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Fwd: Digest Number 425

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Jai Sriman Narayana!

Asmad Gurubhyo namaha.


> (Q) Where is Viraja nadi located? Is it a Milky-way?


The actual location of Viraja Nadi can be perceived

only by those who are in pure Satvik mode. Viraja

means without rajo guna. With our limitations, it is

impossible for one to think of the location of viraja

nadi. We have to simply accept what the acharyas (and

Vedas) say regarding its existance. Our boides aloow

us to perceive only four dimensions (three spacial and

one temporal dimension). We can not conceve beyond. I

am afraid that Viraja nadi is beyond coneption until

we give up all rajas and thamsic gunas. Then, we have

to read the satvik puranans with the gogles of

devotion (Bhakthi Sidhanajanam), then you will come to

know the location.


> (Q) Where is Heaven (Indra loka) located in nitya

> vibhuti


Please kindly read Srimad Bhagavatham. It describes

well the location of Indraloka.


> or leela vibhuti? Are there only two vibutis?


Again, please kinndly read the Satvik puranas and you

will find an answer.


> (Q) Is parampadam in nitya vibhuti?

Yes, the paramapadam is the nithya vibhoothi.


> (Q) In one of the emails HH mentions that during

> chaturmasya

> Lord Narayana along with consorts and adisesha comes

> down

> to Milky ocean and is always in listen mode when all

> the devotees' problems are specially catered for.

> Where is

> this milky ocean (paalakadali), with respect to

> lokas

> and vibhutis?


To obtain the mundane (material, scientific)knowledge,

we have to go though a series of courses before, we

can grasp the scientific knowledge. Moreover, there

are patents of important processes. Do you think that

without any preparation, we can order answers to the

most important secrets of the universe?


> (Q) In one of the emails HH mentions that during

> Sri Vaikunta Ekadasi a special door to Vaikuntam

> is opened. Is Vaikuntam in Nitya Vibhuthi?

> Are Vaikuntam and Parampadam and Moksham same?


After you start reading the puranas and the sri

sookthis of alwars and poorvacharyas, you will develop

a definetion of mukthi and the answers lie on your

defenetion of mukthi.


Yes, there is a Vaikunta planet in the leela vibhoothi

but the the real vaikuntam is Nithy vibhoothi and

mukthi usually means going to the nithy vibhoothi or

the real vaikunta planet.



> (Q) Where are other lokas like Pitru lokas? How many

> lokas are there in total?


These lokas are well described in Srimad Bhagavatham.



Narender Reddy

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Dear Reddyji,


> > (Q) Where is Viraja nadi located? Is it a Milky-way?


>The actual location of Viraja Nadi can be perceived

>only by those who are in pure Satvik mode.


Knowing my limitations, I have requested HH Sri Jeeyar

Swami, for the information.


>am afraid that Viraja nadi is beyond coneption until

>we give up all rajas and thamsic gunas. Then, we have

>to read the satvik puranans with the gogles of

>devotion (Bhakthi Sidhanajanam), then you will come to

>know the location.


If someone asks where Sydney is, it's like asking them

to get rid of their rajas and thamasic gunas and then

asking them to go through georgraphy and then wearing

3D glasses, and then asking them to go through Atlas

which is 3D-enabled. I would rather ask someone who has

seen and experienced everything. Its better to surrender

to someone who has everything, knows everything, can

take you anywhere anytime rather than doing svaprayathnam.




> > (Q) Where is Heaven (Indra loka) located in nitya

> > vibhuti


>Please kindly read Srimad Bhagavatham. It describes

>well the location of Indraloka.

>Again, please kinndly read the Satvik puranas and you

>will find an answer.


Thanks for the 'kind' replies.



>are patents of important processes. Do you think that

>without any preparation, we can order answers to the

>most important secrets of the universe?


Kindly read the email request sent out. I have not

'ordered' any answers. Please don't mis-represent like

journalists. Please check the rules of this list.

One of the rules says "feel free to ask any challenging

spiritual questions"


>After you start reading the puranas and the sri

>sookthis of alwars and poorvacharyas, you will develop

>a definetion of mukthi and the answers lie on your

>defenetion of mukthi.


Like mentioned, I don't want to develop a definition of

my own, on my own, as there is a danger. If perumal wants

to reveal the secrets through our acharya so be it and

since He wants me us more than we want Him, because of

our dear Mother, I have full confidence in acharya and

will eagerly wait for His revelations rather than doing

things you have suggested. But thanks for your suggestions.


Jai Srimannarayana

Ramanuja Ramanuja Ramanuja

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