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Jay Shriman Narayan to all and Ramanujusa;

Your question is very genuine, you may not be alone.  It is not easy today to

find a real GURU in this world.  The way you are posing this question, I

can see that you are keen to find the right path thru' right GURU.

  The best thing I can tell you, sir, that you start reading Shrimad Bhagwad

Geeta , just the translation, not any one's interpretations even though it may

be of any Acharya.  READ,READ,READ GEETA ONLY. 

Why I insist so much about Geeta only?  Because this Celestial Song is sung by

The LORD Himself to his disciple when he was so much confused.  We all are one

way or other like Arjuna, We do not have a right path, a spiritual path I am

talking about.  I do not talk religiousness-path.  KRISHANAM VANDE JAGADGURUM

!!!  He only can be the RIGHT GURU.  Believe me, when you will be ready Lord

Krishna will help you indirectly to get you in touch with your right Guru. He

may help you directly depending on how much you are ardent, ARTRA, in your

Sadhana and eagerness to see or meet HIM.  But you should be so much eager, so

that He will have to come to you , because He is very much ready to help and

protect ARTRA devotees .   Lord's name is Artra Trana Parayana and we

should have in our mind confidently stuck this "ARTRA TRANA PARAYAN SAH BHAGWAN


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