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Priya Sriman Harigaru!

Jai Srimannarayana!

It is very difficult question to ask now a days about

the marriages and pithru karmas. Of course, question

isnot difficult but the answer.

performing the pithru karmas is good, to those who are

living here, not those who have already gone. Because,

people living here, have borrowed everything of their

body and mind & knowledge, from their elders only. So,

these are in due to the departed. If that debt is not

paid, these people, after death or in next birth, or

at times during this life only, they need to suffer

from the loads of interest, these poeple need to

repay, in some or other manner. If the Sraddha is

performed, that debt is cleared to some extent.

the alms offered to them will reach them in the form

of energy. If they are there, they will receive

directly. If they born somewhere else, that energy

will reach them in a way they accept those alms. Or

if they have attained Mo:ksham, either that energy

will be used to those who did not get anything from

their generations in the Pitru Lo:ka, or otherwise,

tht will return to the sender, with multiplied

benifits. So offering is really really good to those

who perform here. What we need to remember is, while

performing, it must be done with Sraddha ie.,

eagerness with faith according to the dictum of


You have also asked about the marriages. It was not

there for enjoying mundane things, in olden days. They

used to undergo the process only to get good children.

But now the whole idealogy has been changed,so bette

not to discuss about it.







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