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Nitya pooja vidhanm-2.

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Jai Srimannarayan,


what do I mean by the Nitya Pooja.

the universal deity has to be worshiped

daily, in this regards. every individual

is doing in different ways to his own

liking or to the clan which he belongs.

why it should not be onetype so that there

is uniformity in action, form and



the enlighted or the advanced soul in this

act, may perform in advance form as the

taste grows in the manner he / she wants.


Example the time in the temple, the hindus

do througout the day . they are

not having particular time where as in

the church or the Mosque they are

having uniform time and meeting time

to congregate and pray to the God.


In hinduism this uniform approach is

avoided from the inception . can HH

Swamiji take up the cause of this to

have a uniform performance of the pooja

to the Lord. wherein every one will follow.


Jai Sriman Narayana.







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Priya Sriman Naindasji!

Jai Srimannarayana!

We are happy with your opinions with regard to Nitya Puja. One needs to

drink water to satiate the thirst. However, the volume of the water one

drinks differs from one person to the other. And also taste makes them to

accept different drinks to comsume also. One may prefer to take just water

and he is satisfied. Another drinks soft drinks and he is satisfied then

only. Yet another person consumes alcoholic drinks to satiate his thirst.

Though drinking is an act everyone does, there are different way to drink

and different drinks to drink. One needs to learn, what to drink and what

not to drink. So also with God. We want to follow the path tasted and tested

by our ancesters and sages.


For us worshiping God is important. For some people, some form and name will

give satisfaction and for some other people, some other form will satisfy

them. Whatever ways they may be, the devotees should choose and do according

to their taste. There should not be any force on them, for the force never

helps person to love God. Afterall the puja should be done with love and

faith only.


Our ancestors thought that by giving the freedom, people will definitely

spare all the time to God, no matter, in what position and what posture they

are. Thas is how they feel the presence of God as the eternal companion.

That is what infact required. EVen among other religions praying for x

number of times and in x place is also to make them feel the presence of

that God only within themselves.


As ours is the matured system, our sages and acharyas never imposed any

restriction on us. They gave every freedom, in all respects. While doing the

puja also, they said 'feel free in doing that with utmost love and concern'

Then the rules will take secondery place. Concern occupies primary place.

Keeping this in mind the whole doctrine is built. Let yours may be in one

way and others' system is something different, yet "you need to worship your

own and respect all". Unfortunately the inner understanding part has lost

and the external actions took primary place. For other religions, thought

seems immatured and prayers occupy pivital role. Doing everything with

fanatism is only seen. Worshipping their own is seen and respecting the rest

of the world is not at all there. Rather they hate other systems and cannot

tolerate them at all. We consider that a too childish mentality, which

needs a lot of maturity.

The liberity sanctioned by our sages was taken granted by our generations,

as freedom-in-toto, so that we just need not do anything. Yet, everything

will be alright. This over-confidence is always dangerous. We are in that

state now. So some control is inevitable to us also. Some understanding to

others also is a need of the day. Let us hope for that.


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