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Info on SimhAsanAdipati

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Salutations to H.H. Sri Sri Sri Tridandi Ramanuja Chinna Jeeyar Swami!




SrimathE RAmAnujAya Nama:


Dear Sri Chinna Jeear Swami,


I want some information about Tirumalai Nallan

Chakravarthy. I presume that EmperumAnAr appointed

these 74 to do service to God. If so then these 74

must be his contemporaries. I am from Ramanuja (maNavALa

mAmunigal's) sampradaya (both maternal and paternal

side). Someone told me that Tirumalai Chakravarthy

was a disciple of Swami Desikan. And also that

(Azhagar Tirumalai) MAdabhusi was another name for

ParAsara Bhattar(is it true?).


Was "sARRumuRai" listed as a part of Nitya AnusanthAnam

by RAmAnujA? Why I'm asking is "MaNavALa mamunigaL's

name comes in the sARRumuRai and other AchAryAs too"?

EmperumAnAr knew about these and wrote or did someone

else write this at a later time? We consider maNavALa

mAmunigaL as an avatAr of RAmAnujA and AdisEshA. Just to

add:I have blind,unshakable,infinite faith in EmperumAnAr.


Can anyone(devotee of RAmAnujA&NArAyaNA) write "RAmAnujA

dAsan/dAsyai" or only those who have undergone



I couldn't think till you gave the "vehicle" example

and BhagawAn's causeless blessing. I came up with my

own analogy after I read your reply. (If a mother wants

to feed her baby or not is upto her will, there need not

be any reason/cause). God gives mOkshA to us at His will.

But this truly amazes me!


I am blessed to read all your replies to my questions.

If I said anything wrong(out of aj~nyAnam),please forgive



AzhwAr EmperumAnAr Jeeyar TiruvadigaLE saraNam

sarpam krSNArpaNam astu


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Jai Sriman Narayana.

adiyEn's praNaamangaL to Sri chinna jeeyar swami.


I would like to offer a small amount of information

related to the question below. Thirumalai Nallaan

is the name of one of the 74 simhasanadipathis

appointed by udayavar. This title refers not to

a single individual, but to a whole vamSam. This

vamSam has prefix "thirumalai" from their previous

origins in the seven hills, and the name of "nallaan"

due to one of their ancestors' noble deeds - in which

he performed the last rites of an unknown person and

earned the wrath of society (in other words, oorukku

pollaan, emakku nallaan says PerumAL himself!)


The AchAryan of thirumalai nallaan lineage who was

a contemporary of udayavar was therefore, not a

disciple of swami desikan - because he preceded

swami desikan in chronology. Now, the other name

you mentioned, "madabusi" - derives from "mAtru

bhooShaNam"; a title given to one vamSam a very,

very long time ago. adiyEn has heard there is a

story from Srimad Ramayanam which explains the origin

of the mAtru bhooShaNam title. It is not known,

whether swami kooratthAlvan and his son Sri ParaSara

Bhattar were from this lineage, although they were

svayamAchAryas. For your reference, please see the

following (long!!) list from the bhakti archives,

dated July 1995:


adiyEn SriRangapriya daasan,

-Srinath C.



74 mudhali-s (in Sanskrit simhaasanaadhipathi-s)

appointed by

Sri Ramanuja 1137 AD


1. sottai nambi s/o aaLavandhaar, His son ennaacchaan,

his son piLLaiappan.

2. pundareekar s/o periya nambi

3. theRkaazhvaan s/o thirukOttiyoor nambi

4. sundhara thOLudaiyaan s/o thirumalaiyaandaan

5. ramaanujam s/o peria thirumalai nambi and his son

thirumalai nambi

6. kooraththaazhvaan,/battar/sriraama piLLai

7. mudhaliyaandaan/kandhaadai aandaan

8. naduvil aazhvaan

9. kOmadaththu aazhvaan

10. thiruk kOvaloor aazhvaan

11. thirumOgoor aazhvaan

12. piLLaipiLLai aazhvaan

13. nadaadhoor aazhvaan

14. engaLaazhvaan

15. ananthaazhvaan

16. miLagaazhvaan

17. neyyundaazhvaan

18. sEttaloor siRiyaazhvaan

19. vEdhaanthiyaazhvaan

20. kOyil aazhvaan

21. ukkal aazhvaan

22. araNa puraththu aazhvaan

23. embaar

24. kidaambi aachchaan

25. kaNiyanoor siRiyaachchaan

26. eechchambaadi aachchaan

27. kongil aachchaan

28. eechchambaadi seeyar

29. thirumalai nallaan

30. sattampaLLi seeyar

31. thiruveLLaRai seeyar

32. aatkonda villi seeyar

33. thirunagari piLLaan

34. kaaraanci sOmajiyaar

35. alankaara vEngadavar

36. nambi karundhEvar

37. siRuppuLLi dhEvaraaja Battar

38. piLLi uRandhai udaiyaar

39. thiruk kurugai piraan piLLaan

40. periya kOvil vaLLalaar

41. thiru kaNNapuraththu araiyar

42. aasoorip perumaaL

43. munip perumaaL

44. ammangip perumaaL

45. maaruthip periyaandaan

46. matronRillaa maaruthicciRiyaandaan

47. SOmaasiyaandaan

48. seeyar aandaan

49. eeSvar aandaan

50. eeyuNNi piLLai aandaan

51. periyaandaan

52. siRiyaandaan

53. kuRinchiyoor siRiyaandaan

54. ammangi yaandaan

55. aaLavandhaar aandaan

56. aruLaaLap perumaaLemperumaanaar

57. thondanoor nambi

58. marudhoor nambi

59. mazhuvoor nambi

60. thirukkurungudi nambi

61. kuravai nambi

62. mudumbai nambi

63. vaduga nambi

64. vangeepuraththu nambi

65. sriparaangusa nambi

66. ammangi ammaaL

67. paruththi koLLai ammaaL

68. ukkalam ammaaL

69. sottai ammaaL

70. mudumbai ammaaL

71. komaandoorp piLLai

72. komaandoor iLaiyavilli

73. kidaambi perumaaL

74. kaattup piLLaan


Source: Acharya Vaibhava Manjari, by Puttur S.

Krishnaswamy Iyengar.

Puttur, Trichi.



> Tue, 04 Jun 2002 15:07:08 -0000

> "vaidhehi_nc" <nappinnai_nc

> Info on SimhAsanAdipati


> I want some information about Tirumalai Nallan

> Chakravarthy. I presume that EmperumAnAr appointed

> these 74 to do service to God. If so then these 74

> must be his contemporaries. I am from Ramanuja

> (maNavALa

> mAmunigal's) sampradaya (both maternal and paternal

> side). Someone told me that Tirumalai Chakravarthy

> was a disciple of Swami Desikan. And also that

> (Azhagar Tirumalai) MAdabhusi was another name for

> ParAsara Bhattar(is it true?).




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SrimathE RAmAnujAya nama:


Dear Srinath,


Thanks for your reply. Sri Elayavalli who frequently

posts to everybody on simhAnAdipathis told me this but

that raised a gross suspicion in me because I have

heard my father saying that Tirumalai Chakravarthy got

the name "NallAn" from Kanji "Varadar(Devaraja perumAL)"

Himself and he was a contemporary of RAmAnujA. So I put

that question in this list. I am waiting for HH Sri

Jeeyar Swami to send a reply.


People misinform a lot. I strongly feel there is a

tremendous need to educate people about the "real truth".

I heard that our HH Sri Jeeyar Swami is doing that



Before I became a member of this site,I read somewhere(I

don't remember the site name)that "Tirumalai chakravarthy"

was a disciple of Swami Desikan. That was a surprise for

me because I knew the story that you also said. When I

searched on simhAsanAdipathis, Sri Elayavalli's name came

in and hence I sent a mail to him and got this answer.


Anyways a person who is in the pursuit of truth will

verify the authenticity through various means.


Thanks for giving some information about Madabusi. From

what I have heard through my mother(who is no more)that

this ancestor was a NityasUri(equal to AzhwAr sthAnam)

and the ancestor(two/three generations before my mothers)

was the one who taught P.B.AnnangarAchAriar swami vedas.

She must have heard it from her father(word of mouth).

I don't know whether it's true or not.


Thanks again

AzhwAr EmperumAnAr Jeeyar TiruvadigaLE saraNam


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