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RE: Boycott Valentine Day & Celebrate Maha Shivaratri

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10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">Hey rest all is ok I can understand, but

why have you put up pictures of gay marriages? Same gender sex is not a western

influence. Like in ancient Greece

color:navy"> it was part of ancient India

color:navy"> and was accepted normally. There are references to same gender

alliances in Ramayana and Mahabharata. The Kamsutra speaks of it. The Srimad Bhagvatam

mentions it. So this is very Indian and not a western influence.




[Kali_Ma] On Behalf Of

shakti shakti

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

12:26 PM


hsssingapore; IISH-ME; IndiaDivine;

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Keralites; ;

KrishnaBhaktas; krishnazine;

kuruvibhagr_rss; Lashkar_e_Shivoba;

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lordmuneeswarar; LordRama;

malaysianhinduism; Mata-Amritandamayi;

mumbai_malayalees (AT) (DOT) co.in; murugan_bhakti;

nairs_tharavadu; ;

pravasinairs; proudHindu;

rashtra_samachar; rashtriyaswayamsevaksangh;


RSS-World; rss2; rss_delhi;

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rss_supporters_club; rss_tnagar;

rssdelhi; RSSNashik; rssrashtriyaswayamsevaks;



Valentine Day & Celebrate Maha Shivaratri



Valentine Day




Day was not part of Indian culture

Verdana;color:blue">"It is nothing but a Western onslaught on India's

culture to attract youth for commercial purposes."



Media is Promoting



at Indian Marxist partys Own Kairali


Verdana;color:blue">leftist limestone bosses are enjoying the fruits of

capitalism they are Sold out For Money ??



The banality of

Valentine Day

font-family:Verdana">2/11/2006 11:09:41 AM HK Correspondent

Source: http://www.haindavakeralam.org/PageModule.aspx?PageID=667&SKIN=C




font-family:Verdana">hristian western confidence has fallen to low ebb. Those

who dreamed of world evangelization and conquest are now desperate. There is a

crisis of confidence. The international dimensions of the current malaise

indicate that it cannot be attributed to western failure of nerve or marketable

ideas. They have lost the capacity to

confront non-Christian world militarily but they have devised plans for

cultural invasion, shape public opinion, and undermine spiritual traditions.

With the help of multi national corporations, the Christian west is now engaged

in a psychological warfare to breakdown the barriers to free market activity,

smash through or bypass the culture and spiritual tradition. This will give way

before organized Christian evangelists can promote their well-packaged

conversion products.



Valentine Day and selling Valentine Cards in India is a cultural invasion that

introduces one of the worst features of the collapsing Christian empire. It is

a deliberate and cleverly devised plan of deceitful battle for our mind. It is

a subtle attempt to liberate Indians from their rich culture and enslave them

with rigid, fundamentalist, exclusive dogma. It is a deliberate plan to force

Hindus to discard their

spiritual tradition and force them to escape from freedom to slavery.



Valentines Day is a deliberate ploy to trivialize our cultural tradition,

spiritual festivals, social customs and religious holidays. In the name of

love, romance and courtship, Valentine

Day is used to promote pre-marital sex, and trivial, valueless western life

style. For the multi national corporations, India is a market place. The

marketing experts, the media and the business people join together to promote

Valentine cards, fast foods and party gadgets to make money. They neglect

traditional culture and promote fast food culture and throw away products.


The marketing

of discarded western goods and meaningless cultural festivals devalues our

spiritual past and create a cultural crisis. A nation is known, and the people

have been recognized on the basis of religion, art, festivals, customs, food,

language and spiritual tradition. A nation's cultural habits and

religious practices make them unique. India has survived hundreds of years of

Muslim invasion and Christian colonization because Hindus were able to preserve

the spiritual tradition. Now the Christian west is attempting to decimate our

eternal Hindu culture by dubious means. This Valentine Day celebration is a clear form of cultural

invasion, a psychological trick to oppress our dynamic, vibrant and eternal



The deliberate

and cunning strategy to devalue our Hindu culture needs to be resisted. Hindus

need to examine how western cultural habits and religious holidays like

Valentine Day are infiltrating our society. Our survival as a nation, our

social, political, economic, cultural future depends on resisting cultural

invasion disguised in many forms including Valentine Day. It is a deceptive, open and covert form of

psychological warfare to annihilate our Hindu tradition.


There is

nothing wrong in modernizing our nation, embracing progressive ideas, but

denial of our rich Hindu cultural traditions and festivals for flimsy,

meaningless consumer products and transient habits are dangerous for the future

of our nation. It is time to resist

cultural invasion and keep our distance from festivals like Valentine Day.





color:blue">here is some malayalam channels Promoting valentines days


color:blue">mail them take telephone call them feed back them & PROTEST



color:blue">marxist party channel


color:blue">they are dedicated today feb14 24 hrs for valentinesday

color:blue">Giving diamond pendant from sms messages !

color:blue">and the sponser is alukkas !


Verdana;color:#FF7F00">every one send Maha Sivarathri wishes sms to

friends & tv channels

Verdana;color:#FF7F00">instead of valentines



kairali tv



space'message'your name send to 676776







asianetplus (AT) asianetworld (DOT) tv


color:blue">SMS Boycott valentines day


color:blue">Asianet Plus

color:blue">'AP'space'your name'space'you message' send to 7887


color:blue">Kiran tv

color:blue">'KW'space'yourname'space'yourmessage' send to



color:blue">sun music,ndtv,aajtak,starnews feed back to all channels who are

promoting thic Valentines day





Legend behind

Who was Valentine?



Three theories: 1.Valentine was a

Roman priest who was martyred during the persecution of Claudius the Goth

around A.D. 269 or 270 and buried on the Flaminian Way. 2.Valentine was a

bishop of Terni martyred in Rome. 3. Valentine as a young, though

unsaved helped Christians during a time of persecution. He was caught and put

in jail, became a believer there and was clubbed to death for this on February

14, 269. While in prison he is said to have sent messages to friends

saying, "Remember your Valentine" and "I love you".

In one story it is said that

Valentine was a priest that secretly married couples, defying the law of

Emperor Claudius which temporarily forbid marriages. Valentine was imprisoned

for refusing to worship pagan gods. Making friends with the jailers

daughter, he is said to have cured her through prayer, and on the date of his

execution (Feb. 14th) he is said to written her a not signed "Your

Valentine". The one thing we can be sure of is that at least one person by

the name of Valentine did live and that he was killed for being a Christian.

Beyond this we are on shaky ground.

The 14th of February was set apart

as the special day to remember Saint Valentine. This was one day before the

Roman feast of Lupercalia, a pagan love festival. In 496 A.D. Pope Gelasius

changed Lupercalia from the 15th to the 14th to try and stop the pagan

celebration. The church realized that there was nothing wrong

with celebrating love, only the pagan elements insulted God. Lupercalia was

done away with, but it had left it's mark on Saint Valentine's Day.

(source: http://www.bright.net/~magates/Valentine/).



font-weight:bold">Basant Panchmi


Hindu groups have appealed to the

country's youth to boycott the 'Western festival' and instead observe the 'Basant Panchmi' as

a day of love and friendship in a 'decent Indian way'. Unmarried

couples get societal license for sex on the day of Saint Valentine's day. How

ironic of a Saint to permit licentious behavior! Indian value system

places ultra-importance for a bramacharya to gain inner control over this

all-consuming primal force and direct it toward the Supreme Brahman. Unwed

people celebrating valentines day will most definitely lead to "sex before

marriage", unwed mothers and other social ills that plague western

society. Western societies have excellent government programs to tackle social

issues and steer clear of catastrophic disasters like AIDS and other STDS.

Hindu festivals are banned in the Northeast.


font-weight:bold">Indian youth was imitating the Western values at a time when

the Western people were increasingly attracted to Indian ethos.

Verdana;color:#A58959"> It is ironic that even after

celebrating Valentine's Day, the West has the highest divorce rates in the


According the Scientific

American magazine: Divorce rates in most Western countries

are much higher now than they were before 1970, probably resulting in part from

the growing economic independence of women, which makes it easier for wives to

walk away from bad marriages. Only 67 percent of American women aged 35 to 44

were legally married as of 1998. In Britain, divorce rates are up as well

according to ABCNews.com

May 17.2002). It is an i

font-weight:bold">ndirect imposition of cultural change and consumerism for the

benefit of big businesses. It has nothing to do with any

religion at all nor with expression of love.






show church's decades of patience with pedophile priests, while victims were


by Laura Wides, Associated Press

Oct. 12, 2005

Gay mariages @ Catholic Church




Newly released records of sex abuse claims against 126 priests that are at the

core of hundreds of lawsuits against the Archdiocese of Los Angeles show that

church officials for decades moved accused priests between counseling and new


Attorneys for 500 alleged victims and the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los

Angeles had previously agreed to release the information, but lawyers for

accused clergy succeeded in blocking publication, arguing it would violate

priests' privacy rights. An appellate court last month ordered the documents to

be released after nearly three years of legal wrangling.

The records conform with the pattern of the abuse crisis that erupted in the

American church nearly four years ago. In many cases, the church provided years

of therapy to accused clergy, believing the men could be rehabilitated, then

assigned them to new parishes, which

often resulted in new claims against them.

Still, the Los Angeles Archdiocese appears to have so far avoided the damaging full

disclosure forced on other American dioceses by judges and grand juries.

Church officials late Tuesday released summaries of their personnel records. By


font-family:Verdana">parison, the files a judge unsealed in

the Archdiocese of Boston, where the abuse crisis began in early 2002,

contained doctors' reports, memos from diocesan officials about meetings with

distraught parents and other details that revealed an insensitivity to victims.

The documents enraged Catholics and forced Cardinal Bernard Law to resign as Boston


Raymond P. Boucher, the lead plaintiffs' attorney in Los Angeles, said the

newly released information was a first step, but that complete personnel files

should be made public.

"The significance of these files is that they provide a little more

information for the public about the church's knowledge and frankly their

participation in the molestation of children, but until the (entire) files are

made public, we're not going to be satisfied," he said.

Archdiocese attorney J. Michael Hennigan called Boucher's concerns that the

summaries might be whitewashed "nonsense."

"Ray has not seen the files themselves and has no basis to say that beyond

speculation," he said. "These are accurate descriptions of the

content of the files, without disclosing confidential communication."

The records cover priests who were ordained as far back as the 1920s. Cardinal

Roger Mahony, who has led the archdiocese since 1985, had overseen many of the

men. A spokesman for Mahony has repeatedly insisted the cardinal wanted to

reveal the information to promote reconciliation with victims, but was barred

by confidentiality laws.

David Clohessy, national director of the Survivors Network of those Abused by

Priests, accused Mahony of "shameless posturing as some sort of

reformer," while he used legal maneuvers to block a full accounting of his

role in the crisis.

"Mahony is grasping at straws to convince his flock that he's not as awful

as many of his colleagues," Clohessy said. "And as he has for years,

Mahony is trying anything he can dream up to avoid having to fully reveal how

little he did to safeguard innocent kids from abusive clerics."

The documents offer details in numerous cases, though much of the information

has already been published. In many of the files, there was little mention of

child molestation. Instead, euphemisms such as "boundary violations"

were used to describe the conduct.

One priest, who served as a teacher and administrator at numerous Southern

California schools, was convicted of molesting two boys and given probation.

The conviction was later expunged from his record. A subsequent report was made

in 1994 of "boundary violations," in which he allegedly patted the

buttocks of a teenager. He entered alcohol treatment days later and was eventually

placed on leave.

Another priest's file shows the archdiocese received repeated complaints that

he engaged in "inappropriate sexual conduct with children" beginning

in 1959, but that it did not appear to take significant action against him until

1994 when he was relieved of his duties, according to the documents.

Many bishops have said they were misled by therapists to believe that a sexual

attraction to young people could be cured. As church officials' understanding

of sex abuse deepened, accused priests were generally removed from the ministry

altogether, Hennigan said.

The archdiocese, the nation's largest, serves nearly 3.6 million people in 284 parishes. It

has posted about 150 pages of summaries from the clergy files on its Web site.


Catholic Pedophile Priests:

The Effect on US Society

Here are a few of the highlights.

US clerics accused of abuse from 1950-2002: 4,392.

About 4% of the 109,694 serving during those 52 years.

Individuals making accusations: 10,667.

Victims' ages: 5.8% under 7; 16% ages 8-10; 50.9% ages 11-14; 27.3% ages 15-17.

Victims' gender: 81% male, 19% female

Duration of abuse: Among victims, 38.4% said all incidents occurred within one

year; 21.8% said one to two years; 28%, two to four years; 11.8% longer.

Victims per priest: 55.7% with one victim; 26.9% with two or three; 13.9% with

four to nine; 3.5% with 10 or more (these 149 priests caused 27% of


Abuse locations: 40.9% at priest's residence; 16.3% in church; 42.8% elsewhere.

Known cost to dioceses and religious orders: $572,507,094 (does not include the

$85 million Boston settlement and other expenses after research was concluded).

(Hartford Courant, 2/27/04)


Trial starts in pedophile priest's slaying

Geoghan's case sparked the clergy sex

abuse scandal that erupted in Boston in 2002 when records were released showing

that church higher-ups had shuffled him and dozens of other priests from

color:blue">parish to

color:blue">parish despite allegations

they were sexually abusing children.

At the time of his death, Geoghan, 68, was serving a nine- to 10-year sentence

for groping a 10-year-old boy. He also was accused in civil lawsuits of

molesting nearly 150 boys over three decades.

Druce, 40, a convicted murderer who already is serving a life sentence,

unsuccessfully used an insanity defense during his 1989 trial for the killing

of a man who allegedly made a sexual advance toward him after picking him up












12.0pt;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:bold">Dan Wasserman

font-weight:bold">, The Boston Globe

font-family:Verdana">Visit an archive of the artist's most recent cartoons

in the drop menu at the right.

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01/06/01 01/05/01









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01/03/01 01/02/01








font-family:Verdana">All cartoons are displayed here with the permission of

the artists. Many thanks to each of you for allowing us to feature your

cartoons. Artwork © each artist. The Professional Cartoonists Index is

©Daryl Cagle. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.






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