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Srimad Ramayana Tathva Deepika #72 Ba:la Ka:nda

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Srimathe Ramanujayanamaha!

Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Saranam!!


Ravana was seen in the bird that was ridden with passion and fell to the ground.

Sri Rama was visualized in nisha:da. The scene of Mando:dari grieving for felled

Ravana resembled the instance of the krounchi wailing for her mate.

Valmiki did ‘mangala:Sa:sanam’ for Sri Ramachandra.


‘ma: nisha:da! Sriyah pathi:! Sreeniva:sa:!

‘Ma:’ = Sree.

Nisha:da = niva:sa (dwells)

Ma:nisha:da = Sri:niva:sa!

Addressed Sri:niva:sa thus. In the beginning it looks as if “ma” and

“nisha:da” are different words. Now both look as a single word.


Thvam = you

Krouchamidhuna:th = in the demon couple

Ka:mamo:hitham = blinded by lust and passion

Ae:kam = the one male

Avadhi:h = ( you) killed

So, thvam = you

SaSvathi:h sama:h = for ever

Prathishtta:m = standing

Agamaha = (you) attain. Thus Valmiki did the mangala:Sasanam to Sri



‘Krouncham’ is a bird. It is small. Walks crookedly. So it is called

‘kroucham’. The dha:thu ‘krunch’ means ‘koutilyam’ meaning crookedness; and

‘alpi:bhavam’ meaning mean-mindedness. Thus there are two meanings for the word


a) krunch = koutilyam = crookedness

b) krunch = alpathvam = mean mindedness



The demons’ nature is ‘kutilam’. They are both crooked and mean minded. Such

ra:kshasa couple was Mando:dari and Ra:vana – among whom the male struck with

lust was killed by Sri Rama. Thus the inner meaning appears as- Valmiki sang

mangalam to Sri Ramachandra for accomplishing the task of the celestials and for

taking care of the well being of the world.


A literary work that has an outer meaning and another inner meaning hidden -

that does not distort the exterior meaning and powerful enough to evolve our

a:thma and manas - is called a ‘ka:vyam’. In this the meaning of the Upanishad

is delineated. Our a:thma means the ‘ji:va’. This is imprisoned in the body

called ‘lanka’ by the manas called ‘ra:vaNa’. As soon as a:thma gets the

connection with the manas, the purest a:thma gets ‘alpathvam’. These qualities

will be got by it because of the connection with the ‘prakrithi’. The sathva,

rajas and the thamas are the three qualities that cause the change in the manas.

Thamoguna gives rise to fascination and sleep, rajo:guna causes grief and

temptation. Sathvam gives rise to radiance of a:thma and happiness; jna:nam

shines. In this body called ‘lanka’ there dwell three brothers. The manas

dominated by thamoguna is Kumbhakarna. The manas that is dominated by rajas is

Ravana. The manas that is dominated by sathvam is Vibheeshana. These three are

the three states of manas.


(In the next posting …)

Jai srimannarayana!

Ramanujamma Mudumbai, rd.

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