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Guru Pu:rnima on 5th July '01

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Priya Bhagavad Bandhu:s!

Jai Srimannarayana!


After a long time we are here again writing to you all

on the great event "Guru Pu:rnima"


This is a very auspicious in so many ways.


1. Lord Sri:manna:ra:yana, the omni-controller of the

whole universe and the strict ruler of all the

de:vathas, the whole compassionate of all the souls

lays down on the serpant bed from today onwards (5th

July.. THE A:sha:dda Pu:rnima) for a period of 4

months. But for this year, especially, He is laying

for 5 months, as the A:swi:ja month has 2 months

viz.,one is Adhika masa and the other will be Nija

Ma:sam. (It happens in accordance with the lunar cycle

of calculation, once in three years). He wakes up on

Karthi:ka Pu:rnima, i.e., on 30th November, again to

look after His divine activities. During these 4 or 5

months He will be in YOGA NIDRA. This sleep is not

like one we sleep. Ours is a sleep comes out of Thamo:

Gunam. But His Nidra (sleep) is called Yoganidra. Yoga

means thinking constantly on something. That

something is "How to protect and save all the souls,

whoever are in Karma Bandha and crossing through the

turmoils of Samsa:ra". This thinking is also called as

"Jagad Rakshana Chinthana".

That Yoga Nidra is out of limitless Satwa Gunam. He

thinks on and on for this period and after this time

is over, He wakes up and comes to a conclusion as to

how He has to incarnate or whom He has to send as a

messenger or Acharya and Gurus to save these souls and

so on.

We suppose all the de:vathas feel relaxed for these

four months and they also will take rest for some

time, it seems. Rather they will work more active, for

their Master is not in work, they want to see that no

problem would arise in any place and for anything to

displease the Divine Great Lord Sri:manna:ra:yana.


This period is also called as "CHA:TURMA:SYAM"

As this is the time for rains in India, in most of the

places, Sanya:si:s and also Gruhasthas stay at one

place for the entire period and do all sorts of

religious practices etc., Sanyasis like people stay at

one place, for assessing their previous work and

planning for the future. And also they can preach

something to their disciples during this time sitting

at one place, so that constructive learning will

happen. They observe several austerities also.


Duirng this period of 4 or 5 months there are somany

functions will occur. Andal's birthday, Lord Krishna's

birthday, Hayagri:va's birthday, Gane:sa's birthday,

Mahalaya paksha for pithru de:vathas, Lord Badri

narayana's birthday, va:mana's birthday, Dusserrah

i.e, Maha lakshmi's pujas for 10days, Naraka

chaturdhi, Di:pa:vali, Manava:la mamuni's birthday, we

can't name 1, 2, 3 but there will come somany

functions to rejuvenate our spiritual ferver to a

higher altitude and keep us always in a mood of doing

something to God and His subjects and A:charyas.


All the scholars worship The Great Sage Ve:da Vya:sa

this day, some people say that today is his birthday

also (but we do not know when his birthday falls). We

know that the Sage Ve:da Vya:sa is the one who

divided all the ve:das into 1131 branches and passed

them on to his disciples to preserve and to propagate.

He is the one who wrote the whole 125,000 slo:ka

Srimad Maha Bha:ratha, the wonderful history of human

beings on this earth. He also composed 18 pura:nas to

his own credit, revealing the details of all the

de:vathas and their where abouts. Another

contribution he made is composing Brahma Su:thras

numbering 545, as to decide the real essence of all

the Upanishads. Without him there wouldn't have been

any scripture to talk about anything that is related

to the humanity. Whole humanity should be greatful for

this act of The Great Sage Ve:da Vya:sa. And he is the

guru of all the gurus' in general, no matter to what

school of thought one belongs. So all the people,

whoever believe in Vedic way of living will worship

that Sage Ve:da Vya:sa this day, without any



If we take a year as a day to de:vathas this time

happens tobe the night for them. So, they will go to

sleep during this time. As our heart is the divine

abode of all the de:vathas, we should observe some

rules and regulations in our daily life to please

those divine energies. Observing food control like not

eating leafy vegitables for one month, not consuming

milk products (milk, yogurt, ghee and oils etc) for

the next month and not touching dalls and cerials for

another month and not eating roots etc for one more

month. This is to show some concern towards our inner

energies to rejuvenate them, for which de:vathas are



On this Guru Pu:rnima day all good hearted people

worship their Guru:s and offer their might to them to

fecilitate the gurus to continue their mission of

propagating Vedic Dharma.


Like this there are somany dimensions to celebrate

this a:shadda pu:rnima and today is that great day.

We offer our mangalasasanams to all our bandhu:s for

an auspicious Guru Pu:rnima and cha:turma:syam also.


We are here in Lugano, Swiss, in the house of Mrs Ruth

and the whole programme is being organised by Madam

Denniala, who also are joining us in greeting all of

you. It is interesting that Madam Denniala will also

accompany us to US till the end of July, to meet our

Jet family members.


Jai Srimannarayana!



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om Sri:manna:ra:yana


Dear Acharya,


This is my pleasure to have an e-mail

contact with you, really i came to know today , what

is the significance of guru poornima and yoga nidra

and the related sensitive activities of devtas to keep

the world on all the time , and saving the being-kind

from all the evil forces and really make them

ubderstand their responsibilities behind the creation

and all the other stuff.


Thanx for giving me e-mail.


looking forward to have more and more information.






--- chinna jeeyar <acharya27 wrote:

> Priya Bhagavad Bandhu:s!

> Jai Srimannarayana!

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