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Q - sandhya time

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Jay Sriman Narayana!


Dear respected bhaktas,

accept my humble pranams


Our tight schedule can be very cruel to our devotional activities, specially for

a fallen one like me. Adyien works in a hospital far from home. Sometimes

because of the traffic, the boss and various situations, I am not able to be

back in time to perform the afternoon sandhya that is VITAL for us. In this

sense, What can I do when I arrive a little bit late for the regular sandhya?

What could be the less harmful way? Is there a schedule tolerance for Sandhya?



Ramanuja dasan,


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Jay Sriman Narayana!


Dear sri Raghuram, very happy to know that you are very serious about performing

sandhyavandanam. Here is some information I recall (from vaidyanatha

deekshiteeyam ,if I remember correctly)): One must perform sandhya vandanam

3 times a day. Morning, afternoon, and evening. (Historical records are there

stating that Sri Ramanujachaarya performed sandhya vandanam even at the age of

120!) To clarify the sandhya vandana process, it has the following aspects,

1)upto arghya pradanam & tarpanam

2)gayatri japam


For morning sandhya vandanam it is recommended that 1&2 be performed while the

stars are there in sky; and part 3 after sunrise (looking at sun). Madhyahnika

sandhya vandanam be performed between 11am-12pm.(if that is not possible, one

may perform anytime between sunrise and sunset). Evening sandhya vandanam to be

performed just before the sunset. For any sandhyavandanam, if it is not possible

to do at the right time, perform it with a prayaschitta arghya pradanam(one more

arghya pradanam)at the earliest chance. even if place, circumstance does not

allow one to perform sandhya vandanam(ex. traveling on a flight), perform it

mentally (manasikam). the important thing here is that one MUST NEVER GIVE UP

SANDHYA VANDANAM. If one gives up sandhya vandanam for 3 consecutive

(morning,afternoon, and evening)times , he must go through the samskaram again.

some people say that just do japam, that's enough..., No, that is not enough,

atleast that is not what the scripture says. Whatever we do, we have to base it

on scriptural injunction. In this case, one must know how to perform sandhya

vandanam. There are so many sources to learn that, including electronic

media-audio,video. One who does not perform sandhya vandanam is not qualified to

perform anything (including anuyagam-eating prasadam). Even during maila/teetu

(the time period when some is born/died in a family), the scripture says one

must not give up sandhyavandanam, during this time one must perform upto arghya

pradanam, and the rest shoud be performed mentally (manasikam). the subject is

getting toooo long, so we will stop here.


Jai sreeman narayana

sreenivasa ramanuja dasan


> Our tight schedule can be very cruel to our

> devotional activities, specially for a fallen one

> like me. Adyien works in a hospital far from home.

> Sometimes because of the traffic, the boss and

> various situations, I am not able to be back in time

> to perform the afternoon sandhya that is VITAL for

> us. In this sense, What can I do when I arrive a

> little bit late for the regular sandhya? What could

> be the less harmful way? Is there a schedule

> tolerance for Sandhya?

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