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Real facts-10

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Dear spiritual. Respected and very valuable brothers and sisters, I wish every

moment shower of peace and happiness is coming from God Father forever to all.

Second steps God Father Realization: -


Before starting this one should keep some important points in your mind (non-physical) as under: -

(1) Have you realized the self (soul)? Or are you clear about the self (soul)

which is given in last e-mail under knowledge-9? Or one must clear about three

matters (a) who am I? (b) What

is my (soul's) appearance? © Where is my (soul's) residence? Then it is very

easy to realize God Father.

(2) Who wish to realize God Father Soul or body? Why I am asking this? If you

think self as body then you will go for search of God Father in bodily form.

Remember that when we (we mean souls) are not body then how can be God Father

as body? Most of us are body-conscious state so one should be alert in

soul-conscious state specially this particular


(3) Here you are going to near God Father by mind (N-P mean non-physical) and

intellect (N-P), so you can reach within a fraction of second near to Him, but

for this you must develop soul-conscious state by practising first step of

self-realization otherwise it is very difficult or almost impossible. (For

example you must be knowing about game of "Snakes and ladders" in this during

game if you come in box where the end of ladder, you can rise up and when you

come in box where the mouth of snake, you will go down). Same way here also if

you are soul-conscious state you can rise up and within fraction of second you

can reach near God Father but in case, if you are body-conscious then you will

go away from Him. In addition, for easy way you must be clear main six facts

about God Father as under: -

(a) Who is God Father? He is Supreme Soul.

(b) How we are related with Him? He is all soul's Father

© What is His real appearance? This is most important. God Father is also very

small, self-luminous point of light and from Him forever rays of peace, love,

purity, Anand, light, might, Knowledge, and bliss are coming out. He is always

free from cycle of birth and death of body forever. He is without body

(incorporeal) forever.

(d) Where is His residence? He is staying in Soul-world. He is Omnipotent, so He

can control everything from their. He can go anywhere within a very small

fraction of second. He is satisfying your wish and able to realize many people

at a time at many places, even though, He is not there. (simple example by

power of science one can see Hero of the picture in T. V. so many places at a

time in your house, even though, he is not actually there). So can you imagine

God Father'

Rounded MT Bold'; mso-fareast-language: EN-GB">s power? He is also able to

realize you in any form as per your wish, even though, His form is not that

one. Because of this fact many people are under impression that He may be

having His own body. But that is not right thought.

(e) Is He coming on this earth? Yes, when people of the world become

irreligious. Now question will arise in your mind (N-P) When He is not having

His own body then how He is coming that we clarify later on.

(f) Word incarnation can be used only for God Father because He is not having

His own body. But word birth can be used for Deities, Messengers, Religious

fathers, and all human-being those are having their own body.

In short, we must know that who is God Father, what His

appearance is, and where He is staying, and then very easily we can approach

Him or we can fulfil our wish.

Sit at any place convenience to you at any posture with open

eyes and visualize yourself by your intellect (N-P) in your real form (real

mean soul form) and go near to God Father in the same form by mind (N-P) and

visualize Him in His real form by intellect (N-P) as Supreme Soul. (For example

human being?lt;/SPAN>

mso-fareast-language: EN-GB">s children are like human with two hands but

children of cow or elephant are having four feet). Same way without body soul

is incorporeal so God Father is also incorporeal. Think that God father is

above you in form of sparking star self luminous and you are also in sparking

star form below Him and radiation of peace, love, purity, anand, light, might,

knowledge, and bliss are coming on you from Him and from you that are spreading

to all. By this way our rust of five vices that are lust, anger, greed,

attachment, and ego will be removed and when soul will achieve purity then it

is very easy to get connection with Supreme Soul. You can realize Him like you

are meeting to some relatives or friends. Next

mso-bidi-font-family: Arial; mso-fareast-language: EN-GB">?lt;/SPAN>


Note: - If you have any question about this knowledge, and by any reason you may

not be able to ask some questions by e-mail or you do not wish to e-mail, or you

feel that personally you can understand more. In this case, you can personally

visit any your nearest Centre of

The Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya and You can learn all about the

'Raja yoga Meditation', self realization, and God Father Realization there in

free of charge practically with pictures you can understand very easily. This

institute is having Centres in 92 countries all over the World. This institute

is a

mso-fareast-language: EN-GB; mso-bidi-font-weight: bold">spiritual university

and this is open for all human being. This is I am not informing for

advertisement but to know the right way for success in spirituality.

Tribhuvan Pabari <tribhuvan_pabari (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

Knowledge-9Dear spiritual, respected and very valuable brothers and sisters,

I wish every moment shower of peace and happiness is coming from

God Father forever to all.How to get power from God Father and by this way to

achieve self-realisation, God Father Realisation and Connection

(non-physical) of soul and God Father? First step SELF (SOUL) realisation: -

Before starting this one should keep some important points in mind

(non-physical) (1) In this

process always keep your eyes open.(2) Here you are going to use power of mind

(non-physical) and intellect (non-physical) so during practice not to use mouth

or lips.(3) Change of thought process from physical to spiritual.(4) Try to

detach your mind (N-P means NON-PHYSICAL) and intellect (N-P) from thought

process which is busy with your surrounding world.

11.0pt">(5) Soul’s residence - Temporary: - soul has taken this body on live

licence basis and staying inside the body between two eye-brows. Permanent: -

every soul originally staying in Soul-World with God Father and coming on this

earth stage for acting with the help of corporeal (body). Soul has three

faculties. That are (1) Mind (N-P): - Whatever we see through eye or hear

through ear or read on the subject it creates thoughts (2) Intellect (N-P): -

after creating thought but before come in action by intellect we judge this is

right or wrong and according to soul’s past or present experience we use to put

in action. (3) Sanskars: - Every past thought, words and actions are remains as

memory in every soul and this is not limited only for this birth but it can be

any number of past

births taken by soul. Sit at any place convenience to you at any

posture and start creating thoughts by mind (N-P) as under: - I am a soul, very

small, self luminous point of light (N-P). I am eternal energy neither created

nor destroyed. I am indivisible, invisible but very well realizable. I am pure

soul, I am peaceful, powerful, joyful, blissful, loveful, Master sat-chit-anand

state soul. At the same time tries to visualise the SELF (SOUL) by Intellect

(N-P) between your two eye-brows inside your body. But most

important fact is that

during this process for every thought you try to visualize self as per your

thought by your divine Intellect (N-P). So Mind (N-P) and Intellect (N-P) both

should work to-gather than only you will experience that you are getting some

benefit. (For example, in our house light connection only possible when there

is connection of two wires. Same way here also, when you use mind (N-P) and

intellect (N-P) together then it is very easy to realise the SELF (SOUL).

In addition, during whole day at work, or at home you are coming in Contact

with other people, they may be your relatives or friends or anyone, you try to

see them as souls or behave with them as souls ant think that as a souls they

are also God Father’s children and as a soul all are my

brothers. Slowly and slowly you will be able to realise that

you are not body but different being and controlling your body and this way you

are able to control all bodily organs very easily just like driver is

controlling any vehicle. By practise when you are able to realise the SELF

(SOUL) then it is very easy to go for second step that is GOD FATHER

Realisation. But one fact keep in your mind that just to know that you are a

SOUL and realise that you are a SOUL both are different stage. To know that is

theory but to realise that is practical. For this any question you can ask.


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