Guest guest Posted February 3, 2006 Report Share Posted February 3, 2006 Maha Kali Tara Ma Kali long post KALI MA..... Om Kali Mother, Mother Shakti. Creater and Destroyer. To Thee oh Mother I give Ye homage. You have and always will be with me. Mother, sweet goddess when ever I have need of thee, I dont need to just look outward I look inward. Oh Mother you are in me! All these devotional prayers and mantras will teach you about the Mother Goddess. Ma Kali {Mother Kali} A mantra that the Thugies used to use is this... Jai Shakti Mukti Kali Ma this mantra means... victory to the Goddess perfect (liberater) Kali Ma A mantra to her aspect of Tara is OM Hrim Strim Hum Phat {OM HREEM STREEM HUM FAT} her seed mantra is OM To some Tara is the merciful aspect of Kali. She is called the savior goddess.Sri Rama Krishna called Kali a savioress as well. She is also useful for deep meditations and healings. But Tara is also her own self as well. Though it is said over and over again one Goddess is all goddesses in Hinduism. But on the other hand Tara can be very wrathful. Another mantra of Kali is OM Krim Kali Krim is pronounced Kreem K stands for full knowledge R means Kali is auspicious I means she bestows boons M means that she gives liberation. also Krim is the active force it emphasizes inner action. OM is a letter in sanskrit meaning God. Krim is the seed mantra of the goddess kali. I do wish I could show you a picture of it. This is from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna Awake, Mother! Awake! How long Thou hast been asleep In the lotus of Muladhara! Fulfill Thy secret function, Mother: Rise to the thousand-petalled lotus within the head, Swiftly pierce the six lotuses And take away my grief, O Essence of Consciosness! Another mantra of hers is... Shock-ti-day Kali Ma {i spelled it the way it is prounced, to make it easier for you} This particuler mantra is used to call her and get her attention. also you can say to her repeatedly Ma Jago which simply means : Mother wake up This is what sister Nivedita said about the mother in her book called Kali the Mother She is all beauty- this woman nude and terrible and black, who tells the name of God on the skulls of the dead, who creates the bloodshed on which demons fatten, who slays rejoicing and repents not, and blesses him only that lies crushed beneath Her feet. Her mass of black hair flows behind Her like the wind, or like time the drift and passage of things.' She is blue almost to blackness, like a mighty shadow, and bare like the dread realities of life and death. Ma, Ma, Ma, go Ma; daya karun; kripa karun. this means Mother, oh Mother, give me your grace, give me your compassion. Jai Kali, Jai Ma Bhavatarini [ victory to Kali, Victory to the Mother, the savior of souls] We prostrate before her who is at once most gentle and most terrible; We salute her again and again. Salutation to her who is the support of the world. Salutations again and again to the Devi who abides in all beings in the form of consciouness; To the Devi who abides in all beings in the form of intelligence; to the Devi who abides in all beings in the form of sleep; to the Devi who abides in all beings in the form of hunger; to the Devi who abides in all beings in the form of power; to the Devi who abides in all beings in the form of modesty; to the Devi who abides in all beings in the form of peace; to the Devi who abides in all beings in the form of faith; to the Devi who abides in all beings in the form of loveliness; to the Devi who abides in all beings in the form of compassion; to the Devi who abides in all beings in the form of contentment; to the Devi who abides in all beings in the form of mother. May that Devi, the Mother, who appears in the form of all things, bring forth benefits for all who sing her praises. ––chandi The name Devi is derived from the Sanskrit root word div which means to shine---the shinning one. you're probably wondering why I chose a red backround for this webpage. Well its simple really, red is one of her colors. Red is also her favorite color. Also her favorite flower libation is the red hibiscus, which is part of the nightshade family. here is a devotional song to the Mother by Ramaprasad O Mother Kali with a necklace of human heads! What magic hast Thou shown me! O Mother! Thou didst teach me how to call Thee 'mother,' and make me mad by calling Thee 'mother' constantly. Tell me, O Mother Tara, where Thou didst get such a name full of nectar Wordly people call me mad Prasad whenever they meet me. when the members of my family call me names. But do I deviate from my path, O Mother Kali, being misled by their abuses? Let them say whatever they like; I will always mutter 'Kali, 'Kali.' Honor and dishonor are all alike to me; I have cast aside maya, And made Thy rosey feet the be-all-and-end all of my life; shall I be misguided by worldly people anymore? so now you see that Kali is not all about death, ruin, destruction, and creamatoriums I have a deep connection with Ma Kali. I did not choose her, lets just say She chose me and I answered Her call. Im glad that I did. I called out and she took me. KALI THE MOTHER The stars are blotted out, The clouds are covering clouds it is darkness vibrant, sonant. In the roaring, whirling wind Are the souls of a million lunatics Just loosed from the prison-house, Wrenching trees by the roots, Sweeping all from the path The sea has joined the fray, And swirls up mountain-waves, To reach the pitchy sky. The flash of lurid light Reveals on every side A thousand, thousand shades Of Death begrimed and black- Scatteing plagues and sorrows, Dancing mad with joy, Come, Mother, come! For Terror is Thy name, Death is in Thy breath, And every shaking step Destroys a world for e'er. Thou 'Time', the All-destroyer! Come, O Mother, come! Who dares misery love, And hug the form of Death, Dance in Destruction's dance, To him the other comes. this one is by Swami Vivekanda. THE GODS even the great and powerful gods crave to enter feminine form. Vishnu even took the form of a naked Mohini, and then entranced Shiva. SHAKTI there are many, many manifestations of Shakti in their diffrent roles, exercising power, holding sway over the gods and all humankind. In the Karpuradi-stotra the hymn is to Dakshiakali an aspect of Mother Kali. O Mother, Thou givest birth to and protectest the world, and at the time of dissolution dost withdraw to Thyself the earth and all things; therefore Thou art Brahma, and the Lord of the Three Worlds, the spouse of Sri, and Mahesa, and all other beings and things. How, then, shall I praise Thy greatness? Obeisance: To Kali the spouse of Kala who destroys all sin and is Kala. She who is Tara the saviour, the Supreme Brahmavidya, who is adored by the Lous-born Deva She who is Srividya, desirous of the welfare of sadhakas on the path of liberation, to whom Hari and Hara make obeisance. May that Devi the Mother, who appears in the form of all things, bring forth benefits for all who sing Her praises. DEFENITIONS Deva is male god Brahmavidya is the saviour of souls Hari is Vishnu Hara is Shiva Kala is time Kali the Great Mother is and always will be eternal., she incarnates and expresses Herself in many diffrent forms. She is Shakti. In the hymn AdyaKali, the Primordial Kali of the Mahanirvan Tantra, Kali is adressed as this: Hrim, O Destroyer of time! Srim, O terrific one Krim, Thou who art beneficent! Possessor of all the arts, Thou art Kamala, Destroyer of the pride of the Kali Age… Mother of Time Thou art brilliant as the fires of the final dissolution Merciful Vessel of mercy Whose mercy is without limit, Who art attainable alone by Thy mercy. Who art fire, Tawny Black of hue, Thou who increatseth the joy of the Lord of creation, Night of darknes, yet liberator from the bonds of desire, Thou who art dark as a bank of cloud, And bearest the crescent moon, Destroyer of sin in the Kali Age, Thou who art pleased by the worship of virgins, And who art in the form of the virgin, Destroyer of fear, Who assumeth all forms at will Whose abode is at Kamarupa Who ever dallies at the Kamapitha O Beautiful One, O creeper which givest every desire, Adorable as the image of all tenderness, Thou with a tender body, And who art slender of waist, Who art pleased with the nectar of consecrated wine, Joyous one, Revealer of the path of the Kaulikas Queen of Kasi Allayer of sufferings. To Thee I make obeisance. In the Devi-Mahatmya, recited during the festival of Durga, one of these hymns proclaims the Goddess's all prevading power: Note shakti means goddess also feminine energy Devi-Mahatmya means great goddess Mahatmya means a great woman Mahatma means a great man THE HYMN TO THE GODDESS That power who is defined as Conciouness in all beings, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence, reverence. That power who is known as Reason in all beings, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, Reverence to Her, reverence, reverence. That power who exists in all beings in the form of Sleep, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence, reverence. That power who exists in all beings as Hunger, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence, reverence. That power who exists in all beings as Shadow, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence, reverence That power who exists in all beings as Energy, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence, reverence That power who exists in all beings in the fom of Thirst, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence, reverence. That power who exists in all beings as Forgiveness, reverenece to Her, reverence to Her, reverence to Her reverence, reverence. That power who exists in all beings in the form of Species, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence, reverence. That power who exists in all beings as Bashfulness, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence, reverence. That power who exists in all beings as Peace, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence, reverence. That power who exists in all beings as Faith, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence, reverence. That power who exists in all beings as Loveliness, Reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence, reverence. That power who exists in all beings as Fortune, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence, reverence. That power who exists in all beings as Vocation, reverence To Her, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence, reverence. That power who exists in all beings in the form of Memory, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence, reverence. That power who exists in all beings in the form of Compassion, reverence to Her, reverence to Her reverence to Her, reverence, reverence. That power who exists in all beings as Fulfilment, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence, reverence. That power who exists in all beings as Mother, reverece to Her, reverence to Her, revrerence to Her, reverence, reverence. That power who exists in all beings in the form of Illusion, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence, reverence. Here is another devotinal song to Kali. This was written by Antony Feringhee {this is a general title given to Westerners in the early days of Bengal} he was a Potugese man. He became so devoted to the graet mother Kali. He fell deeply in love with a widow named Saudamini. They lived together in the Kali Temple in central Calcutta India, now known as the Feringhee-Kali Temple. Here is the song… Oh my Mother, would you now be kind to me? But, when really have you shown favour to people? Yet, Shyama, you have been so cruel To Shiva, by making him flee from golden Kasi and take shelter in the burning-ground Only to become a mendiant. Give your tears your sorrows, your pain, your unfulfilled desires give all this to the Mother, Ma Kali will know what to do she always does. Ma means mother Here is another song about Kali, In these hymns and songs Kali reveals her greatness and splendour. I love that Dark Beauty, With the ruffled hair, enticing the world. So I love her. This black darling resides in the heart of Mahadev {Shiva} the god of all gods. Again Krishna the Dark is the very life of the Brajaland engrossed with cowgirls there. Hence I love black. I adore it. Banamali Krishna became the Black goddess, Kali, So says Prasad, making no distinction between the two So I love the dark beauty Syama, the heart's throb, the ruffled hair, I love and adore her. …………………… Kali the Great Mother is awe inspiring she gave me a dose of Kundalini not to long ago. Of course I am not new to the powers of Kundalini I had a very big experience with it many years ago. Kali is the power of nature, she can be like a pleasent breeze on a beautyful spring day or vicious as a hurricane She can be unpredictable as a tornado, earth shaddering as and earthquake, or destructive as a supernova. She dances and is always moving. Mother is within my heart. She gave me a wake up call on one occasion. I was praying and in deep meditaion to the Mother and she gave me visions. She was every where and in all things. I felt her presence an saw Her for who she is and what she is, and fo that I am changed forever in this life. She comes to me in dreams. When I have a disturbing dream she comes to take me away from it. In some dreams I become Her. Even my shaddow takes Her shape. She talks to me there and I communicate with Her as well. On one occasion when felt I was in danger of someone she came to me in a dream and took me to her temple. I looked out of the temple in this dream and saw the sacred Ganges. I later found out days later that this was Her temple that I dreamed of. I worked magick with Her in my dreams as well. Even when I am awake I feel Kali. I am also in tuned with other gods/goddesses as well. I also dreamed of doing a ceremonial evocation of Metatron once and had success! And this was before I ever evoked this High angel before in the physical! LOL! and no I did not plan that eighter! it just happened! I woke up looked at Metatrons info and it was all correct! LOL! Thats why I like this angel I feel this power called me so I answered. Ramprasad was one of Kali's minstrils. He wrote many lovely songs of devotion to Kali. many people came all over just to hear his songs.There are many legends of him. He traveled to many places singing about his love to the Divine Mother. The nobles and peasents enjoyed his songs equally. Many people would ask him to sing to them. His songs brought joy into the hearts of many people. here are some of his works… What have I to do with Kasi? The lotus-feet of Kali are place of pilgrimage enough for me. Deep in my heart's lily meditating on them, I float in an ocean of bliss. In Kali's name, where is there place for sin? When the head is not, headache cannot remain. As when fire consumes a pile of cotton, so Kall goes, in Kali's name. The worshipper of Kali laughs at the name of Gaya, and at ancestral offerings there, and the story of salvation by ancestors merits. Certainly, Shiva has said that if a man dies at Kasi he gains salvation. But devotion is the root of everything, and salvation but her handmaid who follows her. What is the worth of salvation if it means absorbtion, the mixing of water with water? I love to eat sugar, but I have no wish to become sugar. Prasad says joyously: By the power of grace and mercy, if we but think on the Wild-Locked Goddess, the Four Goods become ours. Another song by Ramprasad is about how Kali and how she gives liberation. In the market place of this world. The Mother sits flying Her kites. In a hundred thousand. She cuts the string of one or two. And when the kite soars up into the infinite Oh how She laughs and claps her hands! The kites are souls. she cuts the string of the kite which symbolizes that the soul is no longer has any more attachments. It also symbolizes that the soul no longer needs to reincarnate as we know it and is free to go on to higher things. The market place is the mudane world. Kali is the goddess of liberation. According to Hinduism we are in the Kali age. his age is of liberation and freedom. It coincides that way with The Book of The Law. Liber Vel Legis. This is something from the Gospel of Ramakrishna I wept before the Mother and prayed. "O Mother please tell me, please reveal to me, what the yogis have realised through yoga and the jnanis through discrimination." And the Mother has revealed everything to me. She reveals everything if the devotee cries to Her with a yearning heart. She has shown me everything that is in the Vedas, the Vedanta, the Puranas, and the Tantra. By you this universe is born, by you this world is created. By you it is protected. O Devi. By you it is consumed at the end. You who are eternally the form of the whole world at the time of creation you are the form of creative force, at the time of preservation you are the form of the protective power and at the time of the dissolution of the world you are the form of the destructive power. You are the Supreme Knowledge, as well as ignorance, intellect and contemplation –––––Devi-Mahatmya That prayer is to the Great Shakti Kali has the power to even drive Shiva nuts and to wild destructive behavior. Some men seem to fear her as she is not like the model Hindu wife a wife that stays in the backround. Kali cant be controlled. Maha Kali and Nitya Kali are mentioned in Tantric philosophy. It is said before creation when darkness was enveloped in darkness, Kali the mother, the formless one Maha Kali was one with Maha Kala. Also it is said that Kali is the greatest of all deities that Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are only puddles compared to the vast ocean that is Kali. Kali many tried to push her down many tried to deny her, many tried to say the feminine was not important that Shiva is all. Listen to the names of the Great Goddess during puja and Shiva is mentioned as one of the many names. The tantrics also worship Siddha Kali to attain perfection, Phalaharini Kali to destroy past action and karmic burdens, Nitya Kali to destroy diseases, suffering and grief, to give illumination and perfection. Dakait Kali (robbers Kali) was worshipped by thieves but now believe it or not many honest pious pilgrims worship this aspect of Ma Kali. Theres is a famous old Dakait Kali temple in South Calcutta That draws many good naured pilgrims from Bengal to worship Her. Tara is also connected to Kali she is also wrathful in Hinduism and at times gentle but in Tibetan Buddhism she is seen as gentle a lot of the times but she is also seen as wrathful as well. Bamakhepa was on of Tara's intoxicated saint he practiced Sadhana at the Tarapith cremation ground the way many practice Sadhana with Kali. Many of times this was done on top a human corpse. (not a human sacrifice). Many sages in the past and present say if the Great mother was the ocean then Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva would be bubbles compared to the ocean. Some even say why should I go to the Father when I can sit on the lap of the Mother? Kali is the most gentle and the most terrible. She is pleasent and she is savage. She is supreme reality and the great maya. She can be seen as white and as black, and red etc. She cannot be tamed. She is the creator, she supports the world and is the great nurturer, and she is the destroyer. Kali is the great dissolution. She is the liberator and the saviour of souls. Kali can come as a child, as a mother as a dark mother, as a crone as the warrior goddess etc. The godes is also refered to as Dakini and is called the female demon. She grants boons but she is also mercyless. Here are some good books to get on Kali Kali Puja (this is the traditional and devotional worship to the great mother. Kali the feminine force Hindu Goddesses this has a chapter on Tara, Kali, and the Mahavidyas, and the Great Goddess as well as others like Rhada, Sarasvati, Durga, Lakshmi etc Kali the black goddess of dakashineswar There is so much more to Kali than i have mentioned here. Kali Mantra Krim Krim Krim Hum Hum Hrim Hrim Dakashine Kalike Krim Krim Krim Hum Hum Hrim Hrim Svaha You already know what Krim means is an active inner force in this mantra it leads to HUM the action of forcfully and wratfully to get rid of and ward of negativity. Hum also serves to give us spiritual fire within ourselves,and to help us with self inquiry. Hrim is Parvati Hum in this mantra leads us to pure beauty an puriication Transformation. Kalike or Kalika is an aspect of Kali she is said to give diseases and cures them. She is so beloved as well. Dakashina is the south facing Kali. She is a more gentle aspect and is the power of discerment. Svaha is the consecration to the Divine. Jai Ma Kalimir~Kalamere Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 6, 2006 Report Share Posted February 6, 2006 prayers and mantras will teach you about theMother Goddess. Ma Kali {Mother Kali}A mantra that the Thugies used to use is this...Jai Shakti Mukti Kali Mathis mantra means... victory to the Goddess perfect (liberater) Kali MaA mantra to her aspect of Tara isOM Hrim Strim Hum Phat{OM HREEM STREEM HUM FAT}her seed mantra is OMTo some Tara is the merciful aspect of Kali. She is called the saviorgoddess.Sri Rama Krishna called Kali a savioress as well. She is alsouseful for deep meditations and healings. But Tara is also her ownself as well. Though it is said over and over again one Goddess is allgoddesses in Hinduism. But on the other hand Tara can be very wrathful.Another mantra of Kali isOM Krim KaliKrim is pronounced KreemK stands for full knowledgeR means Kali is auspiciousI means she bestows boonsM means that she gives liberation.also Krim is the active force it emphasizes inner action.OM is a letter in sanskrit meaning God.Krim is the seed mantra of the goddess kali. I do wish I could showyou a picture of it.This is from the Gospel of Sri RamakrishnaAwake, Mother! Awake! How long Thou hast been asleepIn the lotus of Muladhara!Fulfill Thy secret function, Mother:Rise to the thousand-petalled lotus within the head,Swiftly pierce the six lotusesAnd take away my grief, O Essence of Consciosness!Another mantra of hers is...Shock-ti-day Kali Ma{i spelled it the way it is prounced, to make it easier for you}This particuler mantra is used to call her and get her attention.also you can say to her repeatedlyMa Jagowhich simply means : Mother wake upThis is what sister Nivedita said about the mother in her book calledKali the MotherShe is all beauty-this woman nude and terrible and black,who tells the name of Godon the skulls of the dead,who creates the bloodshed on which demons fatten,who slays rejoicing and repents not,and blesses him only that lies crushed beneath Her feet.Her mass of black hairflows behind Her like the wind,or like time the drift and passage of things.'She is blue almost to blackness,like a mighty shadow,and bare like the dread realities of life and death.Ma, Ma, Ma, go Ma; daya karun; kripa karun.this means Mother, oh Mother, give me your grace, give me your compassion.Jai Kali, Jai Ma Bhavatarini[ victory to Kali, Victory to the Mother, the savior of souls]We prostrate before herwho is at once most gentle and most terrible;We salute her again and again.Salutation to her who is the support of the world.Salutations again and againto the Devi who abides in all beings in the form of consciouness;To the Devi who abides in all beings in the form of intelligence;to the Devi who abides in all beings in the form of sleep;to the Devi who abides in all beings in the form of hunger;to the Devi who abides in all beings in the form of power;to the Devi who abides in all beings in the form of modesty;to the Devi who abides in all beings in the form of peace;to the Devi who abides in all beings in the form of faith;to the Devi who abides in all beings in the form of loveliness;to the Devi who abides in all beings in the form of compassion;to the Devi who abides in all beings in the form of contentment;to the Devi who abides in all beings in the form of mother.May that Devi, the Mother, who appears in the form of all things,bring forth benefits for all who sing her praises.––chandiThe name Devi is derived from the Sanskrit root word div which meansto shine---the shinning're probably wondering why I chose a red backround for thiswebpage. Well its simple really, red is one of her colors. Red is alsoher favorite color. Also her favorite flower libation is the redhibiscus, which is part of the nightshade is a devotional song to the Mother by RamaprasadO Mother Kali with a necklace of human heads!What magic hast Thou shown me!O Mother! Thou didst teach me how to call Thee 'mother,'and make me mad by calling Thee 'mother' constantly.Tell me, O Mother Tara,where Thou didst get such a name full of nectarWordly people call me mad Prasadwhenever they meet me.when the members of my family call me names.But do I deviate from my path,O Mother Kali, being misled by their abuses?Let them say whatever they like;I will always mutter 'Kali, 'Kali.'Honor and dishonor are all alike to me;I have cast aside maya,And made Thy rosey feet the be-all-and-end all of my life;shall I be misguided by worldly people anymore?so now you see that Kali is not all about death, ruin, destruction,and creamatoriumsI have a deep connection with Ma Kali. I did not choose her, letsjust say She chose me and I answered Her call. Im glad that I did. Icalled out and she took me.KALI THE MOTHERThe stars are blotted out,The clouds are covering cloudsit is darkness vibrant, sonant.In the roaring, whirling windAre the souls of a million lunaticsJust loosed from the prison-house,Wrenching trees by the roots,Sweeping all from the pathThe sea has joined the fray,And swirls up mountain-waves,To reach the pitchy sky.The flash of lurid lightReveals on every sideA thousand, thousand shadesOf Death begrimed and black-Scatteing plagues and sorrows,Dancing mad with joy,Come, Mother, come!For Terror is Thy name,Death is in Thy breath,And every shaking stepDestroys a world for e'er.Thou 'Time', the All-destroyer!Come, O Mother, come!Who dares misery love,And hug the form of Death,Dance in Destruction's dance,To him the other comes.this one is by Swami Vivekanda.THE GODSeven the great and powerful gods crave to enter feminine form. Vishnueven took the form of a naked Mohini, and then entranced Shiva.SHAKTIthere are many, many manifestations of Shakti in their diffrent roles,exercising power, holding sway over the gods and all humankind.In the Karpuradi-stotra the hymn is to Dakshiakali an aspect of MotherKali.O Mother, Thou givest birth to and protectestthe world, and at the time of dissolution dostwithdraw to Thyself the earth and all things;therefore Thou art Brahma, and the Lord of the Three Worlds, thespouse of Sri, and Mahesa, and all other beings and things. How, then,shall I praise Thy greatness?Obeisance: To Kali the spouse of Kalawho destroys all sinand is Kala. She who is Tara the saviour,the Supreme Brahmavidya, who is adored by theLous-born DevaShe who is Srividya, desirous of the welfareof sadhakas on the path of liberation, to whomHari and Hara make obeisance.May that Devi the Mother, who appears in the form of all things, bringforth benefits for all who sing Her praises.DEFENITIONSDeva is male godBrahmavidya is the saviour of soulsHari is VishnuHara is ShivaKala is timeKali the Great Mother is and always will be eternal., she incarnatesand expresses Herself in many diffrent forms. She is Shakti. In thehymn AdyaKali, the Primordial Kali of the Mahanirvan Tantra, Kali isadressed as this:Hrim, O Destroyer of time!Srim, O terrific oneKrim, Thou who art beneficent!Possessor of all the arts,Thou art Kamala,Destroyer of the pride of the Kali Age…Mother of TimeThou art brilliant as the firesof the final dissolutionMercifulVessel of mercyWhose mercy is without limit,Who art attainable alone by Thy mercy.Who art fire,TawnyBlack of hue,Thou who increatseth the joy of the Lord of creation,Night of darknes,yet liberator from the bonds of desire,Thou who art dark as a bank of cloud,And bearest the crescent moon,Destroyer of sin in the Kali Age,Thou who art pleased by the worship of virgins,And who art in the form of the virgin,Destroyer of fear,Who assumeth all forms at willWhose abode is at KamarupaWho ever dallies at the KamapithaO Beautiful One,O creeper which givest every desire,Adorable as the image of all tenderness,Thou with a tender body,And who art slender of waist,Who art pleased with the nectar of consecrated wine,Joyous one,Revealer of the path of the KaulikasQueen of KasiAllayer of sufferings.To Thee I make obeisance.In the Devi-Mahatmya, recited during the festival of Durga, one ofthese hymns proclaims the Goddess's all prevading power:Note shakti means goddess also feminine energyDevi-Mahatmya means great goddessMahatmya means a great womanMahatma means a great manTHE HYMN TO THE GODDESSThat power who is defined as Conciouness in all beings, reverence toHer, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence, reverence.That power who is known as Reason in all beings, reverence to Her,reverence to Her, Reverence to Her, reverence, reverence.That power who exists in all beings in the form of Sleep, reverence toHer, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence, reverence.That power who exists in all beings as Hunger,reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence,reverence.That power who exists in all beings as Shadow, reverence to Her,reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence, reverenceThat power who exists in all beings as Energy,reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence, reverenceThat power who exists in all beings in the fom of Thirst, reverence toHer, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence, reverence.That power who exists in all beings as Forgiveness, reverenece to Her,reverence to Her, reverence to Her reverence, reverence.That power who exists in all beings in the form of Species, reverenceto Her, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence, reverence.That power who exists in all beings as Bashfulness, reverence to Her,reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence, reverence.That power who exists in all beings as Peace,reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence,reverence.That power who exists in all beings as Faith,reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence,reverence.That power who exists in all beings as Loveliness, Reverence to Her,reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence, reverence.That power who exists in all beings as Fortune, reverence to Her,reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence, reverence.That power who exists in all beings as Vocation, reverence To Her,reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence, reverence.That power who exists in all beings in the form of Memory, reverenceto Her, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence, reverence.That power who exists in all beings in the form of Compassion,reverence to Her, reverence to Her reverence to Her, reverence, reverence.That power who exists in all beings as Fulfilment, reverence to Her,reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence, reverence.That power who exists in all beings as Mother,reverece to Her, reverence to Her, revrerence to Her, reverence,reverence.That power who exists in all beings in the form of Illusion, reverenceto Her, reverence to Her, reverence to Her, reverence, reverence.Here is another devotinal song to Kali. This was written by AntonyFeringhee {this is a general title given to Westerners in the earlydays of Bengal} he was a Potugese man. He became so devoted to thegraet mother Kali. He fell deeply in love with a widow namedSaudamini. They lived together in the Kali Temple in central CalcuttaIndia, now known as the Feringhee-Kali Temple.Here is the song…Oh my Mother, would you now be kind to me?But, when really have you shown favour to people?Yet, Shyama, you have been so cruelTo Shiva, by making him flee from golden Kasiand take shelter in the burning-groundOnly to become a mendiant.Give your tears your sorrows, your pain, your unfulfilled desires giveall this to the Mother, Ma Kali will know what to do she always does.Ma means motherHere is another song about Kali, In these hymns and songs Kali revealsher greatness and splendour.I love that Dark Beauty,With the ruffled hair, enticing the world.So I love her.This black darling resides in the heartof Mahadev {Shiva} the god of all gods.Again Krishna the Darkis the very life of the Brajalandengrossed with cowgirls there.Hence I love black. I adore it.Banamali Krishna became the Black goddess, Kali, So says Prasad,making no distinction between the twoSo I love the dark beautySyama, the heart's throb, the ruffled hair,I love and adore her.……………………Kali the Great Mother is awe inspiringshe gave me a dose of Kundalini not to long ago. Of course I am notnew to the powers of Kundalini I had a very big experience with itmany years ago. Kali is the power of nature, she can be like apleasent breeze on a beautyful spring day or vicious as a hurricaneShe can be unpredictable as a tornado, earth shaddering as andearthquake, or destructive as a supernova. She dances and is alwaysmoving. Mother is within my heart. She gave me a wake up call on oneoccasion. I was praying and in deep meditaion to the Mother and shegave me visions. She was every where and in all things. I felt herpresence an saw Her for who she is and what she is, and fo that I amchanged forever in this life. She comes to me in dreams. When I have adisturbing dream she comes to take me away from it. In some dreams Ibecome Her. Even my shaddow takes Her shape. She talks to me there andI communicate with Her as well. On one occasion when felt I was indanger of someone she came to me in a dream and took me to her temple.I looked out of the temple in this dream and saw the sacred Ganges. Ilater found out days later that this was Her temple that I dreamed of.I worked magick with Her in my dreams as well. Even when I am awake Ifeel Kali. I am also in tuned with other gods/goddesses as well. Ialso dreamed of doing a ceremonial evocation of Metatron once and hadsuccess! And this was before I ever evoked this High angel before inthe physical! LOL! and no I did not plan that eighter! it justhappened! I woke up looked at Metatrons info and it was all correct! LOL!Thats why I like this angel I feel this power called me so I answered.Ramprasad was one of Kali's minstrils. He wrote many lovely songs ofdevotion to Kali. many people came all over just to hear hissongs.There are many legends of him. He traveled to many placessinging about his love to the Divine Mother. The nobles and peasentsenjoyed his songs equally. Many people would ask him to sing to them.His songs brought joy into the hearts of many are some of his works…What have I to do with Kasi? The lotus-feet of Kali are place ofpilgrimage enough for me.Deep in my heart's lily meditating on them, I float in an ocean ofbliss. In Kali's name, where is there place for sin? When the head isnot, headache cannot remain. As when fire consumes a pile of cotton,so Kall goes, in Kali's name. The worshipper of Kali laughs at thename of Gaya, and at ancestral offerings there, and the story ofsalvation by ancestors merits. Certainly, Shiva has said that if a mandies at Kasi he gains salvation. But devotion is the root ofeverything, and salvation but her handmaid who follows her. What isthe worth of salvation if it means absorbtion, the mixing of waterwith water? I love to eat sugar, but I have no wish to become sugar.Prasad says joyously: By the power of grace and mercy, if we but thinkon the Wild-Locked Goddess, the Four Goods become ours.Another song by Ramprasad is about how Kali and how she gives liberation.In the market place of this world.The Mother sits flying Her kites.In a hundred thousand.She cuts the string of one or two.And when the kite soars up into the infiniteOh how She laughs and claps her hands!The kites are souls. she cuts the string of the kite which symbolizesthat the soul is no longer has any more attachments. It alsosymbolizes that the soul no longer needs to reincarnate as we know itand is free to go on to higher things. The market place is the mudaneworld.Kali is the goddess of liberation.According to Hinduism we are in the Kali age. his age is of liberationand freedom. It coincides that way with The Book of The Law. Liber VelLegis.This is something from the Gospel of RamakrishnaI wept before the Mother and prayed. "O Mother please tell me, pleasereveal to me, what the yogis have realised through yoga and the jnanisthrough discrimination." And the Mother has revealed everything to me.She reveals everything if the devotee cries to Her with a yearningheart. She has shown me everything that is in the Vedas, the Vedanta,the Puranas, and the Tantra.By you this universe is born, by you this world is created. By you itis protected. O Devi. By you it is consumed at the end.You who are eternally the form of the whole world at the time ofcreation you are the form of creative force, at the time ofpreservation you are the form of the protective powerand at the time of the dissolution of the worldyou are the form of the destructive power.You are the Supreme Knowledge, as well as ignorance, intellect andcontemplation–––––Devi-MahatmyaThat prayer is to the Great ShaktiKali has the power to even drive Shiva nuts and to wild destructivebehavior. Some men seem to fear her as she is not like the model Hinduwife a wife that stays in the backround.Kali cant be controlled.Maha Kali and Nitya Kali are mentioned in Tantric philosophy. It issaid before creation when darkness was enveloped in darkness, Kali themother, the formless one Maha Kali was one with Maha Kala.Also it is said that Kali is the greatest of all deities that Brahma,Vishnu and Shiva are only puddles compared to the vast ocean that isKali. Kali many tried to push her down many tried to deny her, manytried to say the feminine was not important that Shiva is all. Listento the names of the Great Goddess during puja and Shiva is mentionedas one of the many names.The tantrics also worship Siddha Kali to attain perfection,Phalaharini Kali to destroy past action and karmic burdens, Nitya Kalito destroy diseases, suffering and grief, to give illumination andperfection.Dakait Kali (robbers Kali) was worshipped by thieves but now believeit or not many honest pious pilgrims worship this aspect of Ma Kali.Theres is a famous old Dakait Kali temple in South Calcutta That drawsmany good naured pilgrims from Bengal to worship Her.Tara is also connected to Kali she is also wrathful in Hinduism and attimes gentle but in Tibetan Buddhism she is seen as gentle a lot ofthe times but she is also seen as wrathful as well. Bamakhepa was onof Tara's intoxicated saint he practiced Sadhana at the Tarapithcremation ground the way many practice Sadhana with Kali. Many oftimes this was done on top a human corpse. (not a human sacrifice).Many sages in the past and present say if the Great mother was theocean then Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva would be bubbles compared to theocean. Some even say why should I go to the Father when I can sit onthe lap of the Mother?Kali is the most gentle and the most terrible. She is pleasent and sheis savage. She is supreme reality and the great maya. She can be seenas white and as black, and red etc. She cannot be tamed. She is thecreator, she supports the world and is the great nurturer, and she isthe destroyer. Kali is the great dissolution. She is the liberator andthe saviour of souls. Kali can come as a child, as a mother as a darkmother, as a crone as the warrior goddess etc. The godes is alsorefered to as Dakini and is called the female demon. She grants boonsbut she is also mercyless.Here are some good books to get on KaliKali Puja(this is the traditional and devotional worship to the great mother.Kali the feminine forceHindu Goddessesthis has a chapter on Tara, Kali, and the Mahavidyas, and the GreatGoddess as well as others like Rhada, Sarasvati, Durga, Lakshmi etcKalithe black goddess of dakashineswarThere is so much more to Kali than i have mentioned here.Kali MantraKrim Krim Krim Hum Hum Hrim Hrim Dakashine Kalike Krim Krim Krim Hum=== message truncated === Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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