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In this world, we mortals are so

overwhelmed with ajnaana (ignorance) that though we know a thing to be wrong, we

are helplessly impelled to do it. Ajnaana is a disease for which jnaana

(enlightenment) is the only cure. The Divine Mother alone is capable of

bestowing this milk of jnaana (jnaanappal in Tamil), removing our ignorance,

and satiating the hunger of our atma (soul). A hungry child thinks of its

mother and the milk she will give and yearns for both. Similarly, we must yearn

for the grace of the Divine Mother, so that we can obtain from Her the milk of

enlightenment. For that purpose, we must be constantly thinking of Her and

praying to Her. The time available to us, after attending to our prescribed

and essential duties, must be utilised in contemplation of the Divine Mother.

If we do not switch over our mind in Her direction, when we have nothing else

to do, there is the danger of the mind straying along the forbidden or sinful

path. If, on the other hand, we think of Her, we will not only

be avoiding doing wrong, but will also be fed by Her with the milk of jnaana. As

a result, we will be endowed with the grace of Saraswati, the Goddess of

Learning, of Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth. No only that, physically we will

be healthy and radiant with charm (tejas) that flows from health. We will also

be blessed with long life. Thus, long life, health, wealth, and knowledge –

what is the use of long life bereft of health, wealth and knowledge ? – will be

ouras. Jnaana will sever the paasa (chord) ajnaana, which binds the soul to this

world and makes us pasu (animal). When the bond is sundered, the liberated soul

merges itself into that limitless and all-pervasive Bliss. Parananda, and is no

longer afflicted by fear, sorrow, or pain. Thus, the effect of worshipping the

Divine Mother is the fulfillment of the purpose of life – the merger of the

atma with the Paramatma. This is the significance of the following verse in

Soundarya Lahari, which is given as the

phalasruti for the 100 verses preceding it. "Sarasvatyaa lakshmyaa

vidhi-hari-sapatno viharate Rateh paativratyam sithilayati ramyena vapushaa

Chiram jeevanneva kshapita pasupaasa vyatikarah Paraanandaabhikhyam rasayati

rasam tvadbha-janavaan". January 31, 1958 His Holiness Sri Sri Sri

Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Mahaswamiji


Maa Bagavathi,Kodungallur, Kerala Visit :

http://hindusaktha.jagaddhatri.com/ for more photos like above of Devi Temples throughout Bharat

Ma Vaishno Devi "The Sanatana Dharma (eternal religion), the religion of the

Rishis, has been in existence from time out of mind and will exist eternally.

There exists in this Sanatana Dharma all forms of worship - worship of God with

form and worship of the impersonal deity as well. It contains all paths - the

path of knowledge, the path of devotion, and so on. Other forms of religion,

the modern cults, will remain for a short time and then disappear."

- Sri Ramakrishna

"My Mother is the principle of consciousness.She is akhanda satchidananda;

indivisible Reality, Awareness, and Bliss.The night sky between the stars is

perfectly black. The waters of the ocean depths are the same. The infinite is

always mysteriously dark. This inebriating darkness is my beloved Kali...."-Sri


"Reality with attributes, saguna Brahman, has been unanimously declared by the

Vedas, Puranas, and Tantras to be Mahakali, the primordial energy of awareness.

Her Energy is like the rays of the sun.The original sun is attributeless

Reality, nirguna Brahman, boundless Awareness alone. Proceed to the Original

through its Radiance. Awaken to non-dual Reality through Mother Kali. She holds

the key." -- Sri Ramakrishna in "Great Swan",

by Lex Hixon, p.184 Manifestations of Her glory show in power of immeasurable

might,Throughout the universe, powers that swell the sea of birth and death,

Forces that change and break up the Unchanged and changed again.Lo! Where shall

we seek refuge, save in Her?-- Swami Vivekananda, from "Hymn to the Divine


Kali Temple, Dakshineshwar


Shanta Durga Temple, Goa

Sharada Peetham, Sringeri,Karnataka Visit :

http://hindusaktha.jagaddhatri.com/ for more photos of Devi Temples throughout

Bharat. -------- Mother Durga! India, world's noblest race, lay whelmed

in darkness. Mother, thou risest on the eastern horizon, the dawn comes with the

glow of thy divine limbs scattering the darkness. Spread thy light, Mother,

destroy the darkness. (Hymn To Durga , Aurobindo )

-------- divyabhakti

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