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Narayana Upanishad & Personalism

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For those of this forum who cling to "Personalism" I herewith present the text

of the Narayana Upanishad which is a Vedic text accepted by all our Acharyas

without reserve. The meaning to me is quite clear and does not need exegetic

gymnastics to understand, or to force it into a "Personalist matrix". Mimamsa

rules of exegesis state that if a text is clear in its prima facie understanding

there is no need to apply rules of interpretation.




Then Narayana, the Supreme Person desired ' I shall produce offspring.'From

Narayana emanates the Life Breath, mind and the sense organs, ether, air, fire,

water, and the earth that supports all. From Narayana emanates Brahma. From

Narayana emanates Rudra. From Narayana emanates Indra. From Narayana emanates

Prajapati (The Divine Progenitor). From Narayana emanates the 12 Adityas,

Rudras, Vasus and all the Vedic metres (chandas). From Narayana only do they

proceed. Through Narayana do they prosper. In Narayana are they reabsorbed. This

the Rig Veda teaches. 1.


Narayana is eternal. Brahma is Narayana. Siva is Narayana. Indra is Narayana.

Time is Narayana. Space is Narayana, the intermediate quarters also are

Narayana. That which is above is Narayana. That which is below is Narayana. That

which is within and that which is without is Narayana. The entire Universe

which existed and that which will exist is Narayana. Narayana is the only One

that is immaculate, sinless, changeless, indescribable, pure and divine. There

is no second. Whoseover knows Him thus, becomes Vishnu. This the Yajur Veda



2. One should utter Om first, then namah and thereafter Narayana. Om is a

single syllable. Namah consists of two syllables. Narayana consists of five

syllables. This is the mantra of eight syllables (ashtakshari) pertaining to

Narayana. Whoever studies this mantra and chants it constantly, attains full

life and supremacy over men. He enjoys royal pleasures and becomes the master of

the senses. He attains Liberation, yea Final Liberation. This the Sama Veda



3. The Yogi that recites the name of Him who is Bliss Absolute, The Great Being,

and who is represented by AUM, is released from the bondage of birth and

mundane existence. He who chants the mantra om namo narayanaya attains

Vaikunta. That is this Lotus, it is replete with transcendental wisdom and

bright as lightning. The son of Devaki (Krishna) is the Supreme, Madhusudana is

the Supreme, Narayana who pervades all beings, who is ONE only, the Cause of

all being Himself causeless is the Supreme Being.


4. Whoever recites this Upanisad, in the morning destroys thereby the sins

committed during the night. Whoever recites it in the evening destroys thereby

the sins committed during the day. Whoever recites it both morning and evening

becomes free from all sins, regardless of how sinful he may be. Whoever recites

it at midday facing the sun is freed from the five heinous sins and all minor

ones. He derives the same merit produced by the recitation of all the Vedas.

Whoever knows this attains Union with Narayana. He attains union with Narayana.

This is the Upanisad.


5. NARAYANA = Ground of all being

VAIKUNTHA = The unimpeded state, free from hinerance or suffering


Please also not Union with Narayna is mentioned. If this is too close to Advaita

then so be it, the Advaiti scholars are also very adept at understanding Veda.

Sectarian arrogance in the supremacy of our learning alone should be avoided.

Perhaps we should start looking for common thread and not constantly seek



The other question which comes to mind is if our view is the only correct one

then why are we in the minority? Many millons of Hindus in north India have not

even heard of the Srivaishnava sampradaya. I think if a census were conducted we

would discover that the Saivites and Advaitis outnumber the Srivaishnavas by

about 100 to 1.



Sri Ram

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