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Questions to Jeeyar...

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SrimathE RAmAnujAya Nama:


Dear Sri Sri Sri Chinna jeeyar swami,


I have some small small silly doubts/questions and it's

better to remain stupid for couple of days than to remain stupid

forever! I want your anugraham on me. My questions are:


(i) According to Thenkalai sampradAyam,we start Sri sailEsa...And it

was chanted by none other than the Azhagiya MaNavALan/SriRanganatha.

Why the vadakalai sampradAyam doesn't recite that during sARRumuRai?

My father used to say that much after maNavALa mAmunigaL's time,the

difference in feelings started among people in mElkOte first. Is it

true? We all know that till the advent of RAmAnujA untouchables

weren't allowed in the temples and Udaiyavar opened the gates of the

temple for all in Tiru NArAyaNapuram.


(ii)EmperumAnAr/Bhagavad RAmAnujA expresses Bhakti as the mode of

realization for mOkshA. If I understand BG very little,I see that

from Chapter 18:66,all it means is Prapatti. I conclude(I could be

highly wrong!)that KriSNA says that even an expert swimmer may get

drowned in the oceanic waves/samsArA(similarly however expert one is

in brahma vidyAs,one may not cross the ocean of samsArA),so

"surrender to Me Alone(as I represent everything and not the other

wat round,just as the difference between proper noun/NArAyaNA and a

common noun/Siva,ViSNu etc)and I will lead you" and I detect a

similarity between this and "mArjara" philosophy. My question is

RAmAnujA should have said something about prapatti in SriBhASyam if

not why. It is said that(I was reading Baladeva's commentary on

Badarayana's brahma suTrA)BadarAyaNA himself quotes BG in Brahma

sUtrA. What exactly bhakti means as per RAmAnuja's sribhAshyam?


(iii)Is Bhagavad Gita considered as both sruti and smrti text? Is

there any written references(vEdAs)that it is a sruti text? Can you

quote the sUtrA that says that BG is a sruti text?


(iv)Gadya trayam and Nitya AnusanthAnam were written by RAmAnujA

during his midlife. Gadya trayam is an outpouring of RAmAnujA's love

for SriRanganatha(he says "You're my everything etc."). Is there any

written document by RAmAnujA or His successors/our pUrvAchAryAs

saying that Prapatti is the only means and also the end? In

saraNAgati gadyam,EmperumAnAr uses the word parabhakti-parajnyAna-

paramabhakti many times. Though I understand "some" samskrt I don't

want to assume anything. What is he asking Lord Ranganatha?


(v)Regarding kUraththAzhwAn:Is there a role of karmA here? Or just to

prove AchArya bhakti he loses his sight? God could have done

something to prevent dear kUrEsan from losing his sight?(I know that

he had a spiritual eye but somehow I couldn't digest that story

because I love kurathAzhwAn and AndAL).


Forgive me for all my ajnyAnam and bless me with jnyAnam


AzhwAr EmperumAnAr Jeeyar TiruvadigaLE saraNam

nallan chakravarthy gita

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