblical account is believed to the letter! The 4 divisions of Purusha(man) is the model for the creation of the Caste system in Vedic(Hindu) society, as is stated above-Brahmans(priests) are the head, Kshatriyas(warriors) the shoulders and arms, Vaishyas(merchants) the thighs, and Shudras(peasants) the feet. The 4 divisions of the Primordial Man(Purusha) is Synonymous with the Biblical Adam, or as the Qabalists say 'Adam Kadman'-Ancient Man, referring to Adam(man) in the 'image of god', and subsequintly the 4 divisions of the Hebrew Kabbalistic Tree of Life, with the hebrew letters being the 22 paths connecting the 10 sefirot(spheres). "seven were the enclosing sticks in this sacrifice, thrice seven were the fire-sticks made, when the gods, performing the sacrifice, bound down Purusha, the sacrificial victim." now the 7 sticks dividing Purusha may be the seven days of creation in the Hebrews or it could be the way in which the 10 spheres on the tree line up laterally? or it may refer to the seven spheres on the tree of life below the 3 supernals, as it is interpreted traditionally by kabbalists? as, if you understand the cosmology of the Tree you would see it fits perfectly for the seven days of creation to be the seven sefirot(spheres) below the Abyss and the 3 supernals, the triad(the later father, son and holy ghost). now the thrice(3x7) seven fire-sticks may well be referring in Hebrew to the 22 letters connecting the paths? as the paths on the tree of life are seen in a way as being masculine/projective and thus firey energy or symbolically sticks? while the sefirot(spheres) themselves are considered to be feminine/receptive in nature. However, the problem is 3x7=21 not maybe this 21 refers to the 21 Enochian(angelic) letters scryed by Dr.John Dee and Edward Kelley? I do not know, i am just offering input here:) there are many parts of the Vedic system i have yet to explore, in fact the same goes for the western system of spiritual development or Ritual Magick. "Such is his greatness; greater, indeed, than this is Purusha. All creatures constitute but one quarter of him, his three quarters are the immortal in heaven....Being born, he prejected himself behind the earth as also before it." but 1 quarter is all the creatures of the earth, this corresponds perfectly with the 'world' of Assiah on the Kabbalistic Tree of life. the 3 quarters being the Immortal in Heaven, corresponds exactly with the 3 other worlds on the tree of life, namely Yetzirah(Astral/formative, realm of angels), Briah(Creative, realm of archangels), and Atzilut(Primordial, realm of Pure Deity). now I will turn to Egypt and the God or Resurrection Osiris(Ausar); "One of the most important deities of ancient Egypt, whose principal association is with death, resurrection and fertility. He is usually depicted as a mummy whose hands preject through his wrappings to hold the royal insignia of crook and flail. He wears the distinctive atef crown, consisting of the tall 'white crown' flanked by two plumes, sometimes shown with the horns of a ram. His flesh was sometimes shown as white, like the mummy wrappings, black to signify the fertile Nile alluvium, or green in allusion to resurrection. Osiris was one of the earliest Egyptian gods, probably originally regarded simply as a Chthonic fertility-god overseeing the growth of crops, and perhaps with some connection to the Inundation as a source of fertile alluvium. In later times his connection with the river was still occasionally maintained. As his cult spread through the country, he gradually took on the attributes of those gods on whose cult centres he encroached. It seems likely, for instance, that his insignia were taken from Andjety, a god of Busiris(ancient Djedu) in the Delta. It is that the legend of Osiris as the dead form of an earthly ruler was also taken over from Andjety's cult. Subsequently, when various sites claimed to be associated with the individual parts of Osiris' dismembered body, Busiris claimed his backbone, the DJED Pillar, a symbol that had many other connotations and was simply assimilated into the cult of Osiris, perhaps losing its original meaning in the process. His main southern cult centre was at Abydos(ancient Abdjw), which was said to be the burial place of his head. In the New Kingdom(1550-1069 bc), the tomb of the 1st Dynasty ruler Djer(c.3000 BC) was claimed to be his burial place, and the site became a centre of pilgrimage. As well as a chapel of Osiris in teh temple of Sety I(1294-1279 BC) there was also the so-called 'Osireon', the masonry of which was evidently intended to resemble a temple of the Old Kingdom(2686-2181 BC), although it was actually the work of Merenptah (1213-1203 BC). Although his Best-known epithet is Wennefer, meaning 'eternally good' or 'eternally incorruptible'(i.e. not suffering the decay of death), he also took on the title 'chief of the westerners', which was the literal meaning of the name of the Jackal-god Khenti-mentiu, the earlier god of the dead at Abydos. Osiris' epithets also included 'he who dwells in Heliopolis', which thus associated him with the cult-centre of the sun-God RA. The Heliopolitan priests attempted to provide a genealogy for Osiris in the form of the Ennead, a group of nine Deities whose relationships are firts described in the Pyramid Texts. Other funerary associations may have evolved as a result of his assimilation with the hawk-headed Sokar, another under-world god associated with Ptah, patron of the city of Memphis. The combination of his fertility and funerary aspects naturally transformed Osiris into the quintessential god of resurrection. by at least the 5th Dynasty(2494-2345 BC) the dead king was identified with Osiris, while the living ruler was equated with his son Horus(see Kingship). With the so-called 'democratization of the afterlife' that took place during the First Intermediate Period(2181-2055 BC) it appears to have become possible for any deceased person to be resurrected in the guise of Osiris (see Coffin Texts). The phrase 'Osiris of X' is frequently used to refer to the deceased, in order to identify him or her with the god. In order to gain eternal life, it was essential for the mummified body to imitate the appearance of Osiris as closely as possible. The Greek writer Herodotus therefore described the most expensive technique of mummification as being 'in the manner of Osiris'. As the judge of the dead, Osiris is shown in judgement scenes illustrating the Book of the Dead[or in Egyptian "the going forth by day"my quotes]."-The Dictionary of Ancient Egypt by Ian Shaw and Paul Nicholson in association with The British Museum. I could continue to quote and illuminate more but the task will be reserved for a book i plan on eventually writing, if i ever get around to it? Osiris' backbone is the DJED pillar, a pillar with 4 levels at the top of it, and sometimes 3. the 4 levels i suggest are the 4 worlds of the Kabballah/tree of life of the Hebrew, and the 4 divisions of the Body of Purusha in the Vedic Tradition! Now just which came first the Vedic or the Egyptian i do not know? However, it must be recognized that the entirety of the Hindu culture has been built on this model of 4 divisions and so definitally should raise more than a few eye-brows. it is well documented that Sanskrit shares similar words in common with ancient Sumerian, Egyptian, Aramaic and especially Greek. The Phonecians(the first to develop the 22 lettered Aleph-Bet) got their script from the cultural exchanges with the Egyptians and the Greeks got their script from the Aramaic/Phonecian script as well as the Hebrews got their script from the Phonecians/Canaanites and Sanskrit Aryans, according to western scholars(although in question now), got their writings from Aramaic/Canaanite/Phonecian exchanges along with other peoples they were exposed to in their travels through Sumeria to Harrappan civilizations and finally native Dravidians of which Mohenjo Daro and Harrappan are the first developed examples, according to some. Now Jesus fills the same role as Osiris and the dismembered body of the Creator in the Egyptian Creation Story relates similar divisions of the divine One being into the various parts of the world and the universe at large, also it isn't to be over-looked that the Chinese have a similar example of the division of a One being into the various parts of the world as well as the Japanese, and i'm sure others, as i'm not familiar with all of the worlds religions enough to say conclusively yet. This is the foundation of these various religions and one on which every sacrifice afterwards is looked toward as a miniature symbol of! words spoken in the Gospels affirm this vary relation i speak of, that all the world is physically and spiritually "God", including You and I! the very same thing that Hinduism and all Native religions around the world Claim! John 10:34-"Jesus answered them, 'Is it not written in your Law, I said, YOU ARE GODS?'" John 10:35 "If he called them Gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken; say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and send into the world, though blasphemest;because I Said, I Am the Son Of God?"John 10:36 The passage in the 'law' Jesus speaks of uses the word ELOHIM, Literally in Hebrew Meaning "GODS!" Psalms 82:6 "I have said, YOU ARE GODS; and all of you are children of the [most] High." Statements also made throughout the Gospels reveal that Jesus knew well to what he referred but hardly any if any at all who followed him understood! he said 'in as much as you have done these things unto the least of these(various peoples he mentions) you have done them unto me!' he says that he who believes in him can do the very same things he has done and greater! All Jesus ever claimed was that he was the Son of God, and in the Above statement he makes clear that we are all Sons and Daughters of God, each and every one of Us! So how is this any different from anything Hinduism has ever claimed? how different than the Egyptians Claims? about how they adopted the name of Osiris so that they might be reborn in heaven and the christians adopting Jesus' name for the same purpose? that it? Logically this is the conclusion! by sacrificing himself on the cross, he made a living symbol for the Jewish people to understand, as they had become political and material seeking, they lost site of the true spiritual revelations. He came to the Jews because they were corrupted at the time and had lost their Kabballistic teachings through Secrecy, something that is maintained to this date! although to a lesser degree. the kabbalistic/mystical teachings of Judaism were jealously guarded and in order to practice it their were strict requirements and the value it offered to the population couldn't be realized with such strict secrecy and so maybe the Rabbis who understood it all were angry that Jesus was teaching everyone including gentiles and wanted him dead for that, along with diverting their authority? in any case, other people around the world already understood the symbolism associated with Jesus' death and didn't need him and Still Don't! Although comparative religion helps to reinforce beliefs already held and could be of value in that sense. the True Revelation is that We All Have to Die to ourselves, our egos' in order to be reborn, to reach Moksha-liberation from the cycle of reincarnation and complete enlightenment! Just as the world was created by the sacrifice and we became individuals we must sacrifice our individuality to return to the unity of the source. The means of creation is the means of dissolution and if we suffer because of separation then we must seek unity! nobody can make that sacrifice for you! this is one of the Great deceptions of Christianity! The other is that everyone else in the world has to be converted to Christianity to save their souls! Panentheism is the true Universal religion of truth, and there can be no better example of Panentheism than that of Hinduism, as it offers the multiplicity in unity of a developed 'civilization' built on those Panentheistic principles(God/s is in all and beyond all). in addition, there are many more parallels between the Hebrew, Egyptian and Hindu traditions such as lord Ganesha being the ruler of Categories and having 32 aspects or forms..the 22 letters of Hebrew on the tree of life and the 10 sefirot(spheres)=32! as well the 33 main Gods of Hinduism, now 33 isn't 32 but as the Brhad-Aranyaka Upanishad shows (3.9.1.)[i am selectively quoting]-"which are the thirty-three? The eight spheres-of-existence(Vasus), the eleven divinities-of-life(Rudras), the twelve sovereign-principles(Adityas), make thirty-one. The ruler-of-heaven(Indra) and the lord-of-progeny(Prajapati) complete the thirty-three." now this is a different cosmology than the Tree of life diagram but it manages to result in the same major categories of the creation process minus 1, but the nature of Prajapati may help to explain? "When envisaged together as one universal fiery principle, the three forms of fire are known as the lord-of-progeny(Prajapati).Hence, "the divinity of all the sacred utterances taken collectively is the lord of progeny, while the deities of each individually may be Agni(fire),Vayu(wind), and Surya(sun)respectively"(Brhad-devata 2.124[116]). The spheres of the three worlds and all they contain seem to come forth from this lord of protgeny, that is, from the totality of the three forms of fire."-The Myths and Gods of India, the classic work on Hindu polytheism by Alain Danielou p.81 so Prajapati is the 'beyond' or totality summed up as the 33rd God! this is a common practice of Hindu Alchemists as well, always rounding up one number after all the details have been dealt with to account for the element that is 'beyond'. the systems are different in their classifications of the elements of creation but perhaps that is due to my lack of understanding or some other factor i'm unaware of? i would most likely say that this is so. i'm not an expert on either Kabballah or Hinduism, but i do study them both and other religions of the world as well and i'm learning:) anyone offering insights would be much appreciated! my word to Judaism, Christianity and Islam is respect your Elders! Namaste, Justice the nature of Sin is Separation. Separation from the earth, the life, the animals and other humans, separation from 'the force' or the spirit-that-moves-through-all-things. Sin is forcing your will upon another creature/human without necessity, or doing damage to another. the only way you can do damage to another is if you feel separated from that other, so an act of sin is really the result of an internal sin. whenever we use the word 'Sin' it implies religion. so lets deal with religious cosmology. anyone familiar with Kabballah/qabalah and the nature of the Alef-bet? each letter is a symbol in Hebrew, it also is a number and the pronunciation and spelling of it has signficance because it names a symbol. for instance the first letter of Hebrew is Alef(the equivalent of A in english)=1 and spelled out means Ox, or cow. why? because 1st the cow helped to build civilization by all of its' parts being used for plowing fields and for milk and generally it was the most useful of all domesticated animals. agriculture led to the complexity of village life and 'civilization' and eventually to communication using written language, this is why in all ancient cultures the cow is revered-Egypt,mesopotamia,India etc. it is the culture builder. it is the unifier. the name for Sin, most commonly used in Hebrew is HaTA, the capitol letters are hebrew letters the small 'a' is a vowel. the first letter of a hebrew word is the most significant. the 'H' is a Het in this case meaning-fence,enclosure,#8.'T' is Tet-snake,#9 also Tarot card Strength. and 'A'-Ox,#1. in other words 'Fence/enclose/separate, with Strength, or forcefully, the Oneness.' as some of you may note, when there is 1 then the possibility of 2 is there, because you separate the one and so as a result the 1 is flawed in the first place, instead it should be 0. but then we couldn't even have an analytical mind or any separation at all, physically, spiritually etc. at all. 0 is uncommunicable in actualization, it just is, there is no letter for 0. so a Sin is a separation. seeing oneself as disconnected from the whole, which leads to egotism and all other unpleasant manipulative behaviour, whether it be raping the land for profit or manipulating someone for one's advantage, or demonizing anothers religion, as all things are a part of the whole. the problem with religion is it is forced on people in the western world and this immediately necessitates that the followers aren't connected to 'God' or the-spirit-that-moves-in-all-things at all, rather they speak as a separator and from separation. there are precious few religions that actually, in their outward garbs, recognize other religions as valid as well, these being Hinduism and Buddhism and other religions coming out of India and Taoists in China. Beyond this most all the Native Cultures of the world that still recognize the-spirit-that-moves-in-all-things, or the ones who are Panentheists. These people maintain the 'garden of eden' spirituality. in practical application the only sin is one that forces its' will upon another being/creature without necessity. All True Crimes share one thing in common, and that thing is the Forcing Of Ones Will Upon Another! from theft to assault and murder. to kill to live is the natural process, to kill more than you can eat or need is criminal. to kill your neighbor so you can cannibalize him for lunch, if necessary, isn't a sin. although, finding other animals to eat or herbs or fruits or whatever is less harmful and so if you killed your neighbor instead of killing an animal/s or eating plants etc. that would be forcing your will upon them without necessity and so Yes, that would be a Sin! the purest way to live is to eat fruits and vegetables, this is best for the human body and least harmful and hurtful to all of life. to eat a fruit, you don't kill the tree that produces it, you simply pick the fruit when it is ripe and then plant or disgard the core with the seeds and they grow new fruit trees/plants, same with many vegetables. this is 'garden of eden' living, the ideal state. agriculture was the worst thing that ever happened to mankind in this way of thinking. thorns sprouted from the earth for those Sins. As you may observe that on the edges of clearings or in forested areas of the earth thorns will grow up in the places damaged. it's not all that mystical to come to the reasons for it...birds perch over fields to look for prey or to keep a watchful eye out for predators and they drop the seeds from the berries they are eating onto the edges of the clearings, and thorn bushes sprout. but anyways, you all get the idea. man started walking upright and womens labor pains increased from the shift of the pelvis and elongation of body, and we learned to 'farm' the earth and manipulate it as if it weren't 'One' with us and we used and abused. so there you go..and all religions it is the wondering ascetic that lives naturally with the spirit-that-moves-in-all-things that is the holiest and most venerated. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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