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RE: Some questions...

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10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">I would like to say something here, the

suktas and strotras are in sanskrit and hence the writer should pay much

attention while writing his/her own book based on writings coming down from

centuries. Please read the below paragraph:-

Arial;font-weight:bold;font-style:italic">The language of the


font-style:italic"> is essentially Sanskrit. Earlier we have discussed why

sanskrit occupies this pre-eminent position amongst all languages. Its original

'root' sources, the grammar, the phonetics, the etymology, the


font-style:italic">s or formation of words by conjunction all have that

uniqueness not found in any other language. Please refer back to the articles

'Preparations for


font-style:italic"> -Part 3" AHWAN Vol 22 August /September 2002

issue, and "Attempts to understand


font-style:italic">" Parts 2 and 3 AHWAN Vol 28/29 May/June 2003 issues

to understand how and why not a single word, sentence or text in the


font-style:italic">s is replaceable or interchangeable. Why you can not rewrite

sruti. Why they call them


font-style:italic">s. (


font-style:italic"> simply means


i.e. very well and


font-style:italic"> i.e. expressed- something that is very well expressed or

rendered to perfection, is a



bold;font-style:italic"> or


font-style:italic">. The whole effectiveness of the result or meaning it

produces gets distorted if it is altered any manner whatsoever.)

Arial;font-weight:bold;font-style:italic">In a mantra

bold;font-style:italic">, each word is chosen with the concept that it must

convey not 'just a meaning' but as a trigger to the mind to probe

further, for new unfolding of knowledge.

Arial;font-weight:bold;font-style:italic">If every recitation or reading of a mantra

bold;font-style:italic"> does not encourage you to think and probe deeper, then

its effectiveness is yet to be understood. Sanatan

bold;font-style:italic"> philosophy believes that every 'being' is

indeed endowed with that ultimate truth, the true knowledge, but locked up deep

inside in the cave of one's inner sanctum. Every word or a string of

words in a mantra

bold;font-style:italic">, is to serve as a key to open that lock and let that

truth to be discovered by the aspirant himself.


font-style:italic"> are meant to be pronounced. (uccharan

bold;font-style:italic">). When said aloud, they produce sound vibrations. The

searching mind of the seers saw that vibrations release power. The influence of

this power on all around could change the way the things are. Everything around

us is in a state of dynamic change under the influence of the divine power. Any

additional vibration produced, which is in harmony with this divine vibration,

will produce for us beneficial effects and discordant vibrations will trigger

unnatural and harmful fall-outs. It is not difficult to understand that if this

vibration, its power and its effects could be fully understood, potentially man

could change his very existence, his character, and his destiny. The tradition

of collective chanting of Vedas in organized yajnas

bold;font-style:italic">, emphasizes this point.

Arial;font-weight:bold;font-style:italic">Every single object in this creation,

every single cell that constitutes a body, the cells of the human body, being

constantly in motion all are believed to have a natural frequency of vibration.

This entire creation of which we are a part is ever dynamic and has a universal

harmony of vibration which is the divine vibration or the BrahmanAda

bold;font-style:italic">. Every object as long as it remains in harmony with

this frequency of vibration remains in perfect functioning order. Certain

frequencies produced or emanated externally have a positive impact on them

strengthening their activity and discordant vibrations have the impact of

interfering with their proper functioning.

Arial;font-weight:bold;font-style:italic">Since right vibrations and wrong

vibrations are to be differentiated, the use of letters and words in mantras

bold;font-style:italic"> were chosen with extreme care, and once chosen were

forbidden against any kind of corruption, lest evil minds unleash evil

vibrations. We see that every mantra

bold;font-style:italic"> is invariably dedicated either to Brahman

bold;font-style:italic"> or some divine aspect of the Brahman

bold;font-style:italic"> whom we adore as a devata or god. The association of

divinity to a mantra

bold;font-style:italic"> gave it utmost sanctity and a kind of protection

against playing around by those who do not understand the profoundness of the mantra

bold;font-style:italic"> itself.

Arial;font-weight:bold;font-style:italic">When a mantra

bold;font-style:italic"> is recited it produces those vibrations that

accentuate the proper functioning of the body. A feeling of general well being

is fully assured. When one is loudly reciting a mantra

bold;font-style:italic">, one is able to control the distractions (vikshyepa

bold;font-style:italic">) better. In sanatan

bold;font-style:italic"> philosophy or vedantic

bold;font-style:italic"> philosophy the recommendation for loud chanting and

with correct pronunciation and phonetic format is very definite. Seers of the

past learnt it from their own experience and laid down the rules for posterity

to follow.

Arial;font-weight:bold;font-style:italic">The benefits of recitation of mantras

bold;font-style:italic"> having been understood, we should now try to

understand what lies beyond the mere chanting.

Arial;font-weight:bold;font-style:italic">www.awahan.com or www.awahan.org

10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">Please be aware that sound has a major

effect on our internal system you must have read about Naad Brahma etc even the

Bible says first there was the word and word was GOD.


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">The words and syllables are combined in a certain

way to invoke the internal sound system and create vibrations within us. So

please make sure. I am not saying that any particular writer is bad or good but

only saying that the above should be taken care of.


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">In humble obeisance to one and all and at

the lotus feet of The Mother



10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">Sanjay N!


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">PS I have seen links for Jobs and

matrimony on this website, should not the site only be for discussions of the





[Kali_Ma] On Behalf Of

kanna krishnan

Monday, January 09, 2006

11:53 AM


Re: Re: Some



The worth of any book depend n the level of the



<jpug77 > wrote:


you very much for your reply!! I am going to buy that book, also

is the book "Kali Puja" by Swami

Satyananda Saraswati worth buying as




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--- "Lulla, Sanjay" <sanjay.lulla wrote:


> Hi




> I would like to say something here, the suktas and

> strotras are in sanskrit

> and hence the writer should pay much attention while

> writing his/her own

> book based on writings coming down from centuries.

> Please read the below

> paragraph:-


> The language of the mantra is essentially Sanskrit.

> Earlier we have

> discussed why sanskrit occupies this pre-eminent

> position amongst all

> languages. Its original 'root' sources, the grammar,

> the phonetics, the

> etymology, the sandhis or formation of words by

> conjunction all have that

> uniqueness not found in any other language. Please

> refer back to the

> articles 'Preparations for Sadhana -Part 3" AHWAN

> Vol 22 August /September

> 2002 issue, and "Attempts to understand Brahman"

> Parts 2 and 3 AHWAN Vol

> 28/29 May/June 2003 issues to understand how and why

> not a single word,

> sentence or text in the srutis is replaceable or

> interchangeable. Why you

> can not rewrite sruti. Why they call them suktas.

> (Sukta simply means su

> i.e. very well and ukta i.e. expressed- something

> that is very well

> expressed or rendered to perfection, is a su- ukta

> or sukta. The whole

> effectiveness of the result or meaning it produces

> gets distorted if it is

> altered any manner whatsoever.)


> In a mantra, each word is chosen with the concept

> that it must convey not

> 'just a meaning' but as a trigger to the mind to

> probe further, for new

> unfolding of knowledge.


> If every recitation or reading of a mantra does not

> encourage you to think

> and probe deeper, then its effectiveness is yet to

> be understood. Sanatan

> philosophy believes that every 'being' is indeed

> endowed with that ultimate

> truth, the true knowledge, but locked up deep inside

> in the cave of one's

> inner sanctum. Every word or a string of words in a

> mantra, is to serve as a

> key to open that lock and let that truth to be

> discovered by the aspirant

> himself.


> Mantras are meant to be pronounced. (uccharan). When

> said aloud, they

> produce sound vibrations. The searching mind of the

> seers saw that

> vibrations release power. The influence of this

> power on all around could

> change the way the things are. Everything around us

> is in a state of dynamic

> change under the influence of the divine power. Any

> additional vibration

> produced, which is in harmony with this divine

> vibration, will produce for

> us beneficial effects and discordant vibrations will

> trigger unnatural and

> harmful fall-outs. It is not difficult to understand

> that if this vibration,

> its power and its effects could be fully understood,

> potentially man could

> change his very existence, his character, and his

> destiny. The tradition of

> collective chanting of Vedas in organized yajnas,

> emphasizes this point.


> Every single object in this creation, every single

> cell that constitutes a

> body, the cells of the human body, being constantly

> in motion all are

> believed to have a natural frequency of vibration.

> This entire creation of

> which we are a part is ever dynamic and has a

> universal harmony of vibration

> which is the divine vibration or the BrahmanAda.

> Every object as long as it

> remains in harmony with this frequency of vibration

> remains in perfect

> functioning order. Certain frequencies produced or

> emanated externally have

> a positive impact on them strengthening their

> activity and discordant

> vibrations have the impact of interfering with their

> proper functioning.


> Since right vibrations and wrong vibrations are to

> be differentiated, the

> use of letters and words in mantras were chosen with

> extreme care, and once

> chosen were forbidden against any kind of

> corruption, lest evil minds

> unleash evil vibrations. We see that every mantra is

> invariably dedicated

> either to Brahman or some divine aspect of the

> Brahman whom we adore as a

> devata or god. The association of divinity to a

> mantra gave it utmost

> sanctity and a kind of protection against playing

> around by those who do not

> understand the profoundness of the mantra itself.


> When a mantra is recited it produces those

> vibrations that accentuate the

> proper functioning of the body. A feeling of general

> well being is fully

> assured. When one is loudly reciting a mantra, one

> is able to control the

> distractions (vikshyepa) better. In sanatan

> philosophy or vedantic

> philosophy the recommendation for loud chanting and

> with correct

> pronunciation and phonetic format is very definite.

> Seers of the past learnt

> it from their own experience and laid down the rules

> for posterity to

> follow.


> The benefits of recitation of mantras having been

> understood, we should now

> try to understand what lies beyond the mere

> chanting.


> www.awahan.com or www.awahan.org


> Please be aware that sound has a major effect on our

> internal system you

> must have read about Naad Brahma etc even the Bible

> says first there was the

> word and word was GOD.




> The words and syllables are combined in a certain

> way to invoke the internal

> sound system and create vibrations within us. So

> please make sure. I am not

> saying that any particular writer is bad or good but

> only saying that the

> above should be taken care of.




> In humble obeisance to one and all and at the lotus

> feet of The Mother






> Sanjay N!




> PS I have seen links for Jobs and matrimony on this

> website, should not the

> site only be for discussions of the Mother?





> Kali_Ma

> [Kali_Ma] On Behalf Of

> kanna krishnan

> Monday, January 09, 2006 11:53 AM

> Kali_Ma

> Re: Re: Some questions...




> The worth of any book depend n the level of the

> readers.....................


> jpug77 <jpug77 wrote:


> Thank you very much for your reply!! I am going to

> buy that book, also

> is the book "Kali Puja" by Swami Satyananda

> Saraswati worth buying as

> well?







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merely word or vibration according to Mandukya Upanishad but the linguist

interpretation would stay on very academic level only . And how do you

pronoiunce om then is it om,aum or aong ?? The person best know it is Shivea

the rest are mere effort towards that understanding alone .My opinion have

always been to yearn towards the ultimate and let Ma decide the rest.Sooner a

GURU would arrive once you are ready........ If you are new there always

going to be wrong books , psedou teachers and wrong methodology but at least

you heart is sincere and if god do not recogniseand help you out that then I

do not know what is GOD for ? Surely one day you will be in the right path

for you .......................... That is why I say it all depends on your

level as learner . Jai Maa!! "Lulla, Sanjay"

<sanjay.lulla (AT) emimusic (DOT) com> wrote: Hi I would like to say something here,

the suktas and strotras are in sanskrit and hence the writer should pay much

attention while writing his/her own book based on writings coming down from

centuries. Please read the

below paragraph:- The language of the mantra is essentially Sanskrit. Earlier we

have discussed why sanskrit occupies this pre-eminent position amongst all

languages. Its original 'root' sources, the grammar, the phonetics, the

etymology, the sandhis or formation of words by

conjunction all have that uniqueness not found in any other language. Please

refer back to the articles 'Preparations for Sadhana -Part 3" AHWAN Vol 22

August /September 2002 issue, and "Attempts to understand Brahman" Parts 2 and

3 AHWAN Vol 28/29 May/June 2003 issues to understand how and why not a single

word, sentence or text in the srutis is replaceable or interchangeable. Why you

can not rewrite sruti. Why they call them suktas. (Sukta simply means

FONT-SIZE: 11pt; FONT-STYLE: normal">su i.e. very well and ukta i.e. expressed-

something that is very well expressed or rendered to perfection, is a su-

normal">ukta or sukta. The whole effectiveness of the result or meaning it

produces gets distorted if it is altered any manner whatsoever.) In a mantra,

each word is chosen with the concept that it must convey not 'just a meaning'

but as a trigger to the mind to probe further, for new unfolding of knowledge.

If every recitation or reading of a mantra does not encourage you to think and

probe deeper, then its effectiveness is yet to be understood. Sanatan


believes that every 'being' is indeed endowed with that ultimate truth, the true

knowledge, but locked up deep inside in the cave of one's inner sanctum. Every

word or a string of words in a mantra, is to serve as a key to open that lock

and let that truth to be discovered by the aspirant himself. Mantras are meant

to be pronounced. (

11pt">uccharan). When said aloud, they produce sound vibrations. The searching

mind of the seers saw that vibrations release power. The influence of this

power on all around could change the way the things are. Everything around us

is in a state of dynamic change under the influence of the divine power. Any

additional vibration produced, which is in harmony with this divine vibration,

will produce for us beneficial effects and discordant vibrations will trigger

unnatural and harmful fall-outs. It is not difficult to understand that if this

vibration, its power and its effects could be fully understood, potentially man

could change his very existence, his character, and his destiny. The tradition

of collective chanting of Vedas in organized

FONT-SIZE: 11pt">yajnas, emphasizes this point. Every single object in this

creation, every single cell that constitutes a body, the cells of the human

body, being constantly in motion all are believed to have a natural frequency

of vibration. This entire creation of which we are a part is ever dynamic and

has a universal harmony of vibration which is the divine vibration or the

BrahmanAda. Every object as long as it remains in

harmony with this frequency of vibration remains in perfect functioning order.

Certain frequencies produced or emanated externally have a positive impact on

them strengthening their activity and discordant vibrations have the impact of

interfering with their proper functioning. Since right vibrations and wrong

vibrations are to be differentiated, the use of letters and words in mantras

were chosen with extreme care, and once chosen were forbidden against any kind

of corruption, lest evil minds unleash evil vibrations. We see that every

mantra is invariably dedicated either to Brahman or some divine aspect of the

Brahman whom we adore as a devata or god. The association of divinity to a

bold; FONT-SIZE: 11pt">mantra gave it utmost sanctity and a kind of protection

against playing around by those who do not understand the profoundness of the

mantra itself. When a mantra

FONT-FAMILY: Arial"> is recited it produces those vibrations that accentuate the

proper functioning of the body. A feeling of general well being is fully

assured. When one is loudly reciting a mantra, one is able to control the

distractions (vikshyepa) better. In sanatan

bold; FONT-SIZE: 11pt; FONT-STYLE: italic; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"> philosophy or

vedantic philosophy the recommendation for loud chanting and with correct

pronunciation and phonetic format is very definite. Seers of the past learnt it

from their own experience and laid down the rules for posterity to follow. The

benefits of recitation of mantras

italic; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"> having been understood, we should now try to

understand what lies beyond the mere chanting. www.awahan.com or www.awahan.org

Please be aware that sound has a major effect on our internal system you must

have read about Naad Brahma etc even the Bible says first there was the word

and word was GOD. The words and syllables are combined in a certain way to

invoke the internal

sound system and create vibrations within us. So please make sure. I am not

saying that any particular writer is bad or good but only saying that the above

should be taken care of. In humble obeisance to one and all and at the lotus

feet of The Mother Sanjay

N! PS I have seen links for Jobs and matrimony on this website, should not the

site only be for discussions of the Mother?

Kali_Ma [Kali_Ma] On Behalf Of kanna

krishnanMonday, January 09, 2006

11:53 AMKali_MaSubject: Re: Re: Some questions...

The worth of any book depend n the level of the

readers.....................jpug77 <jpug77 > wrote: Thank you very

much for your reply!! I am going to buy that book, also

10pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Courier New'">is the book "Kali Puja" by Swami Satyananda

Saraswati worth buying as well? PhotosRing in the New Year with

Photo Calendars. Add photos, events,

holidays, whatever. -

--Music from

EMI This e-mail including any attachments is confidential and may be legally

privileged. If you have received it in error please advise the sender

immediately by return email and then delete it from your system. The

unauthorised use, distribution, copying or alteration of this email is strictly

forbidden. If you need assistance please contact us on +44 20 7795 7000. This

email is from a unit or subsidiary of EMI Group plc. Registered Office: 27

Wrights Lane, London W8 5SW Registered in England No 229231.-


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