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Acharya's unique and unparallal role.

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sri: Jai Sreemannarayana!


Sri Ramanujaji: Humble Pranams.


With sashtanga pranams to HH's lotus feet,

adiyEn will try to put your sentences in Qs and to answer them.

It might take a few sessions to get all the questions out, but it is

better to be curious and seek answers.


(Normally HH will answer all these qs, but he is been very very busy

in Chennai with Dhanur Masa celebrations)


Your Qs seem to be the following:


1. Who is a Bonafide Acharya? (With so many avaiable)

2. How do we know and approach an Acharya?


These are very good and important questions?


adiyEn will answer these with following points:


First realize the need for an Acharya?


Any developed, civilized community seeks to find out the purpose of life,

why am I here, Who am I, Who created this universe, these questions will

lead us to seek out the Truth.


There has to be a greater purpose than eating, sleeping and reproducing.

This leads us to think further and more questions come, am I more than

this flesh and blood , am I "jivathma"? (Spiritual entity)


The very important question of who am I and what is my purpose, makes us

seek "True Knowledge" (Spiritual Knowledge)


This spiritual knowledge is not gained through the study of spiritual

science. This deals with

1. Chit - Jivathmas (has Knowledge)

2. Achit - Time, Matter etc.

3. Ishwara - Paramathma (God, Sriman Narayana).


So we need to seek an Acharya who has these type of knowledge,

There are so many who might fake, or appear to be true,


Q1. How do we find THE Acharya.


God out of his mercy, revealed the true knowledge to his true devotees,

via a parampara.


Lord, Narayana is the first Acharya. He revealed this true knowledge to

"Sri" (Maha Lakshmi), This Acharya revealed the true knowledge to

Vishvaksena (Commander in Cheif in Vaikhunta), followed by

Satagopa Muni (Nammazhwar), followed by

Nathamuni, Pundarikaksha, Ramamisra, Yamunucharya, Goshti Purna,

to Sri Ramanuja (Time in BhuLoka: 1017 to 1137 AD)

(All Acharyas coming in this lienage after this time are named with

suffixes/prefixes of Ramanuaja), they represent Ramanuja AS IS.


All these Acharyas passed down the knowledge as is, without any

adulteration to the original as Given by Lord Narayana to MahaLakshmi.


Such a lineage is virutally like a clean pipe, with many pipes together,

the water coming at the end of the pipe is exaclty the same as it went in.


Spiritual Knowledge revealed by the Lord, is given to us by our Acharya,

as tought thruogh the Lineage of Acharyas. This knowledge coming to us is

thus flawless and true spiritual knowledge.


So any one interested in learning the True knowledge will approach an

Acharya of this lineage (RamanujaAcharyas, some call them as Sadacharyas)

as they are all representing Acharya Ramanuja (and will pass the message

AS IS to their devotees)


Q 2. How to Approach Acharya?



Due to, Lord Srimannarayana's grace and benevolence we get accepted by our

Acharya, the Acharya accepts us (it is never the the other way)


One should be extrmely greatful and fortunate to be accepted by an

Acharya of this lineage. (Sri Vaishnava Sampradaya)


HH Sri Sri Narayana RAMANUJA Chinna Jeeyar Swami is an Acharya of such a

Lineage. It is our great fortune that he accepts us and imparts the True

knowledge to us in appropriate doses based on our Capacity.


Q2A: How to know the Fake Sadhus.



In Sastras, Acharya is Described as Equivalent to GOD, (adiyEn can explain

reasons later if needed)

So all the true devotees treat their Acharya as GOD himself,

But the True Acharya never says "I am God"


There are so many others claiming to be the Perfect Acharya and that they

are GOD. If you see such people go ask them if they are the SUPREME GOD

(The Creator of this universe). Nobody is greater than the SUPREME.


Ask the fake "ones" if they can even create a grain of rice without the

help og SrimanNarayana's Air, water, or earth.

No no one can create anything, only GOD can. Still we find fake ones

claiming to be GOD etc.


You can be assured that an Acharya Representing Bhagawath Ramanuja and his

Message is passing on the message as revealed by LORD and is a Bonafide

True Acharya, capable of delivering us to GOD.


In some sense it depends on what you are seeking, if you are seeking true

spiritual knowledge, GOD will allow you to come under the giudance of

an Acharya of the Lineage Started by HIM, with the LORD as the First



Let us pray for HIS grace to be upon you, and for you not to resist his



Needless to say, any mistakes in the above are all adiyEn's.

and all the credit to our Acharya.


adiyEn rAmAnujA dAsan

Mukundan Pattangi

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Jai Sri:manna:ra:yana,


Respectful and humble prana:mam. Your explanation is really wonderful and

summarizes how a soul comes in contact with Acharya. Here are some excerpts

from BG and from H.H. lectures corroborating what you said nicely.


Q1. How do we come in contact with the


To come in contact with an Acharya requires genuine effort and sincere desire

in our hearts to know God, to find the ultimate solution to all these material

problems. The grief and sorrow that invade our lives without our wanting or not

wanting make our heart a fertile land to set out on a spiritual journey. May be,

in a sense, the purpose of this world is to create so many complex and

bewildering situations for each individual that one starts inquiring seriously

into the nature of things.


You might like to meditate upon the symptoms that Arjuna manifests before he

ultimately surrenders unto Krishna in Bagavadh Geetha (shloka 2.7). An

unparalleled explanation by our Swamiji (B.G CDs)!


Lord doesn't descriminate in distributing His mercy. When as Antharya:mi

("upadrashta anumantha ca..." 13.23), He detects your desire to know Him, to

discover your eternal relationship with Him, so mercifully shows you a very

bona fide Acharya. In fact, Acharys is personification of His mercy. The reason

why so many people are becoming prey to fake Acharyas is simple: people want to

be cheated, so they are lead to bogus Swamis who can nicely cheat them. That's

all. We get what we desire!


Q2: Should I approach Acharya, or Acharya will come to me?



Lord answered this in 4.34. ("Tad Viddhi Pranipa:the:na..."). YOU must

approach Acharya, and show your submission and sincerity. You should serve Him

menially without any pride, mundane motives whatsoever. It never matters how

you think you behave, it matters how they "see" and comprehend your behavior!

Over a period of time, if they like your submission and service, they might

grace that Most Confidential knowledge to you.


Q3: How to know if one is bana fide Acharya?



Again, Lord Himself has given the solution in Bagavadh Geetha many places. For

example, in second chapter, He gives the symptoms of a "Sthitha Prajna", in 14th

Chapter He shows the transcendental qualities of Acharya. Plus Sriman

Pattangiji's wonderful mail.


Just think with clear mind, what you really want? you really want to learn

what Krishna said in Bagavadh Geetha without any new inventions and

manufacturings in the message? There are many so called sadhus who have

massively misinterpreted Bhagavadh Geetha beyond any recognition whatsoever and

proclaim, "Krishna actually wanted to say this in this shloka, He was referring

to this.... etc..." Do they mean Krishna cannot say what He wants to say? Is He

so poor in communicating His feelings? So illogical. A perfect Acharys is no

less than Lord.


So, the bottomline is, if one sustains a sincere and honest desire to know what

actually Krishna said, one will be shown a perfect Acharya. BUT,BUT.... one must

be willing to learn from Him. If one has strong attachment to some fake sadhu

nobody can do anything.

Q4: How do we become recipients of the mercy of Acharya?



By developing good qualities, by our sincerity in following the instructions

of Acharya. To the degree we surrender and follow the instructions seriously,

to that degree purification of heart takes place. If you are 100% submissive,

you will receive 100% mercy from Acharya.


You should be willing to mold your life under His instructions, live completely

for His pleasure and satisfaction. The greatest stumbling block is our

"Ahanka:ram", our "Me:ru samana" pride, which tries to justify our foolishness

in million number of ways.


In a nutshell, H.H said these 6 qualities in a disciple make him the recipient

of the mercy of Acharya. (Qualities of Devotees - V)


1. Ishwarasyacha Sauhardram 2. Vishnoh Katasksham 3. Adveshaha 4.

Aabhimukhyam (you should be willing to render devotional service) 5.

Sathvikaih Sambhashanam 6. (I couldn't note down)


Finally, by having unflinching faith in His lotus feet, respecting Him as good

as Lord Srimannarayana Himself.


Can you imagine? What it means to regard somebody as good as the Supreme Lord



Kindly forgive adiye:n's ignorance.


-Jeeyar Thiruvadigale: Sharanam.


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