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Quote on Divine Mother - Aurobindo

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fear, peril and disaster, only two things are needed, two that always go

together - the Grace of the Divine Mother

and on your side an inner state made up of faith, sincerity and surrender.

Let your faith be pure, candid and perfect. An egoistic faith in the mental and vital

being tainted by ambition, pride, vanity, mental arrogance, vital, self-will,

personal demand, desire for the petty

satisfaction of the lower nature - is a low and smoke-obscured flame that cannot

burn upwards to heaven.

- Sri Aurobindo in "The Mother"

-- devishakti_india( divyabhakti )(



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This is an extract from Aurobindo's book " The Mother "

The entire article you can read below link, the entire article will answer your questions:


(Note : Aurobindo had a high grasp of English ,even much better English

than Swami Vivekananda, hence sometimes difficult to understand )


devishakti_indiaOn 11/22/05, Sridhar Babu <ammassridhar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

|| Jai Jai Kali Ma ||Dear One The

message really touches the bug within. But how c an I kill these bugs

within, which fatally disable me burning myself to ascend to the Higher

heavens.Kali_Ma, devishakti_india <devishaktiindia@g...> wrote:

>> *To** walk through life - armoured against all fear, peril and disaster,>

only two things are needed, two that always go together - the Grace of the

> Divine Mother and on your side an inner state made up of faith, sincerity> and

surrender.* *Let your faith be pure, candid and perfect. An egoistic> faith in

the mental and vital being tainted by ambition, pride, vanity,

> mental arrogance, vital, self-will, personal demand, desire for the petty>

satisfaction of the lower nature - is a low and smoke-obscured flame that>

cannot burn upwards to heaven.> > - Sri Aurobindo in "The Mother"

> *> --> devishakti_india> ( divyabhakti

)> ( http://spiritualhinduism.blogspot.com )>






Visit your group "Kali_Ma" on the web.



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that she was an incarnation of goddess and hence he named her as "The Mother" ,

Hence you will find many French followers of Aurobindo or The Mother and even

French websites if you search. But forget her importance we will take The

Mother meaning Shakti or Divine Mother ) . The books starting chapters are on

the site I gave. Aurobindo in the 6 chapters starts off describing why to

surrender and how to surrender to Divine Mother. Then he describes how money

should be handled as Her instument. And then Aurobindo describes that there are

many powers of the Divine Mother but four are most impotant - Maheshwari,

Mahalakshmi, Mahakali, Mahasarasvati.In short these powers stand for Aurobindo

says: Maheshwari : One is her personality of calm wideness and comprehending

wisdom and tranquil benignity, inexhaustible compassion and sovereign and

surpassing majesty and all ruling

greatnessMahakali: Another embodies her power of splendid strength and

irresistible passion, her warrior mood, her overwhelming will, her impetuous

swiftness and world-shaking force.Mahalakshmi: A third is vivid and sweet and

wonderful with her deep secret of beauty and harmony and fine rhythm, her

intricate and subtle opulence, her compelling attraction and her captivating

graceMahasarasvati : The fourth is equipped with her close and profound

capacity of intimate knowledge and careful flawless work and quiet and exact

perfection in all things. And Then Aurobindo beautifully describes these four

powers . I am pasting what Aurobindo had to say on Mahakali as devotees of Ma

Kali congregate in this forum:( Note : The English used may sound confusing and

have to read twice to understand. For Aurobindo 's entire education was done in

England, he came to India as a lecturer in

India and no knowledge of Sanskrit, Bengali. he started studying Indian culture

and Sansrit , Bengali and at the same time joined the nationalist freedom

movement in India against the British. When he was jailed in Alipore by the

British for a bomb throwing charge, there was studying the Bhagavad Gita and

during this time in jail He had vision of Swami Vivekananda where Vivekananda

spoke to him and a transformation of Aurobino a national political person into

a spiritual leader effected. ) Aurobindo on Mahakali: Mahakali is of another

nature. Not of wideness but of height, not wisdom but force and strength are

her peculiar power. There is in her a overwhelming intensity, a

mighty passion of force to achieve, a divine violence rushing to shatter every

limit and obstacle. All her divinity leaps out in a splendour of tempestuous

action; she is therefore swiftness, for the immediately effective process, the

rapid and direct stroke, the frontal assault that carries everything, before

it. Terrible is her face to the Asura, dangerous and ruthless her mood against

the haters of the Divine; for she is the Warrior of the Worlds who never

shrinks from the battle. Intolerant of imperfection, she deals roughly with all

in man that is unwilling and she is severe to all that is obstinately ignorant

and obscure; her wrath is immediate and dire against treachery and falsehood

and malignity, ill-will is smitten at once by her scourage.

rgb(0,51,204); FONT-FAMILY: Georgia">Indifference, negligence and sloth in the

divine work she cannot bear and she smites awake at once with sharp pain, if

need be, the untimely slumberer and the loiterer. The impulses that are swift

and straight and frank, the movements that are unreserved and absolute, the

aspiration that mounts in flame are the motion of Mahakali. Her spirit is

tameless, her vision and will are high and far-reaching like the flight of an

eagle, her feet are rapid on the upward way and her hands are outstretched to

strike and to succour. For she too is the Mother and her love is as intense as

her wrath and she has a deep and passionate kindness. When she is allowed to

intervene in her strength , then in one moment are broken like things without

consistence the obstacles that immobilise or the

enemies that assail the seeker. If her anger is dreadful to the hostile and the

vehemence of her pressure painful to the weak and timid, she is loved and

worshipped by the great, the strong and the noble; for they feel that her blows

beat what is rebellious in their material into strength and perfect truth,

hammer straight what is wry and perverse and expel what is impure or defective.

But for her what is done in a day might have taken centuries; without her Ananda

might be wide and grave or soft and sweet and beautiful but would lose the

flaming joy of its most absolute intensities. To knowledge she gives a

conquering might, brings to beauty and harmony a high and mounting movement and

imparts to the slow and difficult labour after perfection an impetus that

multiplies the power and shortens the long

way. Nothing can satisfy her that falls short of the supreme ecstasies, the

highest heights, the noblest aims, the largest vistas. Therefore with her is

the victorious force of the Divine and it is by grace of her fire and passion

and speed if he great achievement can be done now than hereafter.------Forgive

me for this lenghty post !! I hope you all like this words of Aurobindo or do

they fall short on describing Ma kali ? Please comment......Thank You!!

Pranam,devishakti_indiaKali_Ma, devishakti_india

<devishaktiindia@g...> wrote:>

At Sri Paada

Sridhar Babu

|| Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavanthu ||


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