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question about gayatri Mantra

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Smt. Katyayaniji!

Jai Srimannaryana!

WE are happy for the interest you have in knowing

about the Gayathri and its origin.


As you read, Viswamithra was the sage who experience

the greatness of the Gayathri Manthra. Because of him,

the world came to understand the greatness of that


You may be knowing the story of that Sage Viswamithra.

He was the disciple of Sage Vasishta and out of

jealousy, fought with his guru and ultimately got

defeated before Vasishta. He acquired the

Dhanussasthra in toto and fight with his Guru. Yet he

could not succeed. Ultimately he realised his

foolishness and conquered his bad emotions, gave up

them in his tapas. That lead him to become the guru to

the Great Ramachendra in teaching all the secrets of

archery. That also lead him to perform the marriage of

Sri Ramachendra with Sitha.

That was the reason his name also became Viswa:mithra.

A friend to the whole world.


Viswamithra, used the Gayathri manthra only to do all

these things. That manthra elevated him to the peaks

of excellence, in due course. So great rishies

accepted that Viswamithra was the seet of the Manthra

Gayathri. A seer does not mean a founder or creater.

That manthra was there even before viswamithra and

vasishta also. Yet, all others were chanting that

manthra, as a regular duty, while performing the

Sandhya vandan. But Viswamithra, showed the effecasy

of that manthra, as howmuch power that manthra


In fact, this gayathri manthra is the elaboration of

the manthra Ashtakshari. So Ashtakshari manthra is

more powerful and accessible to all. And then, that

ashtakshari manthra is the elaborated form of "o:m".

Here, o:m is not that accessible to all, for , there

are some possibilities to mis-interpret that o:mkara.

Hence Gayathri and O:mkara also have somany

restrictions to chant. Whereas Narayana Ashtakshari,

has no such regidities for chanting.

The essence of all these three manthras is

'surrenderance to the Lord Narayana, the originator of

this Universe only'.

You have asked that ladies are eligibel to chant.

Everybody is eligible to meditate Ashtakshari Manthra,

getting it from a Guru, for that is recommended to do

so. Other manthras like O:mkara and gayathri, were

restricted to meditate upon. They can read and learn

the meaning, but need not meditate. That is the

reason, infact, Acharya Ramanuja, gave that

Ashtakshari only to everybody interested in it, from

the top of the temple tower of Goshtipuram in


3 times you mentioned, is related to the performance

of Sndhyavandanam by people who take threat

marriage(upanayanam). It is only to those who are

ordained with the responsibility of offering prayers

three times a day. And it is to pray to the Lord

Narayana in the Planet Sun. That sandhyavandanam with

Gayathri manthra, rather, a burden to them. That

burden is not there to everybody, who wants protection

from God. Ashtakshari in that case, is very powerful,

free from all restrictions and sanctioned by the


Even if we commit mistakes, while chanting, that never

harms us. For Gayathri and Omkara such sanctions are

not there, for they are built up with swara,

intonation. If we disturb that swara, it harms the




--- katyayani mellacheruvu

<yanimellacheruvu wrote:


> Jai Srimannarayana Swamiji,


> I am katyayani from washington. With your

> blessings we are all fine

> here Swamiji. We are going to perform MahaLakshmi

> puja at Ravi Aharam's

> residence.


> Swamiji I have adoubt about "Gayatri Mantra". On

> the internet I read one

> article, that is, the sound produced by fast moving

> earth, planets galaxies

> is 'OM' which was heard during meditation by

> Rishi Viswamithra. He mentioned it to his colleagues

> and then they

> decided to that sound 'Om' the name of God. It was

> first ever revolutionary

> idea to identify formless God with a specific title

> called 'Upadhi'. And

> that sound is available all the threee periods of

> time. Then viswamitra

> came up with 'Gayatri' mantra.

> My questions are

> 1. Is really Vishwamitra was the first one to hear

> the sound 'Om'?


> 2.How come that sound was available only three

> periods of time?


> 3.Can women are eligible to chant 'Gayatri Mantra'.


> Jai Srimannaryana

> devotee

> katyayani.










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Greetings - send holiday greetings for Easter, Passover


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