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Gita Jyothi week No.38 (Part #5)

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Sri krishna parabrahmane Namaha!


[This is the translation of Gita Jyothi Week No.38 Sloka graced by, Sri Sri Sri

Tridandi Chinna Jeeyar Swami, in Bhakthi Nivedana ]


Jeeyar Thiruvadigale saranam!


So we will take our food. We need not give it away. But it will reach Bhagavan

in the Vaiswa:nara form who is present in us and in all. It means though the

food we put in goes to our stomach only, that stomach delivers the food in the

form of energy to all parts of body, keeps them healthy and in turn it remains

healthy. In the same way if we can give the food with the idea that it is for

‘Paramathma in the Vaiswa:nara:gni form’ saying ‘krishna:rpanamasthu’ then He

will transfer it to all ‘prani:s’. Then we too will be able to be healthy.

‘Serve All Beings as Service to God’ means this only. This is ‘Sweeya

a:ra:dhana’. This is the a:ra:dhana of Bhagavan. When we say – respect all

beings it means doing with this notion. This is the proof of that worship.


Lord says – ‘pacha:mi annam chaturvidham’. ‘I’ only send to the deva, manava,

thiryak and the sthavarams what ever they need in the required form. So you

recognise ME and take food as my worship. Thus it has been illustrated in this

sloka. Hence today onwards whenever we take food, we shall try to take it with

the feeling of ‘Krishna:rpanam’.



adiyen ramanuja dasaha

Vamsi Mohan Mudumbai

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