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Surrender as shown by Bhishma And Vibheeshana -

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!! Srimathe Ramanujayanamah !!



Dear Bhagavathas,

Jai Sriman Narayana.


Please accept my humble obeisances. Jeeyar ThiruvadigalE Sharanam.


Yesterday Adiyen was deliberating on the quality of exquisite

surreder, as exemplified by very exalted devotees from both Ramayana

and Maha Bharatha. Particularly we were concentrating on Bhishma and



Beyond doubt, both were very pure devotees, very much dear to Lord.

Lord bestowed His special mercy upon both of them. And in times of

apparent conflicts in Dharma, we heed their instrcutions and try to

follow their footsteps.


However, when asked by one of my friends, the explanation for "why,

just like Vibheeshana who immediately gave up the company of Ravana

and took full refuge at the lotus feet of Lord, Bhishma did not take

the side of Pandavas and fight on the side of Lord?"


As it is said,


"Dharmam Thu Sakshaad Bhagavad Praneetham,

Na vy Vidur Rushayo Naapi Devah

Na siddha Mukhya Asura Manusyah

Kutho Nu Vidyadhara Charanadayah"


-------- Srimad Bhagavatham 6.3.19


Lord will have His final say on what is Dharma. Then, why did

Bheeshma not take the side of Lord, implementing "Sarva Dharman

Parithyajya......", ? OR is it that Lord instructed Bhishma to fight

on the side of Kauravas only?


How to understand this particular activity of those Mahajanas?


I pray to Bhahavathas to kindly clarify this doubt.


Please forgive me for my ignorance.


Thank you very much,

Your servant,


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Priya Sriman Seshagiriji!

Jai Srimannarayana!

We are happy that there are people who are interested

to know something about our great people.

All your articles are presented really in good manner

and we liked them verymuch.

You have asked about Bhi:shmacha;rya's support to

Kauravas, even after knowing that they are very bad.

The same question bothers somany people. In a

different way Drowpadi also questioned him, while he

was on the bed of arrows, before he revealed Sri

Vishnu Sahasra namam to Pandavas.

We will write to you in our next mail, for we are just

leaving for Temple at Sunnivale.





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Jai Sriman Narayanaya!

Priya gurudeva!

Could you please tell me what is the connection between Vikhanasa:charya and

Sriman Ramanuja:cha:rya?

Also, when one takes initiation why does one also get branded with the divine

mudras of sankha & chakra?

Priyamaina sishya,

Mareechi Duvvuri

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Priya Sriman Duvvuri!

Jai Srimannarayana!

We are happy for your interest in learning thethings.

1. There is no connection between Ramanuja &

Vaikhanasacharya. Vaikhanasacharya was a great rishi

born from the nail of the right foot of


This happened during Kalpa's biginnng i.e, a few

millions of years ago. Where as Ramanujacharya belongs

to 11th century only.

2. Sankha & Chekra mudras are taken to burn all the

sins one committed during the previous births and also

during the present birth, till one isinitiatd/ And

also the God of death said that he is not going to

touch such Vaishnavas for he has to lose his own

seatin his own abode.





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Jai Sriman Narayanaya!

Priya gurudeva!


Thank you for the answers to my questions regarding Vikhanasa:charya and

Ramanuja. I would like to further ask this question regarding these two

illustrious prabhus. Is Vikhanasa:charya in the same sampradaya as Ramanuja?

I have heard that Sriman Ramanuja came in order to revive the lineage after

the followers stopped following the Vedas and Agamas and thus fell away from

the path as laid out by Lord Narayana, Mother Lakshmi and Vikhanasa:charya?

Please comment on this in depth, prabhu.

I have one more question in regard to the branding of the mudras. What is

the proper way to apply these mudras? Is it required to be done by the

acharya, yourself? Are there specific mantras to be said when the branding is

done? Could you write these mantras out? Is there a specific location on the

arms that the mudra must be applied?


Jai Sriman Narayanaya!

Pryamaina sishya,


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