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Houston Vikasa Tarangini, February Satsang

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Jai Srimannarayana!

Topic: Houston Vikasa Tarangini, February Satsang

Date:Wed Feb 06,2002

Place: Sandhya and Suresh Kasetti's Home

Attendance: 25 adults


We have assembled at Sandhya and Suresh Kasett's residence. We had a group

chanting of Guru parampara shlokas, Sri Lakshmi Ashtottara Shatanama Stotram

and Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram.


The chanting was followed by a talk by Sriman Padmakant Khambati. The topic

was Shri Yamunacharya's "Kanta Chaushloki" also known as Varada Vallabha

Stotram. This is a great creation by Shri Yamunacharya for Mother

Lakshmi.Padmakantji narrated the life history of this great saint who was

born in 918AD.The milestones of his life are Yamunachaya's childhood, his

scriptural debate with Akkiyalwar, earning the title of ALVANDAR,his final

days at Shrirangam and how Shri Ramanuja fulfilled the final three wishes of

Yamunacharya and continued the sacred Viashistadwitha Vedanta.The four

shlokas (Chatushloki)of Mother Lakshmi were explained.


Shriman Jeevan Pulijal gave a brief talk about the wonderful "Shri Vishnu

Shodasha Naama Stotram" from Nitya Anusandha Stotrams for daily chantings.

A devote finds himself/herself under various situatins in life, some

situations favourable, some unfavourable and some routine. No matter what

the situation or a condition a devotee faces, this beautiful stotram

provides a unique Vishnu Naama for the protection of the devotee. The

stotram provides sixteen (16) Namaas and the sixteenth naama is Madhava (

Srimannarayana)for sarva kaaleshu ( for all times). It is a wonderful

stotram and takes only couple of minutes to chant.


The group decided to have the meetings on Thursdays instead of Wednesdays to

facilitate the members to listen Swamiji's telebridge Geetha lectures.

Plans were discussed for upcoming Bhishma Ekadasi and Shri Raamnavami



The group thanked our gracious hosts Sandhya and Suresh Kasetti, who are new

members. Everybody appreciated the efforts of Aparna Jasti in spreading the

news about Vikasa Tarangini activities and motivating new members to join

our group.

With humble pranaams from Houton Vikasa Tarangini devotees to Jeeyar Swami,


Jeevan Pulijal,

Jai Srimannarayana!!!





Thursday, February 07, 2002 3:04 AM


Digest Number 318



Jai SrimanNarayana



There are 5 messages in this issue.


Topics in this digest:


1. Acharya - What does he do for his devotees? Qs

Ramanuja Satagopan <ramanujausa

2. VTNJNY - Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Jayanti & Bhisma Ekadasi Celebratio



3. (unknown)


4. RE: Some clarifications

"Chinna Jeeyar Swamy" <acharya27

5. a day at chinna jeeyar's svami's ashram - Sita Nagar (AP)

"realvaishnav" <danp






Message: 1

Wed, 6 Feb 2002 06:19:39 -0800 (PST)

Ramanuja Satagopan <ramanujausa

Acharya - What does he do for his devotees? Qs


Dear All:


I had been posting a few questions to some other

members in this list, but off late have not got any

repsonses (from Mukundji) so i am bring this

discussion back to the list)


What is it that the Acharya does to the devotees?

(What is it that cannot be received from the books)


Why this extra step between god and devotee?


Mukundji was mentioning PanchaSamskara (Samashreyanam)

as a intitation into the SriVaishnava sampradaya.

Can someone elborate on this. (Who is qualified to get

intiated, and who is qualified to intiate)


Thanking you all in advance.


PS: Mukundji I sent you a few mails, but got no reply,

hence i am posting this back to the list.

In case your e-mail has changed, please let me know I

will try to keep personal discusions outside the list.


Your past mails have been very informative & useful

and i look forward to your communication.





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Message: 2

Wed, 6 Feb 2002 10:07:03 -0500


VTNJNY - Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Jayanti & Bhisma Ekadasi Celebratio



Asmad Gurubhyo Namaha!

Jai Srimannarayana! 

Invitation  to   Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Jayanti &

Bhishma Ekadasi Celebration


Dear Devoties,

Vikasatarangini New Jersey / New York would like to invite all of you

with your families and friends to celebrate Sri Vishnu Sahasranama

Jayanti and Sri Bhishma Ekadasi on Saturday, February 23rd, 2002.  Let

us join together to chant Sri Vishnu Sahasranama stotram at least 108

times collectively. 


Date:    Saturday February 23rd, 2002

Time:    5.00PM sharp.  Please come at least 15 minutes early.

Place:      Aparajita

             23 Blossom Hill Dr.,

             Plainsboro  NJ  08536

phone:   609-750-1143   


Program:   Group chanting of Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram.  Our goal

is to chant at least 108 times.  For example, if 40 people attend, we

will chant 3 times. 


All the devotees with their families and friends are welcome to join the

group chanting of the divine names of Lord Srimannarayana on this very

auspicious day.  Please come early so that we can finish early. 


For serving Prasadam, please bring a dish, enough for 10 people, to

share with other devotees.

Prasadam Ideas:  Pulihara, Vegetable Curries, Vegetable Rice, Pongal,

Fruit Salad, Sweets, etc.


We appreciate very much if you let us know your attendance in advance. 


Best Regards

Ramanuja Dasa

Sarma and Vijaya Allakki


Jai Srimannarayana!






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Message: 3

Wed, 06 Feb 2002 15:37:12 -0000





sri rama rama ramethi rame raame manorame

sahasra nama thattulyam rama nama varanane.



once we channt this holy slokam is equalto thousand times of rama

rama chanting. please explain.


mohan ellinki










Message: 4

Wed, 6 Feb 2002 22:56:14 -0600

"Chinna Jeeyar Swamy" <acharya27

RE: Some clarifications



Aravind Raman [raman_aravind]

Wednesday, November 28, 2001 9:56 PM

Jetusa (E-mail)

Some clarifications

Importance: High



Jai Sriman Narayana:


adiye:n has two questions as follows for which I request Sri HH Chinna

Jeeyar Swamiji to kindly clarify:



1. Why did Sri Ramanuja say that each Sri Vaishnavite should stay for

some time in Melkote

(Thiruna:ra:yanapuram)? Is that place holier than Sri Rangam,

Tirupathi & other Divya De:sams?

Priya Sriman Aravind!

Jai Srimanarayana!

Melkote is Melkote only. You need not compare that place with any other

Divya Kshethram. For the comparision always has a particular para-meter like

great in what, when and so on. Each place has one greatness of it's own

which other places may not having. Melkote, now, is a place, where That

Acharya Ramanuja adopted a few revolutionary changes in Vedic Sampradayam,

by accepting HARIJAN & MUSLIMS also as Srivaishnavas, for the first time in

the recent history. It was in Sastras of course, but was in dark. It is thus

called "jnana mandapam". Of course, he started propagating his Sribhashyam,

a commentary on Brahmasutras, also from that place so that name. These are

the few reasons he liked that place should be visited by a seeker to get the

real Vedic inspiration.


2. What is the significance of A:ditya Hrudayam Stotram? Can a Sri

Vaishnavite recite the same?

Aditya Hrudayam, reveals the greatness of the Sun, as the divine abode of

Lord Srimannarayana. All truth lovers can chant that.


Jai Sriman Narayana:


adiYEn rAmAnuja dAsan

aravind rAman




Jai SrimanNarayana





[This message contained attachments]







Message: 5

Wed, 06 Feb 2002 18:45:24 -0000

"realvaishnav" <danp

a day at chinna jeeyar's svami's ashram - Sita Nagar (AP)


ramanuja, "tavaradhan" <tavaradhan> wrote:

srImathE rAmAnujAya namah

srImathE vara vara munayE namah


dear bhAgavathAs,


Mukundan and myself (along with his wife and smt. chitra madhavan)

were very fortunate to be able to spend the most

part of a day with srI. tridaNdi srIman nArAyaNa rAmAnuja chinna

jIyar svAmi at his Ashram near vijayawada yesterday. {On a side note,

all the sanyAsis following the rAmAnuja sampradAya are tridaNdis,

but it is interesting to note that for chinna jIyar svAmi, the common

term used to refer to Him is tridaNdi jIyar svAmi}.


This Ashram is a place that should be on the must-visit list for

anyone wanting to learn about how great teachers are striving to

pass on the tradition to all intersted people.


chinna jIyar svAmi is adept at using new technology to serve the

purpose of our religion. There is a computer lab (actually research

center) that is being used for various purposes - for publishing

the monthly issues of bhaktinivEdana magazine, for recording and

making CDs of svAmi's upanyAsams and key stOtras and for conducting

research in vEdas and preserving them for posterity.


svAmi has set up about 8 vEdic schools, each one specializing in

one sAkhA of one vEda. Interested students are invited from families

that are traditionally in this line (priests, upAdhyAyAs etc.) and

others who are interested as well. They undergo a course of study

ranging from 7 to 10 years to master the branch that they belong

to, and at the end of the study, an examination is conducted by

an renowned scholar. EAch successful student gets a sum of 50000

rupees, and chinna jIyar svAmi also arranges for employment in this

line. For those who wish to teach, jIyar svAmi arranges for them

to take up that service within the schools that he has set up.

Similarly, there is a divya prabhandha school and an Agama school

as well. All these schools are located in various places across

Andhra and in sriperumbudur and srirangam in tamilnadu.


The computer research center attempts to capture the authentic

sounds of each veda sakha,. the key idea is to preserve the sounds

so that it can be represented in any language. The center also

puts out multimedia CDs on many things - for example, there is

a multimedia CD for how to do sandhyavandhanam that takes the

seeker through the steps, and demonstrations by students. The

current project they are working on is a multimedia CD on



There is a recording studio within the Ashram that is used for

recording svAmi's TV upanyAsams. This is a state-of-the art

studio with the latest sound-mixing capability.


The Ashram's surroundings are very serene. One can listen to

children chanting vEdAs and/or learning Agamas throughout

the day in teh different classrooms. There are different kinds

of animals in the ashram - deer, cows, goats, swans etc. -

The offices of Jeeyar Educational Trust and Vikasa Tarangini

(a social service organization) are also present. Here, one can

meet with the organizers of the various programmes and learn

about the practical aspects involved.


chinna jeeyar svami spent a lot of time talking to us about

different ways to make the precious concepts available to anyone

who is interested. His universality of thought, and compassion

for others is unique. His leadership ability, and clarity

of vision, coupled with His other qualities indeed make him

the Ramanuja of our times.


A good news for all of us - chinna jeeyar svami is actively

pursuing the publication of the monthly "bhaktinivedana" in

English. One or two issues have come in the past, but the need

is to make it regular. Currently efforts are being made to set

the base for supporting that effort. svami has qualified

artists to help illustrate aspects of our religion, and the

professional setup necessary to bring the magazine to life

every month. The goal is to have the magazine to be published

regularly from march/april of this year.


I urge everyone that is interested to set aside some time and

visit this Ashram atleast once. It truly is a enjoyable

and learning experience.


aazhvaar emperumaanaar jeyar thiruvadigale saranam,


adiyEn ramanuja dasan,


--- End forwarded message ---











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